Why is Becoming a Good Writer an Important Aspect of Everyone’s Life?

Why is Becoming a Good Writer an Important Aspect of Everyone’s Life?

Why is it important

Being or becoming a good writer is beneficial to everyone. Becoming a good writer is important because you never know when you will need to have this skill throughout your life. Becoming a good writer is also important because this can give you opportunities that you may not have known were possible. Being a good writer is important because it can be useful in different categories. Those are some reasons why becoming a good writer is important.


What can come out of writing?

 When you write, you are letting your creativity show. Many things can come from writing. For example, you can use writing as a way to express your feelings. If you struggle to express your emotions, writing them down can be a great alternative. Another thing that can come out of writing is better comprehension. As you go over the things you have written down, it is easier to understand your writing. Those are some things that can come from being a good writer.


When can you start becoming a writer?

You can start being a writer now, Practicing how to write, now, can help you with things in the future. I suggest that you start writing as soon as possible. If you didn’t have the chance to start writing at a young age, you can still start now. It is never too late to become a writer. You can be whatever age to start doing something. There is no limit on how much or how little someone can write depending on how old they are. You can also start writing in High School. You can progress throughout the ears and prepare for college. That is when you can start writing and why.


Where can you learn to become a good writer?

 Many people out in the world are willing to help you learn how to become a better writer. There is also the option for online lessons on how to become a better writer. For example, you can visit TheDailyPage.com or Reedsy.com to learn different ways to become a better writer. You can also ask an English, journalism, or creative writing teacher for help. Also, you can take writing classes throughout your middle school and high school years. That is where you can learn how to become a better writer.


Who are some inspiring writers and what have they done?

 There are many inspiring writers that you can take examples from. For example, there is J.K. Rowling, T.C. Boyle, John Ashberry, and Elizabeth Alexander. J.K. Rowling is an amazing writer who has written the book series, Harry Potter. Harry Potter is an amazing series and I recommend that you read it, especially if you are interested in what she has to offer. T.C. Boyle is a novelist and a short story writer. Some novels he has published are “The Harder They Come”, “Talk Talk”, and “When the KIllings Done”. As you read these novels, you can get a taste of what T.C. Boyle does. John Ashberry was a poet laureate during 2001-2003. Some of his honors and awards were for “Self Portrait in a Convex Mirror” in 1975. As well as an award for the National Humanities Medal. Elizabeth Alexander is a poet from Harlem. Some of her poems were the “Graywolf Press” in 2005. Another one is “Praise Song for the Day” in 2009. Those are some inspiring writers and what they have done.


How can becoming a good writer affect your life

 Being a good writer can affect your life in many aspects. Being a good writer can help you be and feel more productive. It can also help you with your communication skill and how you deliver your words. Being a good writer can also help you in college and your education. Being a good writer will help you be more focused on important things, and not the things that can leave you distracted. Being a good writer can also be beneficial if you like to save memories. Being able to write down those memories can help you save the little things that are also important. Those are many reasons how being a good writer can affect your life.



 In conclusion, I would like to add that, Writing is an aspect everyone can and should have in their lives. Being a good writer isn’t only beneficial to you, but can be beneficial to those around you. If you are already a good writer, I encourage you to help others become even better writers. You will never regret becoming a good writer if you try.

Link: https://facilethings.com/

101 on Writer’s Block

101 on Writer’s Block

We’ve all been there at one point, when you write an article and have no idea on what to write about, or maybe you have been writing an article and have no idea what to say in your next paragraph. That is the phenomenon known as Writer’s Block. The Merriam-Webster dictionary says it’s “a psychological inhibition preventing a writer from proceeding with a piece”. And quite frankly, it sucks. 


I feel pretty frustrated when I get writer’s block, I want to write something and when I can’t think of anything it’s rather annoying. Especially as a guy who is a journalist or wants to be one, I am constantly trying to think of ideas for articles to write about.


What are some ways to prevent writer’s block? Personally, I have a calendar. I will organize all my ideas into a list and then spread them out over time to be able to write and make content over time. I always try my best to write it down. A lot of times I totally forget about topics and if I write it down I can find it later and write about it. I ideally would like to spend 5-6 days working on an 800-1000 word essay and I can post it on the 7th, so every week I can publish 1 new article.


Another way to get past writer’s block for me is by not doing anything actually. If I can’t think of anything in that moment, the chances of me still thinking of anything is low to none. I’ll leave and focus on something else to do or think about to kind of reset  and refresh my mind and  I will come back to it later. The way my mind works is everyday I think about something new. There is never a day where I think about what I thought about yesterday. I never remember that. And so hopefully 30 minutes later I can come back and start writing again. Sometimes it will come when I’m not thinking of anything, sometimes it will come when I am writing about another topic. For example, I was writing about the most underrated baseball players at every position, and while writing I realized I could do the opposite; the most overrated baseball player at every position. It all will come at some point.


In conclusion, writer’s block sucks, but you can overcome it. New ideas are the key to journalists’ success, and without them, they have nothing to write about. 

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