Cheerleading Is The Most Dangerous Sport

Cheerleading Is The Most Dangerous Sport

People everywhere around the world believe that football or maybe hockey sometimes even soccer is the most dangerous sport, but I am here to tell you that none of those are more dangerous than the sport we all know as cheer. When you hear the word cheer the first thing that comes to your mind is the peppy girls on the sideline of football games, but little do you know is that those same peppy girls could have just dropped a girl and hurt her really bad during practice. In cheer you never know what could happen. Here are my two reasons why I believe cheer is the most dangerous sport.

1. Stunting

My first reason why I believe that cheerleading is the most dangerous sport is stunting. Stunting is when you have three people underneath what we call a top girl, or flyer two of the people underneath are called the bases. The bases lift up the flyer making sure she is safe and sturdy on their hands, the bases chuck and twist the flyer around everywhere. The flyer just has to hope and pray that the bases are going to be there at the end of the stunt to catch her. In a stunt you have a flyer, bases, and a backspot. The backspot is the third person underneath, the backspot helps lift the flyer, and well spots their back. It’s the backspots job to make sure the flyer has good technique, and stays in the air. All it takes is one person to trip, catch wrong, let go, or mess up for the whole stunt to come crashing down. This not only can leave the flyer in pain but it can deeply hurt the bases or backspot. Stunting has led to many injuries such as concussions, broken bones, and sometimes even death. The bases could drop a flyer on her neck and not only could that be the end of her cheering career but it could be the end of her life. This is my first reason why I believe cheer is the most dangerous sport. 


2. Tumbling

My second reason that cheerleading is the most dangerous sport is the tumbling. Tumbling takes skill. The cheerleaders have to be able to twist, and flip their bodies with perfect technique so they don’t hurt themselves. These athletes get injured everyday trying to land a new trick or pushing their bodies too far. You can get seriously injured if you try to do something your body isn’t ready for. Unfortunately cheerleaders do this quite a bit. Oftentimes coaches will tell the athletes to try something, and to just pull it this can lead to many injuries because the cheerleader wasn’t used to the skill yet. One of the main parts in cheerleading is the tumbling, so the cheerleaders have to get good at it without hurting themselves. If one person gets hurt on the team it could affect the rest of the teams cheer season. Cheerleading definitely takes a lot of time and focus to make sure your body stays in shape and in a healthy condition. This is my second reason why cheerleading is the most dangerous sport. 


In conclusion, I believe cheerleading is the most dangerous sport because, the athletes do stunting which can cause injury within seconds, and cheerleaders tumble a lot which can make their bodies uncomfortable if they do it wrong. Cheerleading can cause many serious injuries and cheerleaders have to be really strong and have the skills to keep themselves safe while doing the sport they love. These were my two reasons why cheerleading is the most dangerous sport. I hope you think so too!

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