Teens + Social Media: A Bad Match

Social media is unhealthy and bad for teens because social media has harmful effects on teens mentally. Some of these effects can include: increased risk of being cyber-bullied, and an increased risk of anxiety and depression. More effects can include increased risk of exposure to dangerous things or people, which leads to an increased risk of a privacy breach.

When teens are on social media they can be cyber-bullied. There are several reasons for a teen to be cyber-bullied. For example, if the teen shares something personal that someone else could use to tease or make fun of the teen; or if something the teen shares gets out, it could lead to rumors being spread.

Another reason social media is bad for teens is that an online predator could start going after them. When this happens, they then get low self-esteem, and this can lead to depression.

Teenager Phone Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash Teens have an increased risk of anxiety and depression when on social media. This is because they can get cyber-bullied. This can lead to them getting false expectations about their body and life. Additionally they can get incorrect information and opinions, and they can hear or see things such as violence, suicide, and drug use. The impact of all of these things becomes bigger the more teens use social media. Because all of these things can make a teen feel anxious and depressed, these things can lead to homework not getting done, causing a decrease in school grades, as well as a loss of friendships due to teens being distant, and teens overall feeling disappointed in themselves. If teens get false expectations about their bodies and lives, they get a low self-esteem and could stop eating. Which is extremely unhealthy, especially since teens are still growing. If teens get incorrect information and opinions they could start to think that some bad things are okay. This has an increased risk of happening if they see things like violence, suicide, and drug use. If teens are getting false expectations about their body and life, as well as getting incorrect information, teens can start leaving their homework incomplete, and start doing significantly worse in school. They can also start distancing themselves from their friends and even their family. All of this can just make everything worse, causing them to go on social media even more. Which will make all of the effects worse, which leads them to use more social media in a vicious cycle.

On social media, teens can be exposed to extremely dangerous things or people. This is due to the fact that anybody has access to social media, and anybody can post. Some platforms limit what a person can post, and check posts for bad things, but not all platforms do. Not only can harmful things be displayed or said, but if a teen overshares, or shares personal information they can be harmed in real life. Many teens post on social media, and they may accidentally let information slip leading to a privacy breach. This can lead to people coming to their neighborhood, school, or home. That then can lead to kidnapping or an attack on the teen. This on its own is super dangerous to teens, especially if they don’t have the knowledge of the damage that sharing too much information can do.

Yes, social media can have its benefits. Like letting teens express themselves and letting them contact their friends. But social media is dangerous, and if you’re not careful harmful effects can happen. If you use social media, make sure you know the danger, and are careful, because it can be a good thing.

Everyone should know the dangers of social media, especially teens. If you read this article, share the information. Make sure that everyone knows that social media can increase the risk of being cyberbullied and increase the risk of anxiety and depression. As well as increase the risk of exposure to dangerous things and people.




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