Christmas traditions around the world

December Holidays Around the World. 

Christmas is celebrated differently around the world, so many people believe in different holidays. In the United States alone people celebrate all of their cultureś holidays. In the United States most people celebrate Christmas; Santa and the nativity scene. And we put out our Christmas stockings and our Christmas trees and a star on top, while people in Germany have two days to celebrate the 25th and the 26th and on the 24th they wrap presents, have a good dinner and put up the Christmas tree and other decorations. Germany decorates their trees with strings/tinsel and candles as light. That was an old tradition but now they just use normal lights like most people in the United States do. Germany also visits family on the 26th and has a big meal that day. Christmas in France, France the streets, shops, houses, and any other public place is decorated many weeks in advance. And they use an Advent calendar which you get to open 24 little windows on it is a fun way for people to get in the spirit of Christmas in France. Traditions like putting up a Christmas tree were used back to the 14th century in France. One Christmas eve children put out their polished shoes for Père Noël (Father Christmas) and he filled the kids’ shoes with candy. Christmas in Italy, Italians love their nativity scene and they like it big a lot of them are life-size actually and they have them everywhere around their home and in public churches. Gifts are only exanched on the 6th of january. But Babbo Natale (Father Christmas) hands out gifts on Christmas day, December 25th. In Italy Merry Christmas is, Babbo Natale. CHristmas in England is people decorating the outside of the house usually early as early as the middle of November. A lot of people decorate with bright lights and sparkly things. People in England go around and if they like the decorations that that house has put up they will knock on the door and give a donation, then the owners usually give it to aid of local charities. The 25th of December is when Father Christms comes and gives gifts to the children, and the 26th known as Boxing day is a day for families to come together and give gifts to one another. Christmas in South Africa. South Africa is a warm place down south so they don’t really ever get snow so sometimes they have to improvise when it comes to feeling like it’s Christmas. Down there they celebrate Christmas on the 25th as well and it is called braai, Which when translated means BBQ. a lot of artificial Christmas trees in homes and outside for decor. There are different traditions around the world where people celebrate different things but there is always joy around the holidays.      


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