5 Best Hypoallergenic Dogs

5 Best Hypoallergenic Dogs

If you are allergic to dogs but still want one make sure you talk to your doctor to see if it is ok. If our doctor says it is okay, here are some good dogs to consider.

#5: Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise is great if you have a sensitive nose. These tiny dogs are great for big and smaller living spaces. They usually grow up to 9.5-11.5 inches and 12-18 pounds. They are usually white and are adorable. Bichons are usually good with other pets and can be good with kids. They don’t get too energetic usually but are great to run around with. Make sure to play around with them to keep them happy during the day. Their diet should be surrounded by food that has meat in it,  vegetables, and grains. They don’t eat very much, but that can vary on how big your dog is or how much they move around. Usually, 2 ½ cups of food are divided into two meals.

#4: Afghan Hounds

Afghan hounds might look like they shed a lot with their long thick hair but they only have one coat unlike other dogs so they don’t shed as heavily. Males grow up to 27-29 inches and weigh around 57 to 75 pounds. females grow up to 24 to 27 and weigh the same amount as males.  They are popular show dogs and are very fancy. They are profound, loyal, and sensitive dogs. They are fast dogs and are fun to play with. They eat 2 to 2 ½ cups of food a day.

#3: Basenji

Basenji are super cute. They have short hair and don’t smell bad. They are very clean dogs.  They are smart, intelligent dogs. They are called “the barkless dogs” and are often related to cats. They are super adorable. They are 17 inches at the shoulder and are known for their curly tail. They make a nice family dog and are super athletic. They weigh around 24 lbs. They are a breed of hunter dogs and most are good at hunting, but people don’t use them for hunting as much as they used to. These dogs are perfect for you if you love to run around and have a bigger living space.

#2: Maltese

If you want a smaller dog that only grows up to around 7 to 12 inches a Maltese is perfect for you. These tiny dogs are good for smaller spaces or big ones. They only weigh around 6 to 8 pounds. They don’t eat much because they are smaller dogs. Maltese eat ¼ or ½ cups divided into two meals. They are good family dogs and love to learn tricks. Maltese are intelligent, gentle, and trusting.

#1: Maltese

A Poodle is also a great choice. Poodles are bigger than some dogs so they are better for bigger spaces. The average poodle grows to 15-22 inches. Male poodles weigh around 45  to 70 pounds and females weigh around 45 to 60 pounds. Poodles come in all different colors. They don’t shed and drool like most dogs. They are intelligent dogs and are easy to train. They love to run around and play with their owner. They enjoy playing in the water and can be good with children and other animals. They should be slowly introduced to other animals. Poodles usually eat around 2 to 3 cups depending on their weight.

These dogs are good for your sensitive nose. All of these dogs are super smart and adorable. If you need more information on these dogs you can go to this website.


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