Best Dogs for smaller living spaces

Finding a dog that is suitable for your smaller living space can be hard. Here are a few dogs that might be right for you. 


Chihuahuas are small and great for smaller homes. They don’t grow big, only around 5-8 inches tall. Although they are aggressive dogs they can be really sweet to their owners. They don’t weigh all that much, only around 4-6 pounds but that can change depending on how much you feed them. These dogs would be a great choice for your smaller home like many of these other dogs.


Pomeranians are fluffy balls of joy. They are super cute and small just like chihuahuas. Though they are a little bit bigger growing to around 7-12 inches tall. They weigh around 4-8 pounds. They can be aggressive to strangers so make sure to introduce them slowly to new people. Other than that they are happy and chipper dogs.   


Japanese Chins are playful and affectionate. Japanese Chins are great to cuddle with. They weigh 7-11 pounds and have a height of 8-11 inches tall. They live around 12-14 years and need a lot of attention but not so much physical exercise. 


Yokipoos are so adorable and tiny they only grow to 7-15 inches tall. says “Yorkipoos are considered hypoallergenic dogs for the most part, although there’s no guarantee they won’t aggravate your allergies.”  


If you love lady and the tramp and you want a dog that looks like “lady” then an English Cocker Spaniel is your kind of dog. Males grow up to 16-17 inches and weigh 28-34 pounds. Females on the other hand weigh 26-32 pounds and are 15-16 inches tall. Were bred bird hunting dogs. Live for about 12-14 years. Make sure to train once you get one because a good trained English Cocker Spaniel is a good dog to have.


Pugs are not as light as some of these other breeds. Pugs usually weigh around 14-18 lbs. but that can change if you feed them more often than most. Pugs grow to 12 inches tall. They aren’t hypoallergenic which is a letdown but they are very nice dogs and great for children. They do snore and don’t do so well in hot humid areas so make sure to keep an eye on them while outside when it’s hot. A great website to visit to learn more about pugs is 


If you are interested in any of these dogs I encourage you to see if any places might be selling any of these adorable dogs.  


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