About Avatar 2

When is it released?

It is hopefully getting released Dec 17 2021 It was Dec 18 2020 but they are pushing the movie back But before it was going to come out Dec 2014 then they kept on pushing it back till now, But they aren't coming out with one sequel, If the 2 movies go well there will be more movies 5 hopefully.

What is the movie about?

Now the movie takes place 7 years later and Sully is now chieftain and Neytiri is the high priestess of their clan. But the movie will be based on their children. The movie will feature places beyond the forests of Pandora to an underwater volcano. They say the water plays a huge part in the movies that are yet to come out. Do you have to watch the first movie? For the Avatar movies, they say that Each movie you can watch in any order you like. They also say that it’s meant to be an emotional journey as you watch the movies.     

Who is going to be in the new movie?   

   Zoe Saldana plays the role of Na’vi. Over the years she has been in movies like star trek in 2009 and in Guardians of the galaxy. Sam Worthington is coming back as a Na’vi. Sigourney Weaver / Stephen Lang is also coming back Even though he died in the first movie. No one knows yet how they are going to bring him back but they really like him in the first movie.

  Weaver says she is going to be a hold new character in the movie. Witch is a stage but nice to bring back an actor in the movie. Also to see who she will be playing as in the movie. She also has been learning how to free dive for the new movie so that will be exciting. 

Onna Chalin will be a new character in the movie. She also is in the Game of Thrones and The walking dead and many more.

Kate Winslet and James Cameron Are also going to be in the movie so a little Titanic reunion. And with this, they have been looking for something to do together for years. And now that they found something they will enjoy doing together.

  Michelle Yeoh from star trek has joined the cast as well, as a scientist. Vin Diesel is also on the cast as well as, Jemaine Clement as a marine biologist. 

 Fan theories that are confirmed

  •   There are fresh and familiar faces in the cast. This will be interesting to have in the movie and what relationships will form from the movie.
  • The next one is Eywa brainwashed Jake this will definitely change the movie up to add more flavor to it. And what will happen with some of the other people in the movies?
  • Next Avatar 2 is the first movie to ever shoot performance underwater scenes. This will be very amazing to see in the movie.
  • The Na’vi were genetically made, so this could mean they aren’t natives of Pandora and they invaded like humans. So there is more to the Na’vis backstory they already know.
  • And we already know that the 2nd movie is getting released Dec 17, 2021. As it took forever to finally get this movie.
  • Colonel Miles will become half machine. Evan knows he died in the first movie, this will be a twist in the plot.
  • There will be a second R.D.A invasion in the Movie it is set for 12 years after the first movie. It’s the same conflict in the first movie.
  • Humanity will die on earth, this makes sense because humans were trying to settle on Pandora. Why because the earth was dying.
  • And the second movie is the first of 4 sequels. That’s great that we didn’t get one movie, we got four!
  • The movie will end on a cliff hanger this probably upsets the fans be it definitely will make the public want more of the movies and to see what will happen.


Facts about the first movie

The movie is 40% live-action and 60% of the photos look realistic! ( CGI ). It makes the movie more realistic even today.

    Next is the language in the movie, it sounded genuine because it was. The person who created the language created about 1,000 words. That’s a lot for just a movie and there will probably be plenty more words

    It also was the first movie to hit 2 million dollars but it was knocked off the crown by End game. 

   The skin color of the Na’vi comes from Cameron’s mom in a dream she saw blue tall women.

    Jake Gyllenhaal was going to be the main person in the movie but he was just too busy to do it.


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