Are Video Games Actually Bad For You?

            The average age of gamers, according to a 2016 survey from, is 35 years old. But parents are worried about children getting addictions to video games. Actually, not many people have addictions. Of the about 300 million people in the United States, over half play video games, but only around 3% actually have an addiction. Most evidence suggests that video games might not be as bad as you thought.

            Most studies actually have shown that playing video games have a positive effect on behavior and the brain. They say that it can help with attention span, brain size and efficiency, and even better memory. However, this does not mean it is totally risk free. Playing video games for too long can hinder your social skills and physical health. You should stay active on a regular basis and have face to face real life interactions often. Being active can also help reduce risk of anxiety and depression.

            Some signs of having an addiction, even though it’s not that common, are playing for a longer time, thinking about video games while doing other things, playing games to escape real life problems such as anxiety and/or depression, lying to family and friends to hide gaming, and feeling short tempered/irritable when cutting down on playing games. This is why you should stay active and play games moderately.

This is why video games aren’t as bad as you thought they were. But, keep in mind, that you still need to do other activities.

Are video games good or bad?

Good effects of video games.

Many adults may think Video games are bad for our health, but they can also help us by: 1. Teaching better problem solving strategies. 2. They can help kids have sharper hand-eye coordination. 3. Help kids be better in teamwork projects. 4. Better goal setting skills. 5. Help kids be more kind when meeting new people. 6. Better decision making skills. 7. Better Motor skills. 8. They will concentrate more in their everyday lives like school.

Bad effects of video games

Here are some bad effects of video games and some may be true but not all of them: 1. Bad time going to sleep or changing sleeping patterns. 2. Bad ways to use our time correctly. 3. They will get bad grades in school or have a hard time learning. 4. Changes in behavior. 5. Keep playing the negative video games. 6. Can lead to kids staying away from others. 7. Ignoring priorities and becoming more interested in those games over time. 8. Video games can harm a person’s memory/vision if they are like Call of Duty, fortnite, pubg (player unknown battlegrounds) or even minecraft.


Not all video games are good for our health but not all are bad for our health.

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