Animals that are going extinct

Animals that are going extinct

Ever wonder what animals will still be on the earth in just a few years, or years to come? Well here are a few that may or may not be here in a few years. There are only a few animals that you can help out now, for the others they are just expected to go extinct in a few years or sooner. If you would like to be able to read a little more on this topic click here.

#1 Pangolin

 Image result for pangolin

The animal that is going extinct in 2020 is the Pangolin. An animal that looks like it has a hard shell to protect it on the outside, which is called keratin scales. Those scales on its body are one of the biggest reasons it’s going extinct, many people hunt these animals done and sell them on the black market for their scales. They are sold at the black market for about $3000/kg. There are about 8 different species of the Pangolin that are in danger right now, and that is the number of species there are. These animals are the most trafficked animal in the world right now. As sad as it is, this took a huge amount of survival with some populations – they are critically endangered. The IUCN says about every 5 minutes a Pangolin is taken from the wild.

#2 Rhino

Image result for samaritan rhino 

The three of the five species, that are among being critically endangered. The three species that are in more danger than the others are the Black Rhino, Javan Rhino, and the Sumatran Rhino. The Javan Rhino is the most endangered, with the total of their population being at 60 in Java Indonesia. While the Sumatran Rhino is critically endangered, there are about 100 of these kinds of Rhinos living today in the wild. The Black Rhino is also classified by the IUCN as critically endangered with three subspecies said to be extinct in 2011. The Black Rhinos are endangered because of their horns, they are considered medical. The demand for them is high among the poachers who hunt for them and other people. 


#3 Tigers

Image result for tigers 

Tigers have always been hunted for the pattern on their fur. Out of the 9 tiger species, 3 are already extinct, sadly. Many of these animals are going extinct but the few that have the biggest threat are the South China Tiger and Sumatran Tiger. The South China Tiger is thought to be extinct, in the wild since it hasn’t been spotted since the 1970s. Less than 500 of the Sumatran tigers are still alive and hopefully, they can make their species go up in a few years. 

#4 Vaquita 

Image result for vaquita

The Vaquita is the rarest marine mammal in the world. It has been said that there are less than 100 of them to this day. A few people had said that they thought they would have gone extinct by 2018, but they are still living just they are critically endangered. These animals only exist in the Gulf of California. They were never hunted by others, but their population is going down because of their kind getting stuck in illegal gill nets which were only intended in catching the totoaba. 


#5 Saola 

Image result for saola 

These animals are known as the Asian Unicorn. This discovery of these animals was made in 1992, which was also when they got that name of theirs. According to many websites that I have found, this animal is one of the rarest large mammals to exist. This unique and rare animal has been said by the IUCN to be critically endangered. These animals are hunted either for wildlife trade, bush-meat or for traditional Asian medicine. Saola is one of the very few animals with a large price on its head. The Saola does get caught in general slaughter and they get killed incidentally, as by-catch. 

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