Not all Skaters are bad

Not all Skaters are bad.

 A lot of people think all Skaters (Skate Boarders) are bad but that is not true. There maybe some Skaters out there that are bad because we do not live in a super good and clean world, but don’t be too quick to judge because you can ruin someone’s life or make them do the wrong thing.

Here are some things that you should not say to Skaters. “That’s not very safe.”, “your going to get hurt.”, ”do a kickflip.”, “poser.”, “how do you do that.”, and “that’s not very smart.” and all that because that can tick them off and you don’t know what they are going through and it can lead to much worse problems.

 Some Skaters are just beginning so they may not be good enough to do a kickflip or a pop-shuvit or even an Ollie so if you tell them to do it, it will most likely embarrass them or make them feel bad.  Don’t ever tell a Skater to do a bare spin or other scooter tricks because then the Skater will think you are weird and get frustrated if you repeatedly say it.

The things you hear about Skaters from people can be false but can also be true. Skaters are not bad. You have some part with it if you get in an argument with one.


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