Star Wars is Secretly a Love Story

Star Wars, the revolution in the cinema universe. If you pay close attention, you may notice something other than the war story we all know and love. You will realize the darkest secret in all of Star Wars.

It is a love story.

As we all know Star Wars movies are about the battle between the Jedi and Sith, Dark and Light. Throughout this, I will take you through the time of the Jedi, Rebellion, and Resistance. Through the time of the Sith, Empire, First and Final Order.

How It Works

So you may ask, “How can Star Wars be a love story?” Well here is how it works, two characters fall in love. I’m kidding, but with war and everything. Some say there is no time for them to develop a relationship. In movies, the two characters always fall in love as soon as they set eyes on each other. So why can’t that happen in Star Wars? Well, Star Wars is an action-packed movie, they aren’t going to say love at first sight is a thing. But it is!

Padme and Anickan, BOOM! Love Story.

Han and Leia, BOOM! Love Story.

Rey and Ben, BOOM! Love Story.

Just keep reading and you’ll find how I back up my point.

Phantom Menace

In the Phantom Menace, Anickan the second he sets eyes on Padme he says, “Are you an angel?” He even says, “They are the most beautiful creaturs in the galaxy.” He practically says I love you the first time he ever saw her. If this is not enough proof, take a look at Attack of the Clones.

Attack Of The Clones

In Star Wars Attack of the Clones, you can see that Anickan and Padme’s relationship develops a ton. As Anickan and Padme are practically on vacation the whole movie. They kissed twice. At the end of the movie, Anickan and Padme even get married.

Revenge Of The Sith

Anakin finds out that Padme is pregnant in this movie and when he turns into Darth Vader it was all because he wanted to save her from dying. Although he kind of was the cause of her death. She died because he turned evil and it broke her heart.

A New Hope

A new band of heroes Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie. They all go on a perilous adventure, but both Luke and Han have there eyes on the princess. In this movie, they are just introducing the characters. In a New Hope, we are just establishing the characters but in Empire Strikes back there are a lot of love moments.

The Empire Strikes Back

In this Luke and Leia kissed but Leia honestly has her heart set on Han Solo. Han is like I want to leave the Rebellion. Leia is like we need your help. Leia and Han kiss later in the movie as well.

Return Of The Jedi

In this movie Luke and Leia find out that they are related and Leia and Han are in love. You can tell because Han and Leia are together throughout the whole movie. In The Force Awakens, they are married.

The Force Awakens

In this, we get characters Rey, Finn, Poe, and Ben. Han and Leia have a son and his name is Ben, though he prefers the name, Kylo Ren. Poe is a Resistance leader and Finn is a deserter from the First Order. Both Finn and Ben have an eye on Rey. Rey is a scavenger who has a mysterious past.

The Last Jedi

In this we Rey finds Luke and well she and Ben started chatting with the force. In my opinion, as the movie goes on Rey and Ben started dating. But that’s for speculation. REYLO is a thing. Anyways Ben even asks Rey to join him. Rey refused. Finn has a girlfriend named Rose in this movie.

The Rise Of Skywalker

Rey and Ben are strong with the force and throughout the whole movie, Ben and Rey are practically Boyfriend and Girlfriend. As time goes on Rey finds out her past and knows that she is Palpatine’s Grandaughter. Ben is now a good guy too. Ben and Rey kissed, healed, and helped each other. I think Star Wars is a love story.

The Dark Truth

Throughout this article you now have a sense of what I mean, the dark truth about Star Wars has been revealed. The truth that Star Wars secretly love stories. Anakin and Padme, Han and Leia, Ben and Rey. 

It all makes sense now!

Star Wars is a secret love story. Though many may still not understand, those of you who made it to the end now understand as heroes of the galaxy they must fall in love. But it is so secret it is a dark truth that I have revealed. 

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