Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart was born July 24, 1897. She was famous for “disappearing” on July 2, 1937 at the young age of 39 years old. First, what Amelia was doing when she disappeared and who she was with. Also, there are many conspiracy theories about what happened to them when they disappeared. Lastly, what Amelia’s early life was like. Amelia changed the game for female pilots everywhere and this is her story.


Amelia Earhart was not alone when she disappeared all those years ago. She was with her navigator Fred Noonan. They attempted to fly around the world and they were pretty close until disaster struck on July 2, 1937. The last place they were supposedly seen was “Lae, New Guinea” that was the last known fuel stop. That was the last thing she was doing before she supposedly “disappeared” in the pacific.


Next, there are many conspiracies about what happened when she disappeared. Because of how sudden her death was and how it was so mysterious. One of the conspiracies is that they ran out of fuel and suddenly crashed in the Pacific Ocean. They are led to believe this because the radio was down during her disappearance and they could not find the plane near their last scene place. Secondly, they were taken by Japanese. They have reasons to believe this because of photos that show people that look a lot like Amelia and Fred with a plane dragging behind them. There is one last theory i’m going to talk about and that is that they snuck back into America and changed their names. According to one theory Earhart changed her name to “Irene Craigmile” and later married a man with the last name Bolam and they say that she changed her name to “Irene Bolam”. There are many more conspiracies to why this may have occurred. These are just some of the most believed.


However, she had a pretty good childhood and had a great family. First let’s talk about her dad “Samuel “Edwin” Stanton Earhart. He was married to “Amelia “Amy” Earhart” sadly he died on 23 Sep 1930 at age 63 but it is kind of good because he did not have to deal with the sadness and heartbreak of his daughter’s disappearance. Amelia’s mother Amelia sadly was alive when her daughter was said to be missing. She died on 29 Oct 1962 at age 93. She had a sister named Grace Muriel Earhart. She died on 2 Mar 1998 at age 98. Amelia had a good childhood and I bet her family missed her here so.

In conclusion, Amelia Earhart was taken too soon and had many accomplishments. First, was not alone when she tried to fly across the world she was with Fred Noonan. Next, all of the different conspiracies about her disappearance. Lastly, all about her childhood and her relatives. Amelia tried to accomplish it all and that cost her, her life may she rest in peace.


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