The Harmful Effects of Vaping and How Social Media Plays a Role in Vaping

Currently, more than 2.5 million high school and middle school students use some kind of vape product. Most teens try to find a way to escape their lives, so they start to vape. Social media has a big role in teenagers’ lives. It can have such a negative impact on young people’s mental health when they use it wrong. That’s when a vape addiction can start.  

Social media

At some point in your life, you’re going to be in front of a screen. You might be viewing your friend’s prom picture or watching a funny video on YouTube. The lists are endless. What if you took it all away? Social media just suddenly disappears, would you be sad, happy, angry. Most teens would most likely be mad, I would be mad to be honest. But  much it would help? Without social media you don’t have to live up to everyone’s expectations. You wouldn’t have those late nights when you’re up all night wishing you were someone else.

Most teens find themselves scrolling on TikTok. The more they are trapped under the addiction of their screens, the more depressed teens get. This is where vaping comes in. When you’re depressed and don’t know how to find your way out, or think no one actually cares about you, you turn to something you find comfort in.

Vaping works like cigarettes, you take one or two puffs and it makes you feel happy, it gives your body dopamine. Then after a little bit your dopamine runs out and you vape more. It gets to the point where your body can’t make its own dopamine because your body thinks you’re getting enough from your vape. So your body stops making dopamine so you feel trapped and sad.

There’s a really good video that helps portray addiction. It’s called “Nuggets” by Filmbilder and Friends. It starts where a duck named Kiwi takes a gold nugget substance. He feels so happy, he feels like he’s floating. The more he takes the gold stuff though, the more it gets dark around him, and the more he cant get back up and the more he feels like he’s trapped.

“Nuggets by filmbilder and friends”

The industry is fricked. It’s so easy for teens to get cigarettes, vapes, or just any kind of addictive product. Nowadays there’s kids who sell them at school, or buy them at a store with a fake id. The companies are targeting kids like me and you. All the colors make them look pretty. How easy they are to get, or how they make them disposable and disguise them as highlights, markers, and stuffed toys.

Why are they doing this?

Vaping as an adult isn’t illegal, but they’re not targeting the adults, they’re targeting the teens. The industries disguise them as something else so you won’t get in trouble and you can keep buying. They make them disposable so if you’re in trouble you can just throw your vape away. The industries say they’re trying to fix things, but they’re not, they’re making it worse. Same goes with Instagram and any other social media.

They say you have to be thirteen, but it’s so easy to lie about your age, for heaven’s sake, I lied about my age a few years ago. They say they take them down, but why am I not down yet? There’s nine year olds thinking they are talking to other nine year olds. But in reality its old people who want to hurt them. The same goes with teenagers who talk to strangers. One slip up and you can get kidnapped or blackmailed.

This can all relate back to where you started. The first page on your Instagram. The constant scrolling, the constant hours spent on your device trying to be someone you don’t even know, till you break. When you feel like know one cares about you, except your little device that you always keep in your pocket.

Teens + Social Media: A Bad Match

Teens + Social Media: A Bad Match

Social media is unhealthy and bad for teens because social media has harmful effects on teens mentally. Some of these effects can include: increased risk of being cyber-bullied, and an increased risk of anxiety and depression. More effects can include increased risk of exposure to dangerous things or people, which leads to an increased risk of a privacy breach.

When teens are on social media they can be cyber-bullied. There are several reasons for a teen to be cyber-bullied. For example, if the teen shares something personal that someone else could use to tease or make fun of the teen; or if something the teen shares gets out, it could lead to rumors being spread.

Another reason social media is bad for teens is that an online predator could start going after them. When this happens, they then get low self-esteem, and this can lead to depression.

Teenager Phone Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash Teens have an increased risk of anxiety and depression when on social media. This is because they can get cyber-bullied. This can lead to them getting false expectations about their body and life. Additionally they can get incorrect information and opinions, and they can hear or see things such as violence, suicide, and drug use. The impact of all of these things becomes bigger the more teens use social media. Because all of these things can make a teen feel anxious and depressed, these things can lead to homework not getting done, causing a decrease in school grades, as well as a loss of friendships due to teens being distant, and teens overall feeling disappointed in themselves. If teens get false expectations about their bodies and lives, they get a low self-esteem and could stop eating. Which is extremely unhealthy, especially since teens are still growing. If teens get incorrect information and opinions they could start to think that some bad things are okay. This has an increased risk of happening if they see things like violence, suicide, and drug use. If teens are getting false expectations about their body and life, as well as getting incorrect information, teens can start leaving their homework incomplete, and start doing significantly worse in school. They can also start distancing themselves from their friends and even their family. All of this can just make everything worse, causing them to go on social media even more. Which will make all of the effects worse, which leads them to use more social media in a vicious cycle.

On social media, teens can be exposed to extremely dangerous things or people. This is due to the fact that anybody has access to social media, and anybody can post. Some platforms limit what a person can post, and check posts for bad things, but not all platforms do. Not only can harmful things be displayed or said, but if a teen overshares, or shares personal information they can be harmed in real life. Many teens post on social media, and they may accidentally let information slip leading to a privacy breach. This can lead to people coming to their neighborhood, school, or home. That then can lead to kidnapping or an attack on the teen. This on its own is super dangerous to teens, especially if they don’t have the knowledge of the damage that sharing too much information can do.

Yes, social media can have its benefits. Like letting teens express themselves and letting them contact their friends. But social media is dangerous, and if you’re not careful harmful effects can happen. If you use social media, make sure you know the danger, and are careful, because it can be a good thing.

Everyone should know the dangers of social media, especially teens. If you read this article, share the information. Make sure that everyone knows that social media can increase the risk of being cyberbullied and increase the risk of anxiety and depression. As well as increase the risk of exposure to dangerous things and people.



The Problem With Lovely Peaches

The Problem With Lovely Peaches


Today’s topic will be about a 19-year old social-media figure named Brittany Johnson, or known by her screen-name, Lovely Peaches. For almost five years, she has been on the topic of controversy. From hiring someone to harm internet star Charli D’Amelio, to harming her dog, to even breaking into people’s houses, there’s nothing but trouble.


2017: Early Career

Social media is one of the fundamental ways of expressing yourself. There are positives to this, such as ease of communication. However, there are also detriments to this. Some very sick people could use this as an advantage to post sick stuff, which is what I will be talking about today. This article will be discussing a user named Lovely Peaches, a 19-year old prostitute whose real name is Brittany Johnson. She started her first account back in 2017 when she was just 17 years old. Her backstory is still unknown, but it has been speculated that she ran away from her parents at 15 and sold herself to prostitution.


Peaches started on Instagram, where her early days were usually that of prank calls and typical social media posts. However, as the times would come, viewers would begin to see how odd of a life this lady truly is living.


Before you knew it, Peaches started posting rather irregular content when compared to her usual standards, such as eating her excrement, participating in intercourse with men much older than her, licking toilet seats, rubbing her menstrual blood onto her face, and even going as far as to violently punch herself. She has also sung songs about having STDs and openly admits herself to exchanging sex for money, food, or a place to stay. At this point, Peaches’ fanbase has extended up to around 80,000 followers, mostly being teenage girls who admire her and fail to see the dark side of her internet persona. Some people speculate that Peaches is just a troll who resorts to shock value to get attention and views. But by 2018, this has proven to be false.


2018: Baby Cora Controversy

On March 1st of 2018, Peaches gave birth to a baby child to which she named Cora Miracle. However, when Cora was only 4 months of age, Peaches started uploading Instagram posts stating that she was selling Cora to men so that they could molest her. She would also upload pictures to her InstaStories of what appears to be a conversation between her and a man, discussing the money she would earn from renting out Cora. in June of 2018, a video was surfaced depicting Peaches on the phone with an individual, stating on how she was jealous on her child and suspects her on flirting with her partner and plans to brutally abuse Cora.


Because of this, Peaches has gained a surge in popularity from angry people, who started an internet campaign to report her to the authorities. People have been using the hashtag “#savecora” to raise awareness of the situation and to have Peaches arrested and to have Baby Cora taken away from Peaches’ custody. Several YouTubers have made videos to expose her and try to prevent people from being harmed by Peaches’ content. One of those Youtubers was RepZilla, who made a couple of videos on the topic of Peaches’ mental health. In one of his videos Betty Johnson, who claims to be Peaches’ stepmother, claims that everything Peaches said about Cora was all for attention and that she doesn’t have full custody of her. After claiming that Cora is well, alive, and healthy, Betty asked for help from the internet community to have the authorities investigate Peaches to give her the support she needs.


After all this, Peaches posted a video where she claims to have ended her daughter’s life in great detail. But with the context that Peaches’ stepmother has provided us at this point, we knew with great knowledge that this is not true. People have speculated that Peaches has uploaded this video to justify the fact that she kept posting the same six recycled pictures of Cora onto Instagram, presumably because she no longer is in her custody.


After all this, Peaches gave up on using Cora getting harmed as a tactic to make her popular, as it was not working since people knew all the facts at this point.


2019: Rise in Popularity

Peaches however continued posting as she became a huge personality on the social media app “TikTok”, where she was recognized for videos of her explicitly dancing in public near minorities, and for fighting and harming herself. In 2019, her single “Burning and Itching” became a trend on the app, which caused her to earn more visibility on the social media platform. Peaches were continuously posting videos and giving her more attention and followers, to the point of reaching 1 million on both her accounts on Instagram and TikTok.


2020: Peaches and Charli D’Amelio

Apart from her usual videos, Peaches also does collaborations with other TikTok stars in live streams and tries to interact with them in a very sexual way, sometimes engaging them to participate with her in sexual acts. One of her victims was social media singer Malu Trevejo, who was 17 years old at the time.


In February of 2020, Peaches started posting pictures of herself on the front porch of Malu’s house and claimed that she was waiting for her to return to the house. Peaches even stated that she managed to somehow get inside of the house and was trying on Malu’s clothes and smelling her pillows.


The next month, Malu confronted Peaches on a live stream pleading her to leave her alone, because even if the house she visited was Malu’s, there was no explanation as to how Peaches even got inside in the first place. For the whole stream, Peaches’ reaction was unsettling. She was laughing hysterically before flashing her crotch to Malu, causing Malu to end the live stream screaming.


After all this drama Peaches was no longer satisfied with stalking Malu, so she moved on to the next target. The next unfortunate victim was a 16-year-old at the time by the name of Charli D’Amelio who made a breakthrough by being the most followed person on TikTok, with only 67 million followers at the time. Presumably, Peaches wanted to leech onto some of that fame, because during one of Charli’s streams, Peaches spammed the live chat with sexually explicit comments. On June 26 of 2020, Charli was having a live stream with her fans, when Lovely Peaches, on a verified Instagram account in a crowd of over a hundred viewers, joined the live stream commenting explicit requests, much to Charli’s frustration. These comments were along the lines of “Charli, I wanna see you and Noah together in action in the bedroom”, and “Charli, please sleep with Noah”.


Soon after comments like this began to pop out of nowhere, Charli decided to wrap up her live stream to avoid any more of the comments, causing her fans to put the blame on Peaches and complain about her on social media, demanding for TikTok to ban her from the platform. However, all this did to Peaches was causing her to accuse Charli’s fans of bullying her.


On July 2 of 2020, Peaches posted a video where she claimed to have hired a 30-year-old man to find Charli’s house to sexually harm her. Then she posted another video where she asked her viewers to find Charli’s address to send him there. Charli and her family have not yet told their side of the story, but Charli’s father Mark D’Amelio as well as her sister Dixie D’Amelio has assured everyone that everything is under control so far and that Peaches has not yet shown up at their house, and they hope that it will be that way. On July 4, 2020, when asked by a reporter about the drama between her and Lovely Peaches, Charli only responded that she is not yet comfortable with talking about the topic.


After all this, Peaches’ Instagram account has finally been taken down, but obviously, this is not yet the end of the drama that Peaches is causing.


2021: Locked Up (or is it?)

On January 20th of 2021, it was announced by Lovely Peaches that she had gotten herself a dog. People who are familiar with her content know that this is an immediate red flag, and of course, not long after, a video has surfaced of Peaches doing something that no one was expecting.


In the video, Peaches stated: “The dog honestly made me too angry. We were walking, and he stopped and peed in the grass, and I said ‘Don’t pee in the f*ckin’ grass’. So we went back, when we finally got back inside, I took one of his legs and I broke it in half,”


Peaches went into detail on breaking the dog’s leg, stating that the dog was screaming when she did so, causing Peaches to break his other leg and then put him in a bathtub full of hot water. Peaches stated that her account will be deactivated in a few days, rightfully so. When this video surfaced people were disgusted. But before anyone could take action to save the dog, it was unfortunately too late.


More videos have surfaced of Peaches doing cruel things to her dog, such as spraying his eyes with perfume, treating it like a toy, and even grabbing it from its neck. Shortly after these videos became more mainstream, people began to lose it. Many accounts have tried to raise awareness in the situation, to some even finding Peaches’ location, somewhere in a hotel possibly in Atlanta.


A few hours after this whole deal was getting massive coverage on social media, news broke out that Peaches had been arrested. A user on TikTok explained how the police had finally made it to Peaches’ location, and the dog was taken away from her. Public records later show that Peaches has gotten arrested for animal cruelty. Many people were proud that Peaches had finally been arrested, but only for a while.


Not only a week after, Peaches was somehow released from jail, causing everyone on social media to officially lose it. Everyone just felt numb after this news. Almost as if no one can even stop Peaches anymore. However, people know that this wasn’t her first time behind bars, as she was arrested a few months back for being abusive towards her daughter Cora. By then, people were no longer cool with this. Here was what Peaches said in response to her comeback: “I love you guys so much, I’ve missed you Peachlings! I’ve got a YouTube video comin’ for yall,” “The haters gonna hate, I love all of you so so much.”


Not only that but people have been disgusted at how her fans have praised and supported her even ignoring her true behavior. People are afraid that Peaches might make the internet a toxic place yet again since that’s all people know her for at this point.


Efforts to STOP Lovely Peaches

It’s no doubt that what Lovely Peaches is doing is very controversial. On July 6th, 2020, Peaches was seen with her now 2-year-old daughter Cora again, by posting pictures of her and Cora on social media. People were not pleased with the news and denounced her so much that another FBI investigation was kickstarted.


Several petitions were made against Peaches once again, not only for the safety of her daughter’s well-being but also for Charli’s, and many other people’s well-being. By then, everyone was aware of Lovely Peaches and her harmful actions to others. On August 5th, A Facebook page by the name of Gillespie Forensics and Investigations uploaded a post, where a retired federal agent and current private investigator named Mark Gillespie called out Peaches in response to the whole situation:


“I can’t verify if they are true or false, but those videos are among the most disgusting and repulsive videos I’ve ever seen.” Mark concluded the video with a warning directed to Peaches: “Lovely Peaches, this is for you so pay close attention to what I’m about to tell you. You need to know that I will do everything in my power to rescue your child from your satanic hold on her and I promise you, I will find you, and see that you are arrested, indicted, convicted, and sentenced. And don’t think for a moment that I won’t.”


Mark also offered Charli his full aid, as well as the aid of his cadre of other white-collar professionals. The next day, after the collaborative toil of many individuals, both real life and social media, Children’s Riot, a group of concerned mothers who encounter and try to solve many child-related issues in the world, posted on their Instagram that Cora has been rescued from Peaches’ custody, stating that “she will never return” to her biological mother again. Since then, Peaches’ official accounts have been taken down, and there are still some Instagram accounts dedicated to telling people what to do to hold Lovely Peaches liable for her dirty accomplishes.


However, despite the struggles and efforts put into the case, Lovely Peaches continues to be a big name on social media. Most of her videos keep getting saved and shared and viewed. Also, many people have accounts with Peaches’ name in them, regardless of whether they are fan accounts or because Peaches has had her fair share of alternate accounts to keep posting in case her main accounts get deleted.


So, Where is She Now?

What lies ahead for this social media figure is and will possibly remain a mystery. The last time anyone heard of her was when she was freed from prison in January of 2021. There are two possibilities as to what happened to her sudden disappearance, including the fact that she is no longer able to harm her daughter Cora, who is now living with her grandparents and is still living to see another day.


The other fact claims that since so many people have exposed Peaches so much, that there is no one out there who does not know her name or does not know the horrific damages she caused to the internet with her dirty actions. This is a woman who has done so many things just for publicity, always on the bad side. People hope that Peaches will get herself the help she needs and that she will finally leave the internet alone.

Cancel Culture: what is it, and why those who believe in it need to grow up

Cancel Culture: what is it, and why those who believe in it need to grow up

On October 5th, 2021 comedian Dave Chappelle and Netflix released a 1 hour episode of him doing his final special for Netflix, it was called The Closer. It was a send-off for David, one of the great comedians of not only this generation but of all time. In this special, David made some rather offensive jokes, to put it lightly. Dave has been known for that all throughout his career. He essentially roasted about every group and culture there is out there, and many, and I mean many, took it personally. Many took to social media, others made the news, lots were very offended. These people came at David and tried to shut him down, trying to ruin his career and dethrone him from the top because of what he said. 


This is commonly known as Cancel Culture. The Mirriam-Webster says, “the practice or tendency of engaging in mass canceling as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure”. I just call it a direct way to lose brain cells but think what you want of it. Cancel Culture sucks; it has ruined the careers of some of the biggest stars out there, but overall, some people need to just grow up to be frank.


Over the years

Cancel Culture has sparked up like a wildfire within the last 2 years. In this generation, we live in a very cancerous era. If you say one thing someone does not like, you will be attacked and criticized heavily. It doesn’t even have to be recent, it could have been something you said 10 years ago that comes back to bite you. People will expose the smallest details about you to try and ruin you, it’s sad really. The biggest example of this must be David Dobrik. David was living his best life and was the 5th most popular Youtube channel out there. Then came the allegations.


Some girl on Twitter decided to expose the fact he said some things he shouldn’t have said roughly 7 years prior, just out of nowhere. And just like that, it all began. It snowballed downhill out of control. David rose to the top, and I guess people didn’t like that. Many of David’s subscribers were displeased and unsubscribed. As he lost popularity, the big blow landed. A member of a social media group David was in made a rape allegation towards David. That’s when the problem got heated, David lost roughly 200,000 subscribers and stopped posting for a while. It seems like people tend to expose what they know just to make it look like they are the good guy almost, the chances he gets accused of rape are slim to none if the tweet never came out and David picked up the heat for it.


David is not the only one who has been canceled before, far from it. The list is a mile long and includes people such as Austin McBroomDonald TrumpDrake, DaBaby, and now Dave Chappelle. That’s not even close to it however, I could go on for days and days on which people have been canceled. Cancel Culture ruins people’s careers and it needs to stop.


People need to grow up

(Rant Alert)

As a person who is fair-minded and wants to see the other side of the argument to understand where they are coming from, I try to use that in this case, and I just don’t see the other side of it. If you don’t agree with something, there is absolutely no way you should try and shut down the other side and ruin them. You need to grow up, and learn how to take a hit. In life it can’t be just happiness 24/7, you must learn how to get knocked down and get up again. If someone says something you don’t like, you have more than one option. You can ignore it, you can choose to confront it and tell the other side you disagree respectfully, there are many options when it comes to this. Trying to share what someone said with others and trying to make them look as stupid as possible is the worst thing you can do. Let others say what they want, and quite frankly, deal with it. It ruins lives, it ruins careers, and it needs to stop.


The reason America was founded in 1776 was to be free; everyone has the right to speech, everyone is treated equally, stuff like that. And now, it seems you can’t have an opinion, you either agree with what society says, or you are wrong, and that is far from the truth. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and they are allowed to fight for what they say and believe. 


Once more, I have no problem with disagreements. I think that is a very good thing. But when I see people who disagree and then try to shut down and ruin the other side, that is what makes things wrong. 


Lastly, people change over time. They learn from past experiences, they mature out and become better. A person like David happened to make a stupid mistake in his younger years, and someone decided to tear him down and expose him. It ruined his career, and he will most likely never be the same again. The lives of these big stars are getting ruined, and it is very sad to see. What if it happened to you? Always be empathetic, and don’t let one small mistake or problem dictate a whole career or life. 


What does it take to be a social media influencer?

What does it take to be a social media influencer?

Many influencers such as Charli D’amelio, Addison Rae make content on Dancing or other things like makeup. We all know of James Charles the makeup king of YouTube and TikTok. Being an influencer could be hard because you get a lot of hate from other people on those social platforms. Right now TikTok is the biggest, most famous social platform. Many people are getting famous off of this app. TikTok only pays two to four cents per one thousand views. Charli has a niche for Dancing so that’s what she posts about and so does Addison, and James post about makeup because he has lots of followers because he has lots of practice doing makeup.



Many propel think that to be an influencer you have to post every day and that’s partly true but you just need a skill that you enjoy doing and post every day about it whether it’s dancing, art, crafts, makeup, and other hobbies. For some people, it’s their full-time job. To be an influencer you have to have a stable amount of followers and likes on each because this job doesn’t pay much money unless your account is stable. It’s hard to be an influencer on platforms like TikTok at a young age because of the community guide lines, if you aren’t of a certain age your videos could be taken down making your account more unstable. 



If you get over one thousand likes on a video it has gone viral but if you get one million you are famous on that social media platform. This job for hobbies varies in money which could make it an unstable job. Even the most famous people have to buy followers to stay famous and to keep getting paid. As people lose followers because their fans find out they buy followers to make them need to buy more to make more money. Sometimes in an influencer’s life, they need a break from all their social platforms. Most influencers want to take a break from their social media but can’t because they have no other job, so instead of taking a break from their social media they buy more followers and post a little less but over time have to go back to full time Influencing on their social media.



Brand influencers are people who have a product that they promote on social media such as TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, VSCO, maybe even Snapchat. Sometimes being a brand influencer mean discussing relevant topics. Sometimes relevant topics are problems with the world and how we can change it or if it’s about what scrunchy Charli D’amelio wears to bed. Other times it will be about stuff that is very important like spreading awareness about suicide or preventing people from committing suicide, or why not to bring a gun to school. Brand influencers want to spread information on the most used social platforms. This keeps many people safe and helps other’s know how to keep other people safe.



Many influencers still need to do research or practice In their field of expertise. The average influencers post three times a day about a topic they know well even if it’s a comedy, dancing, or teaching. Many things go into being an influencer. Influencers don’t only have to have one job. They can have many and maybe even post about their other job but probably both jobs require research on the topic or company they promote or post about.


  Influencers don’t get paid much but most are doing what they love. Doing what you love to make you happy and with all the hate influencers get that’s one thing they should lose and it’s the niche for what they do.

Tik Tok challenges are getting out of hand

Tik Tok challenges are getting out of hand

Tik Tok, a media-based platform to update kids, teenagers, and even adults on recent trends, and for fun dances. But there is also a dark side of the fun, trend-following platform, The Challenges. Kids, teens, and even adults are following these “Harmful” challenges. The challenges are slowly getting worse. For example, In August the challenge was to make it across stacked milk crates and not fall. states “Last month, TikTok banned the Milk Crate Challenge from their platform. If you’re curious, a quick YouTube search will reveal a bunch of people filming themselves or their friends falling painfully to the ground after stacking milk crates into a pyramid and trying to walk over it.” But, before this became viral another challenge came into view, the Cha Cha Slide challenge. This is where people would follow the directions from the song the Cha Cha Slide, by DJ Casper in the car. also says “There were also other more alarming trends—the Benadryl Challenge, the Blackout Challenge, and so on. Now, it seems like the latest dangerous TikTok challenge has emerged almost from out of nowhere. Most students call it “Devious Licks” and it’s directly aimed at schools.” This shows that Tiktok is more dangerous than we think. This new “Devious Licks” challenge has kids vandalizing and stealing school property. 

You may think that this is funny, possibly harmless, however, it encourages students to steal from school and see how much they can get away with. says “ Most of the stolen items have been small, like soap dispensers, hand sanitizers, rolls of paper towels, or boxes of masks. Other students, however, have pushed the trend to its limit stealing much larger items. These larger Devious licks include kids stealing computers, smart boards, projectors, etc. They are all captioned with “Had the most devious lick at school today.” This shows that kids are trying to push past the believable limits. But that’s not all. Even though they steal, they vandalize schools. I have witnessed this myself, I have seen kids drawing in the bathroom stalls with permanent markers, pens, and pencils. says “ TikTok says 1 billion people use the app each month” The challenge’s change monthly, October is to assault a teacher, yeah, you heard me assault a teacher. This challenge is to go up to a teacher and either verbally assault them, or physical assault. I don’t mean start a fistfight in the lunchroom with teachers, I mean go up and slap them. I have had teachers tell the whole classroom that if this were to happen to them they would send the student down to the police officer downstairs and press charges. I can only imagine how bad next month’s challenge is, just imagine all arrest warrants, or charges pressed. So my opinion is that Tik Tok should ban all of these challenges when they first arise. This way they don’t continue further on and spread. Or even better ban the users that create and promote these dangerous challenges. 

Social media, is it Dangerous?

Social media

Social media is where everyone in a friend group can get together and hang out and talk and there is so many apps and it is very dangerous do to people who are stupid. These people try to gather all of your info so the goal is to avoid them.

Who to watch for

You should watch for people who try to act flawless. When they act like that it normally means they are the opposite of that and that they are trying to get a hold of you and find out the information they normally look for. Look out for the people who want to get together and hang if you don’t know them. These can be bad people because you don’t know them and the way they might have sounded these are probably not the people you are looking for. 

All about the danger

There are so many dangerous things to look for when you are on it but where could the dangerous people be hiding? The most common social media sights are normally the ones with the creepers and where they will try to track you down and try to find all your personal information. 

It can be fun

Social media can be fun to communicate with your friends and post your everyday life or the stuff you like and go look at other people’s posts and stories. You can also stay in touch with friends that moved away. You can text them, but when you post fun things it’s so much more effective and interesting when you follow them and share your life after they left with colors, music, etc. 

Fake profiles

When somebody has them being flawless or perfect in their bio they are probably fake because, Everybody has some flaw and nobody is perfect so you should probably stay away even when they might sound like they have common thinking and favorite hobbies they are not always real or safe to be around. If you do ever find yourself in that position you should probably tell an adult and do not meet up with them to get to know them. Telling a parent can be great for these situations.


Ads are bad and annoying as we all know but especially when they are bad or inappropriate on a computer you can use using this will help keep unsafe ads out of your way. This can also help you browse faster and get to what you were searching or doing without any interruption. Using ads is what some people do but not what everybody does on a mobile device you can click the (?) and then click don’t show this ad. All these websites or social media pages should have equal ads because some have way too much.             

Image result for adblock plus

Telling a trusted adult                           

Telling a parent is the best thing to do when you are in a situation but also make sure your parent or guardian knows you were on the internet and gives you permission to visit any of the sights you are on or apps. The worst app known right now with this stuff is TikTok. Although this could be your favorite app it is everywhere and not everywhere is safe including the people out there that could be doing this.

Don’t join in

Some kids think that these actions are cool to take part in but that is very wrong. Doing these can result in arrest or very bad trouble and you will lose your trust using these apps or even having a phone. Kids who do this can get arrested and the kids’ parents will most likely get a fine for not being the best at parenting.

To conclude this, Social media is amazingly fun and helps connections and relationships but you should know the downsides and the consequences for not having permission or not being responsible.

Social Media is not as Bad as You Might Think for Teenagers

Social Media is not as Bad as You Might Think for Teenagers

How do you use social media?

Do you use it to checkup with old friends?. Or maybe you use it to connect with people who share common interests with you. Some people say social media is not good for teens. On the other hand, some people say that social media is ok for teens. Recent studies claim that social media is not to blame and that there are might be other factors involved in teen depression and anxiety. Social media is not as bad as we are making it out to be and is not the only cause of anxiety.

Social media is not as bad as you might think

and here is why. Social media has often more than not been to blame for teen depression with the numerous articles talking about cyberbullying and other reasons that teens are depressed with social media. But Viner studies adolescent health at university college in London in England. Nicholls studies adolescent mental health at imperial college London took 13,000 British ages 13-14-year-olds and asked them questions such as if they missed class, completed their work if they were bullied but they also asked questions about how much sleep they got and how much exercise they got this show the teens mental wellbeing it has been proven that lack of sleep and exercise are known to decrease happiness and increased anxiety. This is evidence that social media is not the only cause of depression and anxiety.

Social media can really help keep relationships together longer.

If you and a friend from high school go to different colleges you might not get a chance to talk to them until the next summer or maybe even never, but by using social media you can feel more connected just by leaving a comment on their post about whatever they are doing and if you see they are in the same place as you via social media it is easier to meet up and reconnect face to face. Another study by a nonprofit child advocacy took a survey that reported that more than half of teenagers age thirteen to seventeen said social media impacted their relationships positively. This is a prime example of the media making a bigger deal than it should be about a subject. The majority of teens are getting a positive impact from social media but we want to take away their happiness because of the minority. I have said it and I will say it once again social media is not to blame for teen depression and anxiety.

A good portion of parents don’t want their kids to have social media. They say that it well makes their kids depressed and makes them feel not good enough and we’ll make it easier to get cyberbullied. This argument is valid, however. Every big point in the arguments on this subject is social in social media. Just by interacting with other people you can get your feelings hurt by putting cyber in front of bullying makes it seem more scary put being upset because someone is cooler, better looking, and goes on vacation more than you is not new. You can go to a family reunion and get comments to face to face like wow it looks like you have not grown and other stuff that would make you a cyberbully if you said it online. This is the problem with how we are giving titles online. Mabey social media is not bad but the people who take more offense than needed are the real problem.

In conclusion, social media is not as bad as people make it out to be. Additionally, we need to start focusing on the more good than bad Mr.Beast planted 20 million trees and there was not as much media coverage as juice world faking his death as a society we should be more positive 

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