
Skateboarding has been here for many years and here is how it has evolved.

It first started in 1940-1960 and the board was just a wooden box or boards with roller skates attached to the bottom of it. Then when time passed the wooden box turned into planks similar to the one’s today.  Eventually, they created trucks that helped you turn and so you can go faster with ease. Then came Mattel wheels then they got too hard to ride with so someone invented a rubber wheel so that you can ride better and be quiet. A few years later skateboarding died down and became less popular until it got popular a few years later when safer stuff came out like knee pads etc.                       

Skateboarding has gotten so popular that it is going to be at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.  Skateboarding is harder than most people think and takes more skill than just standing on aboard.


There are many types of tricks you can do some of the common ones are the ollie, kickflip, pop shuvit, grind, heelflip, frontside / backside powerslide, and manual there is also the moving ollie and you can drop into a bowl and that takes time, skill, and practice.

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