The Twisted Mind of Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffery Dahmer was a famous serial killer around the late 70’s through the early ’90s. He was famous for the dismemberment of 17 men and boys and was a well-known sex offender. But his later murders involved necrophilia and even cannibalism. He was diagnosed with many disorders that might have made him do these terrible things like a personality disorder. Plus, Jeffrey had a weird obsession with animals and animal bones that he preserved. Also, Jeffery Dahmer didn’t have the easiest childhood, he was often overlooked as an infant and spent most of his life alone. As well as, how Jeffery was arrested. Lastly, how Jeffery Dahmer was treated in his last remaining days and his cause of death. 


He had many disorders including. Borderline personality disorder is when a person has mental illness characterized by long term unstable relationships, substance abuse, depression, and most likely have eating disorders. He also had Schizotypal personality disorder which means you have severe social anxiety and thought disorders although there are many other symptoms these are some of the main ones. People with this disorder typically have trouble building bonds or relationships and try and avoid them altogether. He also had Psychosis which is not to be confused with a psychopath, which means that his mind had difficulty determining what is real or not and might be delusional or hear things that no one else in the room hears. Psychosis can be caused by mental illnesses like bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia. Jeffery Dahmer had a lot of mental illnesses that made him think or believe the wrong things but luckily he is no longer with us and we can sleep a little easier. 


Furthermore, Jeffrey had a weird obsession as a child that bleed into his teen years. He would find dead animals and put their dismembered parts in jars and said that he was “just curious how they fit together”. This was an easy task for him to do since his dad had a lab in the woods that looked like an old shack but had walls of dead animals in jars. Once he got bored of little animals he killed a dog and put its head in a jar and pinned its body up against a tree in the forest by the old chemistry shack.


As Well As, Jeffrey had a ruff childhood as many serial killers do. Let’s start with his mother her name was Joyce Annette she had a lot of problems when he was a kid like, she tried to commit suicide by overdose and while he started first grade she was always in bed recovering from weakness. However, his dad Lionel Herbert Dahmer was a student at the University of Marquette, working towards a degree in chemistry. He had a chemistry shack in the woods by their house that he kept all kinds of experiments. Plus, he had a brother named David but since the incident, he changed his name and does not want to be associated with this at all.


Further, Jeffrey was arrested for killing a man. First, he went up to a group of three men and offered them $100 for one of them to accompany him to his apartment so he could take nude photographs of them. A man named Tracy Edwards said he would. Upon entering the apartment there was a bad smell and there was boxes of hydroelectric acid that Dahmer claimed he used to wash bricks. He successfully handcuffed Edwards. Edwards got scared when Jeffrey pulled out a knife so Edwards told him if he put the knife down and took off the handcuffs he would do the photos. Dahmer agreed so Edwards unbuttoned his shirt and Dahmer put his head against his chest to listen to his heartbeat. Then he said he was going to eat Edwards’s heart then he killed him with a knife. 

Prison Life and Death

In addition, Jeffery Dahmer died at age 34 in prison. Jeffrey Dahmer died in the shower room of the prison and was murdered with a metal bar. He was murdered by ‘Jesse Anderson and Christopher Scarver’ but 1 hour later Jesse Anderson was beaten with the same instrument. Jeffrey was supposed to serve a life sentence because of his murders. Christopher Scarver had more years added on to his sentence for the murders of Dahmer and Anderson.

In conclusion, Jeffery Dahmer was one of the most feared serial killers in America. And he was a cannibal to the victims he murdered. First, Jeffrey had many disorders including personality disorder. Secondly, he had a weird obsession that included roadkill. As well as, he was arrested for the murdering of Tracy Edwards. Lastly, how Jeffrey Dahmer died. Jeffrey Dahmer was a very messed up disgusting man but luckily his rain of terror was put to rest and people can sleep a little easier.


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