Rarest Things you Can Find in Nature

What’s the rarest thing to be found in nature 

There are many interesting things that you can find in nature, like poison ivy, skulls of descending animals. I can keep going on but there’s one question that needs to be answered… What is the rarest thing you can find in nature? Lucky for you I have the answer to that question.

Rainbow eucalyptus 

This is a rare species of tree called the eucalyptus deglupta or also known as the rainbow eucalyptus, some people also call it the rainbow gum. Who knows why they call it that but whatever floats your boat I guess. This tree lives in the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua new guinea and is the only known eucalyptus plant that is found in the rain forests. This plant is very cool looking and I could see why it’s rare.

Peacock spider

This spider had a red, blue and black abdomen and only males have this for mating. The make will lift his abdomen and a flap with a white rim around it with multiple colors filling the middle is there to show off to the females and attract their attention. When the spider does this he does this little jig that is also to impress the female.

Purple corn 

There’s a scientific reason why the purple corn is people. It has to do something with polyphenols, anthocyanins, cytidine 3-0 glucoside. The main use of this corn is soaking it in hot water and using the colored water for food and beverages. It is used for different types of food and drinks from all over the world

Underwater forest

Underwater forests can also be called submerged forests. An underwater forest is sometimes tree stumps or broken down trees that have been submerged under a lake, sea,ocean.bay or other types of body of water.

Glowing forest

There’s not much information on this subject. This glowing forest can be found in shikoku, japan and is a beautiful sight and if you ever get a chance to go to japan I recommend going to see the glowing forest.

White peacock

We’ve talked about the peacock spider because of its many colors like the peacock but this type of peacock is much different from the rest. They are native to India and are extremely rare and I can see why. A white peacock can cost up to as much as 1,000 dollars. It’s hard to think about why people would want to sell these birds but nowadays with new technology in DNA and breeding, we can genetically engineer white peacocks. White Peacocks are extremely rare to find out in the wild and cost a lot to make so you could imagine why it cost so much to buy one.

Frozen air bubbles

Frozen bubbles are a sight to see. And are amazing looking. There’s not much information about these bubbles and how they form this is the only info that I could get. This is how the amazing phenomena happen, a thin clear ice player forms with a bit flowing water underneath the ice surface. When this happens air bubbles get traped the ice flow along. The bubbles bunch up when they meet an obstacle int here force. Bigger bubbles break up again and change there shape as they glide under the ice

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