4 new species of sea life

These new types of fish come in all different sizes we have big and large and freaky.

Cat-eyed fish 

The cardinalfish or bigeye cardinalfish. This fish Manley lives in deep waters, thank goodness! And is mainly found in the southern Indian ocean and the pacific ocean from south of Madagascar to New Zealand which is thousands of miles away from us!. This fish lives 530 to 820 m. This fish can reach about 8.3 inches long. Even though there still isn’t a lot of information about this fish it’s still kinda freaky looking and you should look it up. I’m so glad this fish is living far away from us because if it lived here I would move!

Walking fish

Ambulance fish or better known as The walking fish is a type of fish that can travel overland. Some other modes of non like fish things are fish that can walk across ocean floors. The handfish and frogfish are great examples of this. I don’t know about you but if I was swimming in the ocean and I found a fish walking I would be freaked! What’s next walking fish that walk on land 


Mudskippers are a type of amphibious. they are a very odd type of fish because they do spend time outside of water a lot longer than a normal fish can. There are 32 known species of mudskippers.

Walking shark

Yes, I know walking sharks might sound crazy but it’s there and it was just found. Cnn says “reachers this is 4 new species. And do point out the sharks pose no threats to humans. They are less than three feet long, which is kinda adorable.” CNN words, not mine. Cnn also says “ the animal involved after being genetically isolated in new areas.” there you have it the walking shark. I’m just glad there is no more than 3 feet long because if they were bigger I would start panicking and would probably never go in the ocean again.



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