Why Kids Need Screen Time {satire}

Kids, no matter if you hate them or not, can’t be on social media. Social media, Roblox or even any other game is damaging their brains. They can’t get off their screens and it’s turning them into little devils. 


Some people think of kids nowadays as cute little innocent people. Not ipad babies, when a kid is growing up, slacking off and getting whatever they want, you as a parent have created the devil. Parents are the fault of creating these devils. As a parent you have to set boundaries, you can’t just slack off on your kids and give them whatever they want. When you do this you make your kids think the world revolves around them, when in reality it doesn’t. That’s how you get ipad babies or 10 year old sephora girlies. 

This is why kids need screen time/no social media. When you create a screen time you set boundaries as a parent. Which then doesn’t mess them up. The possibilities are endless. Kids get better sleep, they go outside more, they can get less depressed, and most importantly they don’t turn into little devils. 


So in reality these kids are messed up. Most of the time it’s the parents fault because they are not parenting and they give their kids whatever they wish for and it creates demands. We will see what happens to these kids but it does not look good for them.  


                                        How to set boundaries

So you now realize that your kid is a brat, but how do you set boundaries? Well it’s pretty easy actually. Just become the one in charge, that’s it, all you have to do is establish your the one in charge, your the parent. Then you can establish rules to set boundaries, that makes your kids slowly realize the world doesn’t revolve around them. Thus making them into sweet little angels. Hopefully. 


                                       Let’s be honest here….

I can’t keep talking about this until I just have to be very specific right now. Kids that are angels aren’t really angels. Kids in general are idiotic, annoying, know it alls. You have already heard me say let’s set up screen time for these kids, but here’s a better idea. Why can’t we just have every kid each year take a simple test to see if they are a brat? Then if they are, we put them under house arrest for a year until they can take the test again. When the kid comes of age, at 18, they don’t have to take the test, thus they’re free and don’t have to take the test ever again, or just get off house arrest. 

This whole idea sounds lovely because then you don’t have annoying 10 year old sephora girlies, or ipad babies. Adults could go and do things, and they don’t have to run into the annoying kids, and if they do run into kids, they’re not brats. This will benefit adults’ sanity and it will teach the kids to be a well rounded human being. 

{So then your kid is not the picture below but they are the one below the picture below.}

Not this 

Yes please. 


So in conclusion yes kids do need screen time and yes this idea does propose this. But wouldn’t putting kids under house arrest be so much easier. You’ve heard the points and it would be so easy just to get rid of the kids. Yes they still have to go to school, but if the kid is under house arrest then you don’t have to see them in public. It’s a win win for everyone.

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