Ranking the Many Fights in my Discord Server

Ranking the Many Fights in my Discord Server

Ranking the Many Fights in my Discord Server

I’d say the amount of bickering in my newest discord server is a lot more than it should be. With all of me and my friends’ contrasting backgrounds, fights are bound to happen. Today, I thought I would rank some of the arguments people have gotten into because they are actually really funny to look back on. I will rank them based on how entertained I was by them.


For background, there are 14 people in my server, including me, Jules, Ari, Livvy, Quinn, Nick, and Jullian. (Jullian is banned now, though.) I have blurred usernames, names, and even changed some names for privacy reasons.


  1. Jullian Sucks!

I think possibly the worst argument that isn’t even funny to look back on is when I banned Jullian for the second time. (Yes, he’s been kicked and banned multiple times, all within the same two-day period.) This argument happened because Jullian was abusing the admin perms I gave him. He was adding random, scary people into the server. One of the accounts he added was actually one of his alt accounts, so after I had banned his main and his weird friends’, he started to beg me to add his main back. 

This fight started fun because I was really just having a good time messing with him. Here are some screenshots:

Screenshots of chats with Jullian.



It was all fun and games until a random person was added to the server, and they started mass spamming a racial slur. That was my last straw. I banned all of Jullian’s accounts, revoked his invites for the millionth time, and blocked him. My friends and I also removed him from our other group chat. What I hadn’t realized until after everything was over, was that he actually had threatened to add that last person, but I just hadn’t realized. Here is a screenshot of the threat that I didn’t put much thought into at first:

A screnshot of a message from Jullian where he says "I have the link new fresh copied."

This occurrence was very scary, and nobody in my server has talked to him since.


  1. “Heyyyy, Where You From, Man?”

Everyone in the server was talking, like usual, when randomly Quinn said “I think X (one of my nicknames) lives in either Denver or Salt Lake City.” Then this big thing started where I was like “girl, how did you limit my location down to those two places?” I didn’t confirm or deny what she was saying, but for a few weeks, Quinn, Jules, and Ari kept teasing and insisting that I lived in either Denver, CO, or SLC, UT.

Because I trust these girls and didn’t think they would be capable of doing anything with my information, I finally gave up and said “Alright, fine, I live in Utah.” I guess they hadn’t realized I had said this, because a few weeks later I told them about a concert I had been to and they looked up where the concert was and confronted me. 

This was the only time I was laughing about the situation because I then watched them get into a fight about who asked who to google where it was, and try to embarrass one other about why they wanted to know. 

Once Quinn finally figured out where I was from, she was willing to tell me how she narrowed it down to those two places. She said it was only because I stated what time it was for me once, and she then tried to think of what places are in that time zone. I was absolutely stunned that out of all the states and cities that go by Mountain Time, she only guessed two, and one of them was pretty close.

Screenshots of people on discord fighting about who googled my location.

  1. The Ones With Livvy

I had a hard time picking and choosing what fights to include on this list and where, and I think almost all the fights that I had been in with Livvy deserved to sit at number three.

Livvy is Jules’ younger sister, and because she’s younger than most of the people in the server, our opinions contrast each other a lot. Livvy and I tend to laugh at each other a lot and make fun of the dumb mistakes we make, but sometimes a little too harshly.

One of the fights that I look back on fondly is when Livvy and I found creative ways to call each other dumb and poke holes in each other’s points. Jules eventually had to break us apart. I’m thankful that this fight didn’t really hurt anyone and just felt like a game.

There was this other time though, where we both were being gate-keepy to Jules. Jules had changed her profile picture to an anime character right after all the guys in the server had said they liked anime. We got Jules to admit that she’s never watched anime and doesn’t have any interest in it either. I think Livvy started getting a little too gate keepy after a while, for someone who doesn’t watch anime herself. We then started feuding, but it all started fun.


  1. Who do I like more?

I’d say the second most entertaining (series of) fight(s) I had ever been involved in in my server was when Jules and Ari were trying to make me pick one of them. To be honest, I have no idea why they wanted to know, maybe they both had crushes on me? Anyways, the reason this argument (which honestly lasted a few days) was entertaining was because I was really just messing with them the whole time. 

In the group chat that we were in before my server, we always played classic rounds of truth or dare. It felt like almost every other dare or question I got had something to do with asking one of the girls out or picking one of them. Before we had even talked on discord, one of Ari and Jules’ friends would not stop asking me to pick one of them too.

The funniest part of this whole thing was when I finally told everyone “I don’t like girls, lmao, so I pick neither of yall.” They both went silent after they learned this information, and stopped teasing each other about me.


  1. Mr. Steal Yo Girl

The story for this argument is about when Jules first started dating Nick. At the time, Nick wasn’t in our group chat or the server. Ari asked Nick if he wanted to join, and she made sure to mention me and Jullian being there. She then sent this series of screenshots to the group chat:

Screenshots of Ari telling Nick that some people may steal his girlfriend.

I could not stop laughing when I figured this out. He really thought I was gonna steal his girlfriend. To be honest, it all went to my head that someone thought I was a threat. 

The arguments started because everyone was saying that Nick was being too overprotective.

A few days later, Ari sent these screenshots to the group chat:

Screenshots of Ari and Nick talking on discord.

That’s when I thought she was taking the joke too far, I didn’t think she should be messing with an insecure guy’s feelings this much. Luckily, Nick got her to crack and admit that it was a joke a few minutes later.

This was my favorite fight because of the chain of events that lead up to it, and because no one was really hurt in the end.


There were just so many fights and events that I could have included on this list, but I think I picked the best 5. What are the craziest fights you’ve ever been a part of online?

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