Top 5 cookie recipes

Cookies, the one thing most people desire. The delicious chocolate chip cookie, the delightful pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and fantastic sugar cookies. There are so many cookies, so many delicious recipes, what cookies should we make? There are many lists of cookies to make, so I came to the conclusion to make my own list of the top 5 delicious cookie recipes for you to bake, buy, and eat.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies seem to be the number one classic cookie recipe. We all love the gooey chocolate and the warmth that goes down your spine as you take the first bite. The recipe can be for anyone, beginning bakers or pro chefs. On the baking website,, it lists the ingredients to make the buttery, chocolaty, chocolate chip cookies. Chocolate chip cookies are the number one cookie of all time.

Snicker doodles

Chocolate chip cookies and snicker doodles cut it very close but in the end, we all have to agree that chocolate chip cookies are number one, but enough of chocolate chip cookies. Snicker doodles the yummy sugar covered cookie. Snicker doodles are cookies covered in sugar and a little bit of cinnamon, soft in the middle, and a little crisp on the edges. On the food website,, It said, “Snicker doodles have become very popular.” It is true snicker doodles have become very popular. Snicker doodles run very close to chocolate chip cookies. We can all agree that snicker doodles taste delicious.

Sugar Cookies

Sugar cookies are delicious dough cutouts baked and have frosting. Sugar cookies can be found in grocery stores and bakeries. The cookies can come in different shapes and sizes depending on the season or the palace you get sugar cookies from. Making sugar cookies are fun but a little time-consuming. If you have a little while then this is a good recipe. Sugar cookies are soft and very sweet, henceforth the name “Sugar cookies”. I greatly suggest this delicious cookie.

Peanut Butter Cookies

Peanut butter cookies are deliciously crisp, buttery cookies. This cookie is very delicious. Peanut butter cookies aren’t as high on the list as the others due to peanut allergies. This cookie can have chocolate chips in them if you want or can have a very neat design. Peanut butter cookies taste a little like peanut butter but it is not too strong depending on your taste. Peanut butter cookies are honestly one of my favorite cookies, I highly recommend baking or buying this cookie.

Shortbread Cookies

Shortbread cookies can be soft and chewy or crunchy and crisp. Shortbread cookies can be topped with sugar or even dipped in chocolate. Shortbread cookies can also be bought or made. These cookies can be holiday gifts or for you to just eat. Shortbread cookies are unique for the amount of topping it can have and for its numerous amounts of styles, they come in. I also recommend this tasty cookie.

Honorable Mentions

Some cookies did not make the list so here are some honorable mentions that almost made the list. Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies are one of the most delicious cookies that are closest to pumpkin pie. Next is chocolate crinkle cookies. Chocolate crinkle cookies are chocolate cookies with powdered sugar on top. Lastly no-bake cookies. No-bake cookies are cookies that are not baked and taste delicious. These were the top 5 cookie recipes that I would recommend to you.


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