Cats – what you didn’t know

We all know about the fantastic animals called cats. Well, there are many things that you didn’t know about these fantastic creatures. Come join me as we talk about this unknown creature. So to begin I want to talk about how cats and dogs are alike. First, cats and dogs both can be trained. Cats aren’t lazy animals doing whatever they want. My cat Willy knows a few tricks himself. I have taught him how to sit, shake with both paws, balance on his hind legs, spin in a circle, fist bump, and talk. A second way cats and dogs are alike would be that they can both be service animals. Dogs and cats can learn to help people with disabilities, mental illness, and extreme anxiety. Cats and dogs are capable of learning to be service animals. Third, cats and dogs share hunting instincts for their survival. In the wild, cats and dogs would hunt and scavenge to find food. Both cats and dogs have a strong prey instinct without ever needing to learn how to hunt.
Now I would like to mention the ways that cats and dogs are different. To start, cats and dogs both enjoy eating. But, cats need to ingest smaller and more frequent meals than dogs. It’s important to understand your pet’s nutritional needs. Next, dogs and cats have very different physical traits from one another. For example, dogs and cats both have claws but cats can pull in their claws and hide them. Dog’s claws stay out and can not go in. And finally, their life spans are different. Dogs usually live between 12 and 18 years. Cats usually live between 12 and 25 years. So cats can outlive dogs by a few good years. But remember, even though cats and dogs are different that doesn’t make either one of them better.
Did you know that cats actually have many hidden talents? We are about to go over some of those in this section. One of the many talents cats have is that they can calm their own anxiety! Even humans have a difficult time doing this. Cats like to lick their coats when they feel nervous, afraid, or anxious. Their tongues are very coarse and covered with papillae. These are tiny projections on the tongue’s surface that point backward. They’re made of the same stuff human fingernails have, called keratin. This substance is very tough and abrasive. That’s why their tongues feel like sandpaper, and why they can use them to comb their fur. Whenever they need to calm themselves they use their tongues. Another cool talent that cats have would be that cats purring sounds can help get rid of migraines. When the cat begins to purr, the steady rhythm of the purring helps to get rid of the pain and the headache. Stroking their fur helps to relax both the migraine sufferer and the cat. Sometimes cats know when their owners are not feeling well and will curl up beside them, or even right on top of them. Having a rest together relieves stress and can lower blood pressure. When a cat purrs, the migraine may disappear without the need for medication. A nice cat may very provide the solution to a problem bothering many for years.
We have finally reached the end of this great blog. Now that you know about what cats can do to help humans, other animals, and themselves, you won’t assume that cats are the worst. Cats need a chance just like anyone or anything else. Thanks for reading this article! I hope you now know more about our amazing furry friends. 

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