Top 5 most common favorite colors

In this article you will learn about the five most common favorite colors and why they are most commonly favorites.

The first color is BLUE. People who like blue are often seen as clean and tidy, and very relaxed. It has many different shades and many different looks. People love it because it is often seen as a non-threatening color that can seem conservative and traditional. It also is a calm color which most people like. And finally it is seen as a sign of stability and reliability.

The second color is RED and GREEN. Red and green are tied for the second most common favorite color. People who like the color red are often seen as confident, brave, and physically active. One reason red is the second is it is linked to passion, love, and desire. Which makes people think of love. People who love green are often seen as people who ask a lot of questions, are calm, and logical. The reason why people love green so much is because it is commonly seen as the color of nature, and it gives people a sense of security and makes us feel closer to nature and keeps us away from stress.

The third color is ORANGE. It is fun and bright and reminds us of summer. Studies have shown that orange radiates warmth and energy. The color orange stimulates activity and our ability to socialize. It is also bright, happy, and uplifting. It can also be very attention grabbing. People who like the color orange are often seen as bold, optimistic, and generous.

The fourth color surprisingly is BROWN. It gives people a sense of strength and reliability. The color brown is often associated with resilience, dependability, security, and safety. Most people who love the color brown are very down to earth people, and people who are very approachable.

The fifth and final color is PURPLE. People who like purple are often seen as artistic and unique individuals. It symbolizes wisdom, power, spirituality, luxury, wealth, and nobility. Since it is a color between red and blue, purple is a combination of red’s power and blue’s stability. 


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