Why Jordan Peele is the best Movie Director of this generation.

Why Jordan Peele is the best Movie Director of this generation.

    When I was first introduced to Jordan Peele’s first movie Get Out, I was kind of just expecting another horror movie that was okay. What I found out after the end of that movie was amazing. This movie was not just a movie it was more of a political statement on racism in America and I loved that.

     From then on I remembered the name Jordan Peele so when I saw the trailer of Us I was hyped because it was the same director and same genre. I watched this movie with a lot higher expectation than Get Out and it was super good still. 

   It’s more of a take on different social classes and how we treat people way too different purely based on where their situation is socially in America. It’s about an exact clone of every single person in the world coming up from the sewers and taking over because they think they deserve to have all of the benefits of lying above ground because they never have before.

     Then, Jordan came out with Nope which I didn’t see until after my parents and they had mixed thoughts about it so I was kind of scared going into the theaters for that one. The trailer looked really good so I was trying to be as positive as possible. When the credits began I realized that my mom was completely wrong this movie is an instant classic for me. This movie has the perfect actor for the main role Daniel Kaluuya is probably my favorite actor in the world right now.

Kaluuya was also the main character in Get Out, so I think that Jordan and him get along really well and they’ve made some very good movies together. The thing about these movies that separates them though is the fact that they are considered horror movies but there isn’t ever really a time where you’re downright scared and each movie has a comedic sense to it too that makes it a perfect horror comedy. 

    The best thing about watching his movies is the process of your brain trying to discover what Jordan is trying to represent through the big screen and if you dive really deep into his work it’s insane. He also represents black people really well and he seems to be a really intelligent person with some of the stuff he puts into these films. Now that I’ve said so much about him let’s get into my favorite film Get Out.

Get Out

     Like I said I didn’t know what to expect from this movie when it first came out so I wasn’t really expecting to see anything astonishing. Well I probably should’ve read some reviews because this was an insane movie.

       You don’t understand all of the things and topics Jordan is trying to represent at first but I’ve re-watched this movie too many times to count and every single time I’ve noticed new things that are really amazing about the thing Jordan is trying to represent, and that would be modern 

There’s a perfect scene in this movie where Chris and Rose are watching out of the window as the entire family drives through the trees into the driveway, and I didn’t notice this until I watched the movie again but it was hinting at the ending the entire time. All of Roses family are white people and they all drove into the driveway in really nice black cars. 

      So, with the ending revealing that they use black people for their bodies and physical advantages this kind of went under the radar until you re-watch it, this is why I would suggest re-watching all of his work I’m writing about in this article. There are two maids and housekeepers that the family has and they act very abnormal for the entire movie and it keeps you guessing on what’s wrong with them.

      Well, it kind of tells you because it shows that they’re both black and when the movies big twist is revealed you realize that these housekeepers are actually Roses grandparents in the kidnapped peoples bodies and it’s very rewarding.

      With all of this being said I have watched so many Youtube videos of different people trying to interpret the movies message and theme and they all kind of see it in a different way, and I’ve really appreciated all of those because it allows me to see the movie in a different way and I will always love that. 

Spoiler Alert

     The ending to this movie is so freaking good it ends with Chris being hunted by the family and he barely escapes and he realizes Rose was tricking him the entire time and she’s going to try and use him for his athletic body. He found this out because he found a bunch of pictures of Rose with her past black boyfriends. Well this doesn’t make sense because earlier in the movie she said that he’s the first black guy she’s ever dated and her parent don’t know, so that’s kind of the twist that jump-starts the ending phase of the movie.

Ho, Ho, Holiday Jokes!

Ho, Ho, Holiday Jokes!

As holidays come around the corner there are treats and fun and best of all, there are corny jokes. Everybody knows the classic dad jokes that all teenagers sigh at and roll their eyes. Dad jokes such as “Dad, I’m hungry,” then he’ll say, “Hi hungry! I’m dad!” Everybody knows those kinds of jokes, some are super funny and others you just facepalm at. Holidays are the best, Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, Valentine’s Day, and New Year’s Eve. There are lists and lists of jokes for these holidays, these are some amazing jokes to tell around the holidays.


New Year’s Eve

First, we start the year with parties and cider, but the one thing it’s missing is the funny jokes to get everyone laughing. Here are some of the very awesome and funny New Year’s Eve jokes.

  1. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to stop procrastinating, but I’ll wait until tomorrow to start.
  2. Why should you put your new calendar in the freezer? To start the new year in a cool way.
  3. Knock knock, who’s there? Abby, Abby who? Abby new year!
  4. What is corn’s favorite day? New Ear’s Eve!


Valentine’s Day

The first holiday of the year then the next big one. For love is in the air and Cupid has a job to do for this is the month of love. That’s right next is Valentine’s Day with love in the air and amazing corny jokes to pick up your date. Here are some awesome Valentine’s Day jokes.


  1. What did the paper clip say to the magnet? I find you very attractive.
  2. I thought I won the argument with my wife as to how to arrange the dining room furniture. But when I got home the tables were turned.
  3. How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend? He gave her a ring!



There is nothing better than waking up and going out to search for Easter eggs, but there is also another thing to search for, Easter jokes! These are some of the most eggcellent Easter jokes ever!


  1. Where does Easter take place? Where eggs mark the spot!
  2. What happens when you get married on Easter? You live hoppily ever after!
  3. What do you call a bunny with fleas? Bugs bunny!
  4. How does the Easter bunny keep his fur looking so nice? With hare spray!



It’s that time of year, where the leaves change color, everything gets scarier, and where jokes are best for the season. The holiday of pumpkins, ghouls, ghosts, tricks, and treats, and amazing jokes and puns.


  1. What do you catch from a vampire in winter? Frostbite!
  2. Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel prize? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  3. What would a national holiday be for vampires? Fangs-giving!
  4. Why didn’t the skeleton go to prom? He no body to go with.



I am so grateful for this amazing opportunity to have a big meal with all my family and friends and to make incredible jokes. While everyone fills up their plates and their stomachs I will share some amazing thanksgiving jokes.


  1. Why did the farmer separate the chicken and the turkey? Because he sensed fowl play.
  2. Why did the turkey join the band? Because he had his drumsticks!
  3. How come the turkey didn’t eat dinner? He was already stuffed!



The last holiday of the year, Christmas! The beautiful lights and the presents are under the tree. A time of joy with your closest family and friends and with the best seasonal jokes.


  1. What do you call Santa when he stops moving? Santa pause.
  2. How does Rudolph know when Christmas is coming? He uses his calen-deer!
  3. What is a parent’s favorite Christmas carol? Silent night!
  4. What kind of music do elves like? Wrap music.
  5. Why didn’t the tree get a present? Because it was too knotty!




In conclusion, jokes make everyone laugh, you just need the right ones. Holidays are amazing times to spend time with the people you love and care about. Make sure if anything is bland, add a little laughter to any holiday with these awesome and funny jokes. So go out there and make the world a better and much funnier place!

Top 5 Karen moments and freakouts

Top 5 Karen moments and freakouts

The people we all love and hate… Karens. Karens are stupid. Karens are boomers. Karens ruin everything. And I mean everything. Karens also happen to be funny. Luckily for you, I scoured the internet far and wide to find the best, funniest, and most ridiculous Karen moments and freakouts. These videos demonstrate and show just exactly what a Karen is. What exactly is a Karen though? Let me explain.

The Origin Story

According to Wikipedia,

“a Karen is a pejorative term for someone perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is appropriate or necessary. A common stereotype is that of a white woman who uses her privilege to demand her own way at the expense of others. Depictions also include demanding to “speak to the manager”, being racist, being anti-vaccination, or sporting a particular bob cut hairstyle. As of 2020, the term was increasingly being used as a general-purpose term of disapproval for middle-aged white women.”

Karens also have very distinct haircuts. The haircut is a source you can use to tell if it is just your average everyday boomer, or if it is a Karen. Just like when you can tell the difference between a whitetail deer or an elk.

Now that you know just what a Karen is, let’s take a dive into the top 5 Karen freakouts and moments.

#5: Park Ranger Karen

(Click on the link to see the video)

Karen Video #5

This video demonstrates just how rude and racist they can be. That poor Asian family can’t even go on vacation without spotting a wild Karen. Karen blocks the Asian families path like she’s Gandolf like, “You shall not pass”, but with more racism. She goes out of her way to prove the point that Asians don’t belong in America, which they do. America is a free country, but some people believe in, “If you’re not white and have my haircut, you are a less important person than me”. Overall, the video is actually pretty decent. Although whoever was recording looked like they recorded it on a Gameboy from the 90’s, the video in itself is funny and deserves some credit.

#4: Crazy Verizon customer Karen

(Click on the link to see the video)

Karen Video #4

This video is flat out crazy. For those who can not understand the context of this video, Karen’s phone plan is crappy and she wants to change it. The Verizon employee talks to her about different plans she can choose from. But because Karen is on a whole other level than you, she thinks she should  get a brand new phone. The Verizon employee tells her that is not possible unless she pays for it. From then, the video downspirals in chaos. Karen basically turned into the Devil himself, and unleashed all her anger and hate on this poor employee. It was so bad, more employees came to help, and they still could not handle the power of the Karen. It’s like Naruto. He has the demon fox trapped inside of him, and when he gets backed into a corner, he can trigger this demon, and it gives him crazy powers. This video demonstrates how Karens think they are the head of society and they deserve more than the average person, when in reality, they don’t.

#3: Karen the Witch unleashes her powers on “trespasser”

(Click on the link to see the video)

Karen Video #3

This video lowkey creeps me out. Karen stands there in her long, black, straggly hair, just staring into your soul. She judges every part of you. If I were the poor, black man that was in that scenario, I’d try and throw boiling water at her to burn off her old, saggy witch skin. Not only is there witch Karen, there is her super compassionate partner, who I like to refer to as a Greg. Greg’s are basically the husband of a Karen, and demonstrate exactly what a Karen is, only in male form. Greg is not only asking the guy questions like a hardcore interrogation, he decides to roll his camera on his phone to probably show the police later. Typical Karen move. These beautifully racist couple probably have no clue that he is the owner of the property, but still go out of their way to question the black man if it’s his property, and then go on to call the cops, for standing on HIS OWN PROPERTY. Unbelievable. The delusion of the couple is out of this galaxy. Mind your own business, Karen.

#2: KidzBop Karen

(Click on the link to see the video)

Karen Video #2

This was very close to being #1 on this list, but compared to the next one is not as good. Anyways, this Karen goes WAY out of her way to tell the driver and the backseat passenger just how idiotic they are. Getting out of your car, in the middle of a street, just to yell at some people,  really takes some nerve. But Karens have that nerve. She rants on the driver for a little while, then she REALLY let’s it out against the passenger. She even goes as far to start yelling cuss words at them, while her kids are in the car next to them. And then, makes the face. Game over. Good luck with that. If I were them, I would just walk out of the car and ask for a car to run me over. That face is basically the infinity gauntlet. “Now, reality can be whatever she wants”, with that face. The best part of the whole video, and the signature mark, is when she tells her kids are, “too busy watching KidzBop”, to listen to her cuss. Every second of this video I burst into laughter uncontrollably. Just a surreal video.

Now, the best video of all

#1: Karen saves the day by calling cops on a black family at the park having BBQ

(Click on the link to watch the video)

Karen Video #1

Words can’t even describe this video. Karen is so incredibly ridiculous in this video I can’t even think. 24 minutes of utter Karenism, if that is even a word. Racist Karen goes out of her way to make life tough for an innocent black family just having a BBQ in a PUBLIC PARK. She pulls all kinds of reasons out of her gray hair about how it is bad for society and her city. A nearby citizen questions her for a little while. The black family talks to her, and she STEALS the lady’s credit card! Then Karen acts all defensive like she is being threatened or hurt. Then she pulls a typical Karen move, which is calling the cops if things don’t go her way. Even the police think she is an idiot. They too don’t care because after all it is a PUBLIC PARK. This Karen is so freaking delusional, she has no idea what she is doing. She needs to mind her own business, and stop trying to take charge of everything.

Top 5 Karen moments and freak outs

Top 5 Karen moments and freak outs

The people we all love and hate… Karens. Karen’s are stupid. Karen’s are boomers. Karen’s ruin everything. And I mean everything. Karens also happen to be funny. Luckily for you, I scoured the internet far and wide to find the best, funniest, and most ridiculous Karen moments and freak outs. These videos demonstrate and show just exactly what a Karen is. What exactly is a Karen though? Let me explain.


The Origin Story

According to Wikipedia, a Karen pejorative term for someone perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is appropriate or necessary. A common stereotype is that of a white woman who uses her privilege to demand her own way at the expense of others. Depictions also include demanding to “speak to the manager”, being racist, being anti-vaccination, or sporting a particular bob cut hairstyle. As of 2020, the term was increasingly being used as a general-purpose term of disapproval for middle-aged white women.”


Karens also have very distinct haircuts. The haircut is a source you can use to tell if it is just your average everyday boomer, or if it is a Karen. Just like when you can tell the difference between a whitetail deer or an elk.

Now that you know just what a Karen is, let’s take a dive into the top 5 Karen freak outs and moments.

#5: Park Ranger Karen

(Click on the link to see the video)

Karen Video #5


This video demonstrates just how rude and racist they can be. That poor Asian family can’t even go on vacation without spotting a wild Karen. Karen blocks the Asian families path like she’s Gandalf like, “You shall not pass”, but with more racism. She goes out of her way to prove the point that Asians don’t belong in America, which they do. America is a free country, but some people believe in, “If you’re not white and have my haircut, you are a less important person than me”. Overall, the video is actually pretty decent. Although whoever was recording looked like they recorded it on a Gameboy from the 90’s, the video in itself is funny and deserves some credit.


#4: Crazy Verizon customer Karen

(Click on the link to see the video)

Karen Video #4


This video is flat out crazy. For those who can not understand the context of this video, Karen’s phone plan is crappy and she wants to change it. The Verizon employee talks to her about different plans she can choose from. But because Karen is on a whole other level than you, she thinks she should  get a brand new phone. The Verizon employee tells her that is not possible unless she pays for it. From then, the video down spirals in chaos. Karen basically turned into the Devil himself, and unleashed all her anger and hate on this poor employee. It was so bad, more employees came to help, and they still could not handle the power of the Karen. It’s like Naruto. He has the demon fox trapped inside of him, and when he gets backed into a corner, he can trigger this demon, and it gives him crazy powers. This video demonstrates how Karen’s think they are the head of society and they deserve more than the average person, when in reality, they don’t.


#3: Karen the Witch unleashes her powers on “tresspasser”

(Click on the link to see the video)

Karen Video #3


This video low key creeps me out. Karen stands there in her long, black, straggly hair, just staring into your soul. She judges every part of you. If I were the poor, black man that was in that scenario, I’d try and throw boiling water at her to burn off her old, saggy witch skin. Not only is there witch Karen, there is her super compassionate partner, who I like to refer to as a Greg. Greg’s are basically the husband of a Karen, and demonstrate exactly what a Karen is, only in Male form. Greg is not only asking the guy questions like it is 21 questions, he decides to roll his camera on his phone to probably show the police later. Typical Karen move. These beautifully racist couple probably have no clue that he is the owner of the property, but still go out of their way to question the black man if it’s his property, and then go on to call the cops, for standing on HIS OWN PROPERTY. Unbelievable. The delusion of the couple is out of this galaxy. Mind your own business, Karen.


#2: KidsBop Karen

(Click on the link to see the video)

Karen Video #2


This was very close to being #1 on this list, but compared to the next one is not as good. Anyways, this Karen goes WAY out of her way to tell the driver and the backseat passenger just how idiotic they are. Getting out of your car, in the middle of a street, just to yell at some people,  really takes some nerve. But Karens have that nerve. She rants on the driver for a little while, then she REALLY lets it all out against the passenger. She even goes as far to start yelling cuss words at them, while her kids are in the car next to them. And then, makes this face. 


Game over. Good luck with that. If I were them, I would just walk out of the car and ask for a car to run me over. That face is basically the infinity gauntlet. “Now, reality can be whatever she wants”, with that face. The best part of the whole video, and the signature mark, is when she tells her kids are, “too busy watching KidsBop”, to listen to her cuss. Every second of this video I burst into laughter uncontrollably. Just a surreal video.


Now, the best video of all

#1: Karen saves the day by calling cops on black family at park having BBQ

(Click on the link to watch the video)

Karen Video #1

Words can’t even describe this video. Karen is so incredibly ridiculous in this video I can’t even think. 24 minutes of utter Karenism, if that is even a word. Racist Karen goes out of her way to make life tough for an innocent black family just having a BBQ in a PUBLIC PARK. She pulls all kinds of reasons out of her gray hair about how it is bad for society and her city. A nearby citizen questions her for a little while. The black family talks to her, and she STEALS the lady’s credit card! Then Karen acts all defensive like she is being threatened or hurt. Then she pulls a typical Karen move, which is calling the cops if things don’t go her way. Even the police think she is an idiot. They too don’t care because after all it is a PUBLIC PARK. This Karen is so freaking delusional, she has no idea what she is doing. She needs to mind her own business, and stop trying to take charge of everything.

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