The Harmful Effects of Vaping and How Social Media Plays a Role in Vaping

Currently, more than 2.5 million high school and middle school students use some kind of vape product. Most teens try to find a way to escape their lives, so they start to vape. Social media has a big role in teenagers’ lives. It can have such a negative impact on young people’s mental health when they use it wrong. That’s when a vape addiction can start.  

Social media

At some point in your life, you’re going to be in front of a screen. You might be viewing your friend’s prom picture or watching a funny video on YouTube. The lists are endless. What if you took it all away? Social media just suddenly disappears, would you be sad, happy, angry. Most teens would most likely be mad, I would be mad to be honest. But  much it would help? Without social media you don’t have to live up to everyone’s expectations. You wouldn’t have those late nights when you’re up all night wishing you were someone else.

Most teens find themselves scrolling on TikTok. The more they are trapped under the addiction of their screens, the more depressed teens get. This is where vaping comes in. When you’re depressed and don’t know how to find your way out, or think no one actually cares about you, you turn to something you find comfort in.

Vaping works like cigarettes, you take one or two puffs and it makes you feel happy, it gives your body dopamine. Then after a little bit your dopamine runs out and you vape more. It gets to the point where your body can’t make its own dopamine because your body thinks you’re getting enough from your vape. So your body stops making dopamine so you feel trapped and sad.

There’s a really good video that helps portray addiction. It’s called “Nuggets” by Filmbilder and Friends. It starts where a duck named Kiwi takes a gold nugget substance. He feels so happy, he feels like he’s floating. The more he takes the gold stuff though, the more it gets dark around him, and the more he cant get back up and the more he feels like he’s trapped.

“Nuggets by filmbilder and friends”

The industry is fricked. It’s so easy for teens to get cigarettes, vapes, or just any kind of addictive product. Nowadays there’s kids who sell them at school, or buy them at a store with a fake id. The companies are targeting kids like me and you. All the colors make them look pretty. How easy they are to get, or how they make them disposable and disguise them as highlights, markers, and stuffed toys.

Why are they doing this?

Vaping as an adult isn’t illegal, but they’re not targeting the adults, they’re targeting the teens. The industries disguise them as something else so you won’t get in trouble and you can keep buying. They make them disposable so if you’re in trouble you can just throw your vape away. The industries say they’re trying to fix things, but they’re not, they’re making it worse. Same goes with Instagram and any other social media.

They say you have to be thirteen, but it’s so easy to lie about your age, for heaven’s sake, I lied about my age a few years ago. They say they take them down, but why am I not down yet? There’s nine year olds thinking they are talking to other nine year olds. But in reality its old people who want to hurt them. The same goes with teenagers who talk to strangers. One slip up and you can get kidnapped or blackmailed.

This can all relate back to where you started. The first page on your Instagram. The constant scrolling, the constant hours spent on your device trying to be someone you don’t even know, till you break. When you feel like know one cares about you, except your little device that you always keep in your pocket.

Why Kids Need Screen Time Limits

Why Kids Need Screen Time Limits

Kids, no matter if you hate them or not, can’t be on social media. Social media or Roblox or even any other game is damaging their brains. They can’t get off their screens and it’s turning them into little devils. 

Some people think of kids nowadays as cute little innocent people. Not iPad babies, when a kid is grown up, slacked off and they get whatever they want you as a parent have created the devil. 

Parents are the fault of creating these devils. As a parent you have to set boundaries you can’t just slack off on your kids and give them whatever they want. When you do this you make your kids think the world revolves around them when in reality it doesn’t. That’s how you get iPad babies or 10 year old Sephora girlies. 

This is why kids need limits on screen time and no social media. When you create a screen time you set boundaries as a parent which then doesn’t mess them up. The possibilities are endless. Kids get better sleep, they go outside more, they can get less depressed, and most importantly they don’t turn into little devils. 

So in reality these kids are messed up. Most of the time it’s the parents fault because they are not parenting and they give their kids whatever they wish for and it creates demands. We will see what happens to these kids but it does not look good for them.  


Roblox is not a appropriate game for kids


Roblox might look like a fun safe game for kids but it really is not. Roblox has content such as sex acts, killing, the idea of murder, nudity and most dangerous. You play Roblox online and can chat with adults trying to get your information, scam you and much more. 


The games 

Roblox is a game that has a ton of minnie games in that one game, but some of the games are not appropriate for kids at the age of seven to nine. For example, like i said before there are minnie games, such as shedletsky’s dirty place is not appropriate for young kids at all. Shedletsky’s Dirty Place is a Roblox sex game where Shedletsky tries to do very dirty games with you and the game targets the ages thirteen and below. Kids that have played this game have been reported getting very bad nightmares. Some other roblox games that are not appropriate are, survive the killer, shower simulator, dance clubs and much more . Surviving the killer is one of those games that have extreme violence. Shower simulator falls under a sexual minnie game not appropriate for kids and dance club games are okay but should be taken seriously because if you don’t have any parental control your kid can most likely talk and chat with people all around the world. 

Your avatar

In a game you have to have a charter or yourself but when you are making your avatar you want to be careful because you can put on a body suit that makes you look naked. If parents are going to let their kid play roblox you have to restrict it and make sure you don’t have your credit card hooked up on the device. If you have your credit card hooked up to the device they’re playing on you can lose a lot of money because your kid is buying robux, what makes it worse is to buy robux all you have to do is push a few buttons and boom money, wasted. 



Like some other games it is super easy for your kid to be stuck on Roblox and only play Roblox for their free time. To put things into perspective the more you’re on Roblox the more your mental health goes way down and they’re not out playing with friends and learning valuable collaboration skills and social skills. For example sometimes my brother has tantrums when he cant play Roblox or when something in his favorite minnie game is gone. When my brother started playing Roblox he was glued onto the screen for hours. 


A thirteen year old girl was kidnapped from an old man she made friends with on Roblox thinking he was her age. Thankfully she was returned home safely after police found her two days after missing and arrested the man named, Howard graham. Kidnapping is such a real thing that can happen when you are not careful on Roblox {there are also kidnapping minnie games in Roblox where the player has to kidnap innocent people.} 



I have already touched this topic a bit in this review but there is more to just talking to people.  When you play with people and talk to them long enough you can be brainwashed and you can be making a friend  that back stabs you or just targets you for really inappropriate things.


Mental health 

Mental health is the key for a good, nice future and when your kids’ mental health plumits because of sleep deprivation and horrific Roblox games this just makes their mental health worse. On the other hand when your kid is non stop playing Roblox that can make their mental and physical health worse. When your kids play Roblox all day they can stop wanting to go to school or do school, or hang out with friends unless they’re on Roblox too. 



The conclusion of this whole article is of course roblox is bad for kids but like I have said before, roblox is just a dirty game you kids can get addicted to, lose mental health, they can meet very dangerous people and they can play dangerous games with adult content. Sum up this whole thing, roblox is bad and kids probably should not play roblox. 



I would like to give credits to 

Google pictures

Find my

Reason labs



why mice abuse hurts



Most kids want mice as pets or laboratories use these cute little fellas to experiment on but whatever it is mice are drastically dying. 


Pet Stores 

Pet stores mostly care about money and make these very crappy cages, food products, treat’s, etc. When it comes to pet stores selling mice they usually don’t give the mice the best care and healthy food. Sometimes pet stores house males with other males but males kill each other and try to harm each other. 



Labs kill 100 million mice and rats just for the sake of science. They are abused in ways such as toxicology which they are slowly poisoned, burned, and undergo psychological experiments that give these furry animals trauma, stress and terror. All of these experiments and deaths are only in the U.S so imagine how many more mice are dying in other countries. 



You can be the factor of your mice’s abuse. You might not realize but if you pick your mouse up by its tail, scream at your mouse, give your mouse a small cage, or forget to feed your mouse then it can be abuse. These are all neglectful acts and will fall under the category abuse. So do your research and find out what is best for a mouse. 



Kaytee is a small animal company that sucks. Their food is not nutritious, their cages are too small. That is not the worst they do though. Kaytee has a history and still does have breeding centers where they breed their animals including mice. Their breeding centers are horrible. They put 20 mice in little cardboard boxes with only mice and usually leave them there until they get fed. Most times though they forget to feed them so the mice have to eat each other and it’s just horrible. My mouse was once in a Kaytee breeding center and she still has trauma from those times. For example, she is in a better home, she loves me but she does not let anyone touch her. 



History of a Fancy Mouse

Everything has a start so what was the start of fancy mice? Fancy mice originated in China, Japan, and Europe. They all started breeding mice as pets in the 1700’s. Which lead to the creation of mouse abuse and lead to laboratories. They created laboratories because they found out mice are analogous, which means they found out they can use mice to make nature more clear to them. But, this lead to more and more people using mice for the purpose of torture and dumb experiments. 


Buying Mice Without Your Parents Permission 

This is a serious problem that happens more frequently than you might think.  When you buy a mouse without permission from a parent or a guardian’s permission in most cases you have to get rid of it. So people try to return but most pet stores don’t take returns. So when push comes to shove they have to release these guys into the wild. This is a big fat no no. Do not release fancy mice {fancy mice are pet mice} in the old world because they don’t know how to survive in the wild. They are pet mice. They don’t know how to survive like natural mice. When you release a pet mouse in the wild it’s their death sentence. 

You are Holding Your Mouse Wrong 

Most people hold their pet mice wrong. I already mentioned this briefly but you can’t be holding your mouse by the tail. This is a big fat no no because this puts a ton of stress on your mouse and has the potential risk of tearing their skin and tail. So that begs the question, “how to hold a mouse the proper way.” So first you want to hold out your hand and your mouse might already go on your hand. If your mice are not comfortable, you can put treats on your hand and your mice might go on your hand. If this does not work and you need your mouse on your hand you can gently guide your mouse with your other hand. 


Take Action

Educate yourself further on the topic of mouse abuse and take action! Educate others around you. Tell people what’s wrong and what they’re doing wrong. So take the action further. You can support PETA or other large corporations to fight mice abuse! 



I will like to give credits to google pictures

And PETA for pictures

And the Smithsonian magazine 


The Menu Is The Best Cinematic Horror Movie Of All Time

The Menu Is The Best Cinematic Horror Movie Of All Time


The Menu is one of the best horror movies of all time. The Menu is a movie about rich people who go to the restaurant “Hawthorne” with an incredible menu. The movie starts with Margot going to the restaurant with Tyler, they don’t know yet but it will soon take a dark toll. 


The music in the menu is super pretty.  At the start of the movie the music is super calm and melow but when you get deeper in the movie it starts to change to a more stressful and takes a toll on the movie. The music really has an impact on the movie, without the music the movie would not be the same, it would be less frightening it would not have that jittery affect to it. 


 The scenery is gorgeous, when they walk along the beach or show the animals it is absolutely stunning. The movie is in such good focus you can look at each tiny detail. The food looks so beautiful but so little. The fact that there are so many things that are happening in almost the same room is shocking. 


How the dialogue is presented and down is great because the characters do things and talk in such ways that make you feel empathy for some and make you hate for the rest. In the middle of the movie chef Slowik tells them “everyone is dying tonight” and in most movies when someone says nope you’re dying it does not actually happen but they took this phrase and ran with it i think that is really neat. 


The menu is one of the most intense movies I have ever seen because of the music, scenery and  dialogue. All these points smashed together makes the movie pop out with intensity. The menu is so good at making you jittery. I thought I was going to throw up the first time I watched it. 

The Food 

Of course the menu is about food so they had Dominique Crenn design the food for the menu. To make the great photography of Slowik’s dishes they got help from David Gelb the creator of “chefs table”.  Crenn believes that dishes must tell stories or they are not dishes. The production designer, Ethan Tobman said “chef Slowik is not inspired by nature, he is haunted by nature.” 

The making

The making of the menu was a tedious process. A very big process for making the menu is the food perfect but still dark and mysterious. The acting and the dialogue is superbib and has so much emotion to the acting. How they developed these characters is super astonishing. 

How it ends 

The ending to the menu makes you go “what?” because in the movie chef Slowik states “all of us are dying tonight” and they took that phrase and stuck with it. That is super neat. The last course is also super memorable because chef Slowik makes a big meaning with the dish and the emotions going around the room are so intense and sorrowful.

Chef Slowik 

If you talk about the menu you can not, not mention chef Slowik because he is one of the most dangerous characters in this movie. Chef Slowik is played by Ralph Fiennes. Chef Slowik is obsessive over his food but Tyler’s obsession with food is the find Slowik hates. Slowik is obsessed with perfection and Tyler is obsessed with taste and is super annoying he makes you grit your teeth in anger.


When you first meet Elsa you might not even catch her name because she is one of those characters that is presented as a background character but closing in on her death scene she really pops out and expresses that Slowik wont get rid of her like the snap of someone’s fingers.

The Add Up 

Those were some of the characters that make a everlasting impact on the overall movie. When you add up all these factors you see how much detail every shot was and tension to the guests,staff,cooks and wildlife in this movie.  


The menu is rated R, contains blood, tobacco, alcohol, swearing, violence, homicide, The menu has 3.5 stars. 


I would like to give credits to 

And, of course the movie, The Menu.



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