Why Kids Need Screen Time Limits

Why Kids Need Screen Time Limits

Kids, no matter if you hate them or not, can’t be on social media. Social media or Roblox or even any other game is damaging their brains. They can’t get off their screens and it’s turning them into little devils. 

Some people think of kids nowadays as cute little innocent people. Not iPad babies, when a kid is grown up, slacked off and they get whatever they want you as a parent have created the devil. 

Parents are the fault of creating these devils. As a parent you have to set boundaries you can’t just slack off on your kids and give them whatever they want. When you do this you make your kids think the world revolves around them when in reality it doesn’t. That’s how you get iPad babies or 10 year old Sephora girlies. 

This is why kids need limits on screen time and no social media. When you create a screen time you set boundaries as a parent which then doesn’t mess them up. The possibilities are endless. Kids get better sleep, they go outside more, they can get less depressed, and most importantly they don’t turn into little devils. 

So in reality these kids are messed up. Most of the time it’s the parents fault because they are not parenting and they give their kids whatever they wish for and it creates demands. We will see what happens to these kids but it does not look good for them.  


Roblox is not a appropriate game for kids


Roblox might look like a fun safe game for kids but it really is not. Roblox has content such as sex acts, killing, the idea of murder, nudity and most dangerous. You play Roblox online and can chat with adults trying to get your information, scam you and much more. 


The games 

Roblox is a game that has a ton of minnie games in that one game, but some of the games are not appropriate for kids at the age of seven to nine. For example, like i said before there are minnie games, such as shedletsky’s dirty place is not appropriate for young kids at all. Shedletsky’s Dirty Place is a Roblox sex game where Shedletsky tries to do very dirty games with you and the game targets the ages thirteen and below. Kids that have played this game have been reported getting very bad nightmares. Some other roblox games that are not appropriate are, survive the killer, shower simulator, dance clubs and much more . Surviving the killer is one of those games that have extreme violence. Shower simulator falls under a sexual minnie game not appropriate for kids and dance club games are okay but should be taken seriously because if you don’t have any parental control your kid can most likely talk and chat with people all around the world. 

Your avatar

In a game you have to have a charter or yourself but when you are making your avatar you want to be careful because you can put on a body suit that makes you look naked. If parents are going to let their kid play roblox you have to restrict it and make sure you don’t have your credit card hooked up on the device. If you have your credit card hooked up to the device they’re playing on you can lose a lot of money because your kid is buying robux, what makes it worse is to buy robux all you have to do is push a few buttons and boom money, wasted. 



Like some other games it is super easy for your kid to be stuck on Roblox and only play Roblox for their free time. To put things into perspective the more you’re on Roblox the more your mental health goes way down and they’re not out playing with friends and learning valuable collaboration skills and social skills. For example sometimes my brother has tantrums when he cant play Roblox or when something in his favorite minnie game is gone. When my brother started playing Roblox he was glued onto the screen for hours. 


A thirteen year old girl was kidnapped from an old man she made friends with on Roblox thinking he was her age. Thankfully she was returned home safely after police found her two days after missing and arrested the man named, Howard graham. Kidnapping is such a real thing that can happen when you are not careful on Roblox {there are also kidnapping minnie games in Roblox where the player has to kidnap innocent people.} 



I have already touched this topic a bit in this review but there is more to just talking to people.  When you play with people and talk to them long enough you can be brainwashed and you can be making a friend  that back stabs you or just targets you for really inappropriate things.


Mental health 

Mental health is the key for a good, nice future and when your kids’ mental health plumits because of sleep deprivation and horrific Roblox games this just makes their mental health worse. On the other hand when your kid is non stop playing Roblox that can make their mental and physical health worse. When your kids play Roblox all day they can stop wanting to go to school or do school, or hang out with friends unless they’re on Roblox too. 



The conclusion of this whole article is of course roblox is bad for kids but like I have said before, roblox is just a dirty game you kids can get addicted to, lose mental health, they can meet very dangerous people and they can play dangerous games with adult content. Sum up this whole thing, roblox is bad and kids probably should not play roblox. 



I would like to give credits to 

Google pictures

Find my kids.com

Reason labs



Teens and phone addictions 101

Teens and phone addictions 101

Teenagers are far too addicted to their phones. Many scientific studies have proven that phones cause higher depression rates, more suicide rates, worse grades and that it ruins your brain permanently. But not all is bad when it comes to phones, there are good things too.


How old?

According to inc.com, “According to the latest research, on average, a child gets his or her first smartphone at 10.3 years old. That same study shows that by age 12, a full 50 percent of children have social media accounts (primarily Facebook and Instagram).” This shows that children are being introduced to social media and technology at too young of an age. Social media can cause depression, suicide, a lack of emotional connection, and a license to be hurtful to others. It is different for every kid, if your kid is irresponsible and not trustworthy, then hold back a few years. Why? Because adult content is an issue that is available to anyone who looks for it.

Your kid could also lose his or her iPhone, and who has to pay the bills? It’s not them, that’s for sure. Children develop a need for the phone at all times and addiction. When someone is addicted to something they always need it, if your kid always needs his or her phone it could cause problems in school or with friends. The attention of your child will decrease exponentially because they are on their phone. This could lead to bad grades or the phone being taken away during class. According to https://www.todaysparent.com “These days, the average age when kids get their first smartphones is around 10 years old, according to Calgary-based parenting expert Judy Arnall, author of Parenting with Patience. But exposure to mobile devices often begins at a much younger age: It’s becoming increasingly common to see toddlers wielding smartphones in strollers and preschoolers zoned out in front of iPads at restaurants.’’ So, in conclusion, it depends on your child.


Benefits of giving your child a phone

There are many reasons to not get your child a phone, yet there are lots of reasons why you should. 

With a phone, you are in constant contact with your child, if you need to get ahold of them while they’re out with friends or if they need to contact you. Along with being able to contact them, you can track them. And make sure they’re safe and where they told you they would be. This will allow you to keep your child safe, and you are reassured. Some other benefits are that your child could be socially included. When a child has a phone they can contact not just you but all their friends as well. But now that they have a phone they will contact their friends and hang out more with their peers. According to https://www.deseret.com/ “How many times have you rushed from work to pick up your kid from soccer practice, only to get there to wait 30 minutes because practice started late? A phone allows your child to send a quick text so you don’t waste your time. Or flip it and think of when you are running late picking up your child from dance because of traffic. Instead of your daughter being worried you have forgotten her, you shoot her a quick message.’’ Your child having a phone would not only help them but also help you.                                                       

Yes, your kid needs a cellphone. I’m not going to tell you a specific age, but it should be before high school but after 7th grade. Social media should not be allowed until their sophomore year. This way they are connected with their friends, and so when they have an extracurricular activity, you know when, where, and who. When you are older you make better decisions and so will your child with their phone.









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