Dance Moms is a bit toxic


Dance moms is an amazing show about little girls who dance and go to competitions every week. What people miss, don’t pay attention to, how toxic the moms and Abby Lee Miller {on the top} were to the little girls. 


The pyramid

The pyramid was toxic. The pyramid is a pyramid of the girls’ faces and if you were at the top of the pyramid then you were the best and you would want to be at the top if you were at the bottom then work your way to the top because you’re bad at dance.  



Chloe is one of the best people in the world. She slays the day away but she never got on the top of the pyramid at all. She would work her but off and never get on the top of the pyramid, she would always always be at second or third of the pyramid. Chloe was one of the best kids at dancing apart from maddie she would be the best. 


Maddie was so good at dance but she had immense pressure on her to stay at the top. The pressure was high but not as high as the other girls to be at the top, even though they can never beat Maddie because she was Abby’s favorite. 


The others girls 

The other girls and Maddie, Chloe would be yelled at and would have to rehearse for hours and hours each day they would constantly cry and when they did they would get yelled at, from abby. 


Candy apples

Having candy apples in the mix of it {there rival dance studio}. makes it worse, sure candy apples are a bit bad but that still adds pressure to the girls. If they don’t beat candy apples then they get yelled at like that would happen though.


Abby is the most toxic racist person i have ever seen in a tv show she constantly has Nia do ethical dances when no one else was doing them. Abby would yell at you to the point of tears. She would yell at you for the stupidest reasons that the whole thing with Abby was toxic. 


Over all

Overall dance moms I think are a bit toxic and I was only talking about the girls and Abby. If you have a chance to see dance moms, the moms are extremely toxic. If you have a chance to spend a couple hours watching dance moms it’s a really good tv show but i just think its a bit toxic. 


We Should Care About Rabbits

We Should Care About Rabbits

Rabbits have been neglected and abused for years and it is not okay anymore. Rabbits are used for food, fur, and simply for a pet but most people that own a bunny are mistreating them. 


Pet rabbits 

If you are looking into getting a pet rabbit that’s great, if you know what you’re doing that is. Most people mistreat their rabbits by accident or for content. This is not okay because bunnies are very sensitive animals. You have to remember they are prey animals not predators. What makes people the most inferated by people who own rabbits is, some bunny owners let their ten and under kids care for them and that goes down bad. For example my neighbors cousins had bunnies and their four year olds were playing with them unsupervised. The kids ended up throwing the bunny across the room  and the sweet little baby bunny died.



It is very tragic but there are companies out there that harvest thousands of rabbits for meat. Some companies use domestic rabbits { rabbits that are pets } for their meat which is very horrifying and gross. 


Animal abusers 

Animal abusers have been known for picking up rabbits and other small animals to kill, mutilate and torture rabbits. For example, Patryk Sochocki bought a rabbit from the local pet store and cut off its hind legs, tail, and genitals with a pair of scissors. The police found the man with bottles of alcohol, and a strong smell of marujana. The rabbit was rushed to a local animal hospital, but sadly passed away from bleeding out too much. Another case of animal abusers abusing rabbits, Dorota Trec, a music teacher who was found keeping her rabbits outside and not taking care of them. The A.S.P.C.A took dozens of rabbits away from here and then came back three days later to get the rest. When they were looking closely at them they realized, two thirds of the rabbits had wounds due to bites. Half of the rabbits tested positive for syphilis, nearly three dozen had genital or anal trauma. 



Parents are one of the biggest problems for most animal abuse cases .

Most parents leave their kids or people around these rabbits and don’t think of it. They come back later to find their pet bunny dead. So when you have pet rabbits you have to be mature and have a good right mindset. If you lack that kind of responsibility you probably should not own a pet bunny. 

Doing your research

Getting a new pet is exciting but you have to do your research or else you can abuse that animal or harm it without you even knowing. When you get a bunny on the other hand people think “oh there like rodents there rodents. But no they are not rodents and no they should not be put into cages. Bunnies are super needy and if you can’t provide that care then either try to make it work or change your ways but when worse comes to worse don’t get the bunny. When you put it into perspective every animal and human is needy but with rabbits it’s not like putting it in a cage all day and never letting the bunny out. If you do that you can get charged or even worse arrested. When you are taking care of a rabbit don’t put it outside, let it in your home and free roam. When you have a pet bunny give them attention and love treat a bunny how a dog or a cat would be treated. Give your bunny the right kind of food. And most importantly, do your research. 


I will like to give credits to 

Google pictures. 

The new york times 

Journal inquirer 

Kidnapping / Abduction Survivors

Kidnapping / Abduction Survivors


Do you know, every 40 seconds a child goes missing or is abducted in the United states? The most common age to get kidnapped / abducted is when you are 12-20 years old, or in middle school. Luckily, 99% of juvenile kidnapping cases were not found dead, but alive. There are many cases where the person who was kidnapped survived, these are some examples of those people.



Jayme Closs was kidnapped on October 15 2018, the same night her parents were shot and killed. The police followed thousands of tips and did everything they could to find her, but their efforts to find her failed. Until January 10 when Jayme Closs was found outside of a small town called Gordon, which was located about an hour away from her home. 21 year old Jake Thomas was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Jayme Closs’s parents and Jayme’s kidnapping after pleading guilty.



Elizabeth Smart was 14 years old when she was kidnapped by Brian David, then held captive by Brian and his wife. She was held in the woods, where she was abused and sexually assaulted for nine months. Elizabeth’s sister recognized the kidnappers voice, which led them to get a sketch of him and eventually catch the kidnapper. Brian was sentenced to life in prison while his wife was released after 15 years in September 2018.



Kara Robinson is a 15 year old girl who was kidnapped while she was watering her friend’s plants. Richard Evonitz came up to the house and got Kara to come closer to him by pretending to give her a flier, when she got close enough to him he held a gun to her neck and forced her to get into a container in the trunk of his car. Kara was held hostage for 18 hours, where she was repeatedly sexually assaulted. Kara waited for her captor, Richard Evonitz, to fall asleep. Then she wiggled out of her restraints and escaped through the front door where she flagged down a vehicle and got them to help her. Richard was then connected to three other murders of girls around Kara’s age, and was suspected that he would’ve killed her too. Her captor shot himself when he was cornered by the police.



On July 10 1998, A woman named Gloria Williams had a miscarriage. Leading her to kidnap Kamiyah Mobley, who was born only a few hours earlier. Gloria brought her back home to her husband and her other children, where she raised Kamiyah as her own. When Kamiyah was 16 she wanted to get a job, which forced Gloria to explain to her why she didn’t have a valid birth certificate and social security card. For the next year of her life they lived in hiding, until someone sent in an anonymous tip about Kamiyah. Kamiyah has a strained relationship with her biological mom, and she has made it known that she supports Gloria, who Kamiyah continued to address as “mom”.



After Katie beers was kidnapped, on December 28 1992 two days before her tenth birthday, she terrified the nation with a phone call that was released to the public: “Aunt Linda, a man kidnapped me and has a knife, and oh no, here he comes right now,”. A family friend, John Esposito, kidnapped her and sexually abused her in a bunker located in his basement. Katie Beer’s was missing for 17 days before John led the authorities to the bunker where he kept her.  He told the authorities he had made the bunker for her, but Katie Beers sees the case differently. She associated the kidnapping with “”saving her”. Before the kidnapping Katie was living with her godmother and her husband, who abused her.


These are all examples of people who survived kidnappings/Abductions and their stories. Although these people got a happy ending not every kidnapping story has a good ending. Do you know anyone who’s been kidnapped? How did their story end?

why mice abuse hurts



Most kids want mice as pets or laboratories use these cute little fellas to experiment on but whatever it is mice are drastically dying. 


Pet Stores 

Pet stores mostly care about money and make these very crappy cages, food products, treat’s, etc. When it comes to pet stores selling mice they usually don’t give the mice the best care and healthy food. Sometimes pet stores house males with other males but males kill each other and try to harm each other. 



Labs kill 100 million mice and rats just for the sake of science. They are abused in ways such as toxicology which they are slowly poisoned, burned, and undergo psychological experiments that give these furry animals trauma, stress and terror. All of these experiments and deaths are only in the U.S so imagine how many more mice are dying in other countries. 



You can be the factor of your mice’s abuse. You might not realize but if you pick your mouse up by its tail, scream at your mouse, give your mouse a small cage, or forget to feed your mouse then it can be abuse. These are all neglectful acts and will fall under the category abuse. So do your research and find out what is best for a mouse. 



Kaytee is a small animal company that sucks. Their food is not nutritious, their cages are too small. That is not the worst they do though. Kaytee has a history and still does have breeding centers where they breed their animals including mice. Their breeding centers are horrible. They put 20 mice in little cardboard boxes with only mice and usually leave them there until they get fed. Most times though they forget to feed them so the mice have to eat each other and it’s just horrible. My mouse was once in a Kaytee breeding center and she still has trauma from those times. For example, she is in a better home, she loves me but she does not let anyone touch her. 



History of a Fancy Mouse

Everything has a start so what was the start of fancy mice? Fancy mice originated in China, Japan, and Europe. They all started breeding mice as pets in the 1700’s. Which lead to the creation of mouse abuse and lead to laboratories. They created laboratories because they found out mice are analogous, which means they found out they can use mice to make nature more clear to them. But, this lead to more and more people using mice for the purpose of torture and dumb experiments. 


Buying Mice Without Your Parents Permission 

This is a serious problem that happens more frequently than you might think.  When you buy a mouse without permission from a parent or a guardian’s permission in most cases you have to get rid of it. So people try to return but most pet stores don’t take returns. So when push comes to shove they have to release these guys into the wild. This is a big fat no no. Do not release fancy mice {fancy mice are pet mice} in the old world because they don’t know how to survive in the wild. They are pet mice. They don’t know how to survive like natural mice. When you release a pet mouse in the wild it’s their death sentence. 

You are Holding Your Mouse Wrong 

Most people hold their pet mice wrong. I already mentioned this briefly but you can’t be holding your mouse by the tail. This is a big fat no no because this puts a ton of stress on your mouse and has the potential risk of tearing their skin and tail. So that begs the question, “how to hold a mouse the proper way.” So first you want to hold out your hand and your mouse might already go on your hand. If your mice are not comfortable, you can put treats on your hand and your mice might go on your hand. If this does not work and you need your mouse on your hand you can gently guide your mouse with your other hand. 


Take Action

Educate yourself further on the topic of mouse abuse and take action! Educate others around you. Tell people what’s wrong and what they’re doing wrong. So take the action further. You can support PETA or other large corporations to fight mice abuse! 



I will like to give credits to google pictures

And PETA for pictures

And the Smithsonian magazine 


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