UFO’s Explained

UFO’s Explained

The UFO. Not most people want to say they are real because they’re too scared to admit that there might actually be extraterrestrial life somewhere out there. And now it’s here. Imagine if the pentagon already found  out but they are just hiding it from you? How would that make YOU feel? Like your government  is lying? Like we should be worried? If so, you are correct. I want to believe in aliens, and UFO’s. But what if they could overpower us? What if our government might be rundown? And what if it all ended today, right now? 

I’m telling you that somewhere out there, aliens are real. I’m not kidding. There are thousands of recordings, proving that they have actually seen alien life. I even read that someone has had an encounter with an alien. Face to face. (or whatever you want to call it) IMAGINE THAT! Aliens believe and we might be scared but you have to admit, you know that they’re out there. You know it but don’t want to show it. If  I was younger I might even deny it, but deep down, I know that they exist, and someday you or I could maybe even see a UFO. 

The fact that the pentagon has seen one, military bases have had experiences, and possibly the government. It’s just infuriating that they won’t just tell us the truth! You may not at the moment, but one day you will face the sheer and utter truth that aliens and Extraterrestrial Life do exist. I believe in them with all my heart, not like I study them for fun, but it’s cool to look  online and see a BUNCH of pictures and videos captured by people claiming that aliens exist. How could you not believe!! I know that people have truly seen aliens.  

If you don’t want kids or little siblings to be scared, let me tell you this. Aliens might not be what the movies claim to be. In fact, they probably aren’t. They probably look something like us. At least similar. Also here’s this for a change. If there are other galaxies, just think about this, any living thing needs water. If we found and tracked an actual alien we could track where it’s located and lots of our government issues would be solved. We could post it, the government would say on live TV that they found proof of extraterrestrial life, the whole world would be in shock and people would believe in aliens!

I would be psyched for a museum full of this  kind of stuff. New reporters would be all over it!  But imagine the aliens aren’t plastic? Imagine if these aliens were real. Just imagine what it would be like to know the truth and nothing but it. The sheer and utter truth about aliens. We know that UFOs are real, it’s obvious. But have you ever thought of it this way, UFOs are driven, we don’t know what they are, so someone or something must be driving or controlling it. Ever thought of that?  

Look, you see, maybe you don’t believe it, maybe you do, but the fact is I think we all know the truth whether we like it or not. I know that aliens exist and I can’t wait for the day that somebody, someone out there proves to the world. Everybody out there that doesn’t believe will be in shock, the people that do believe will just say that they knew it. I want to be one of the people who says I told you so. They knew that one day, the mystery would be revealed. 

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