Evolution of Xbox

The Xbox started off with a box that looked like it did nothing to the soon being released Xbox Series X with a whole new design it’s a weird evolution, so with that being said let’s jump into it. I already did an evolution article on Iphone which I would definitely recommend if you are into that.



The very first Xbox was released November 15, 2001. You had to play with a wired controller at the time because there was no way to connect a wireless controller to it in 2001 because at the time it was hard to get a bluetooth controller to connect to an Xbox considering it was the first one they made and they didn’t really know how to make a good bluetooth controller without it being big and bulky and uncomfortable to hold. So they made it wireless so they didn’t have to spend more money as if they hadn’t already spent enough trying to make a good design. They could have spent more but they found the good design with the standard wired controller for comfortability reasons and people liked the design of no charging.


Xbox 360

The Xbox 360 was the second Xbox to come out, and came out on November 22, 2005. With the new Xbox they got wireless controller which some people like and didn’t like, one of the things they liked was that it was wireless but a downside to the wireless part was it needed batteries so you had to constantly have an extra set a batteries or else you couldn’t play your Xbox games which would be really annoying if you just got a new game and you couldn’t play it.


Xbox One

The Xbox One came out on November 22, 2013 which a lot of people liked the design of the Xbox and the Controller. They liked the design of the Xbox because of how it only had a white light on it instead of a bright green light. And people also liked the controller because the batteries go inside the controller instead of having to have a battery pack on the back like on the Xbox 360 where you had to add on a little pack for the batteries which annoyed some people that didn’t want to have extra bulk. And it had better processors so it was faster and could get more games than the Xbox 360.


Xbox One S

The Xbox One S is a white and skinnier version of the Xbox One. The Xbox One S has a faster processor than the Xbox One. It is much faster to load games and doesn’t cost that much more than the Xbox One. It is much better looking but most people didn’t want it because they had just gotten their normal Xbox One and they didn’t want to spend more money because they had already gotten to Xbox One and decided it would be fine for a while longer or they’ll just get on of the newer ones once they come out. What they didn’t know is how much better the Xbox One S is compared to the Xbox One in speed and design and it had better controllers so if anything they were just missing out. 


Xbox One X

The Xbox One X is the same design as the Xbox One S except for it is black and has slightly different controllers. The original Xbox One S controllers were only white but you could get them in different colors but same design and you could hook them up to the Xbox One which a lot of people who owned the Xbox One and wanted a different, nicer controller could now do. The Xbox One X was the fastest and most powerful console in the world. It could run about 10 times faster than the Xbox One S and about 20 times faster than the Xbox One. Which is what made a lot of people want to buy it.


Xbox Series X (Soon to be Released)

I already wrote a whole article about the Xbox Series X which you can check out here, so I’ll give you a brief rundown. It is a whole new design and shell (the outside). They had to take a lot of time on this one because Microsoft had to find a whole new way to put all of the technology because they decided to make it a vertical design so it would stand up right instead of being horizontal like all the other Xbox’s. Sure you can just stand up your Xbox to Xbox One X but this one is different. Microsoft made this one so it will always stand upright. You can lay it on it’s side but then it looks like you have a big box on your desk and it can ruin the software because it shifts it. Now you might be asking,”Wouldn’t it hurt the Xbox One’s software to put it on it’s side?” The answer is no because it’s software is packed so tightly together so it can’t shift or move in anyway.


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