Fat bear week

Fat bear week

In Katmai National Park in Alaska, this week is a week to remember. The national fat bear week started on September 30th and will go to October 6th. Created six years ago National fat bear week crowns the fattest bear In Brooke River.

This competition features the largest bears in that area. The competition started because the bears go into hibernation in early winter where they will lose one-third of their body weight. Katmai’s brown bears are there fattest in early fall late summer. Because they lose so much weight over the winter they spend their summers eating. Dozens of bears gather every day at Brookes river to catch their food which is most commonly salmon because of its rich taste and fat content.

The brown bears go through a bracket competition where people can vote for which bear they think is the fattest. The bear with the most votes will move forward in the competition. Only one bear can win the competition. The voting is open from 12-10p.m Eastern and 9 a.m to 7 p.m Pacific.

For bears gaining weight is not a bad thing, during hibernation they will not eat or drink. Female bears need to gain weight to support themselves and their babies ‘ growth and birth. Adult males need to gain weight to look large so they can secure mating opportunities and dominate one of the best fishing spots in the river. Juvenile bears face a totally different challenge. Often times it is their first winter on there own. They must learn to catch there own food and find there own home without the mothers’ help.

Katmai National Park is where the largest and healthiest amounts of Sockeye salmon still live on the planet. The bears weigh between 600 and 900 pounds before hibernation. Will a new brown bear be crowned the winner this year or will the same bear win again you can vote to find out. The brown bears in Katmai Alaska are the largest in the world. Brown bears eat around 90 pounds of food a day.

For voting, you can click on this link https://explore.org/fat-bear-week#about

  For more information click here https://www.nps.gov/katm/learn/news/fat-bear-week-2020.htm


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