Cheerleading Is The Most Dangerous Sport

Cheerleading Is The Most Dangerous Sport

People everywhere around the world believe that football or maybe hockey sometimes even soccer is the most dangerous sport, but I am here to tell you that none of those are more dangerous than the sport we all know as cheer. When you hear the word cheer the first thing that comes to your mind is the peppy girls on the sideline of football games, but little do you know is that those same peppy girls could have just dropped a girl and hurt her really bad during practice. In cheer you never know what could happen. Here are my two reasons why I believe cheer is the most dangerous sport.

1. Stunting

My first reason why I believe that cheerleading is the most dangerous sport is stunting. Stunting is when you have three people underneath what we call a top girl, or flyer two of the people underneath are called the bases. The bases lift up the flyer making sure she is safe and sturdy on their hands, the bases chuck and twist the flyer around everywhere. The flyer just has to hope and pray that the bases are going to be there at the end of the stunt to catch her. In a stunt you have a flyer, bases, and a backspot. The backspot is the third person underneath, the backspot helps lift the flyer, and well spots their back. It’s the backspots job to make sure the flyer has good technique, and stays in the air. All it takes is one person to trip, catch wrong, let go, or mess up for the whole stunt to come crashing down. This not only can leave the flyer in pain but it can deeply hurt the bases or backspot. Stunting has led to many injuries such as concussions, broken bones, and sometimes even death. The bases could drop a flyer on her neck and not only could that be the end of her cheering career but it could be the end of her life. This is my first reason why I believe cheer is the most dangerous sport. 


2. Tumbling

My second reason that cheerleading is the most dangerous sport is the tumbling. Tumbling takes skill. The cheerleaders have to be able to twist, and flip their bodies with perfect technique so they don’t hurt themselves. These athletes get injured everyday trying to land a new trick or pushing their bodies too far. You can get seriously injured if you try to do something your body isn’t ready for. Unfortunately cheerleaders do this quite a bit. Oftentimes coaches will tell the athletes to try something, and to just pull it this can lead to many injuries because the cheerleader wasn’t used to the skill yet. One of the main parts in cheerleading is the tumbling, so the cheerleaders have to get good at it without hurting themselves. If one person gets hurt on the team it could affect the rest of the teams cheer season. Cheerleading definitely takes a lot of time and focus to make sure your body stays in shape and in a healthy condition. This is my second reason why cheerleading is the most dangerous sport. 


In conclusion, I believe cheerleading is the most dangerous sport because, the athletes do stunting which can cause injury within seconds, and cheerleaders tumble a lot which can make their bodies uncomfortable if they do it wrong. Cheerleading can cause many serious injuries and cheerleaders have to be really strong and have the skills to keep themselves safe while doing the sport they love. These were my two reasons why cheerleading is the most dangerous sport. I hope you think so too!

Is Cheer A Sport?

Is Cheer A Sport?

  Yes, it is, on the internet it is considered a sport. Cheerleading is a Sport. The definition of a sport is an activity involving physical activity and often in a competitive state. All of these sports, cheerleading included, require the athletes to be in shape, precise, talented and well-rehearsed. Physical effort in cheerleading comes into play mostly in stunting. Cheer teams work out, run and have to deal with all team players just like any other sport. The only difference is that this sport combines spirit, dance, blood, sweat and cheer for its performance and may or may not be competitive. About 16,000 cheerleaders get injured in cheer related accidents, more than any other sport activity in the world. They get judged, they compete, they have to be fit, what could make it not a sport?

What makes cheerleading a sport

 Cheer meets all levels of athletic specifications. Cheerleading fulfills these criteria maybe even better than other activities commonly called sports. Some people define cheerleading as just a physical activity that doesn’t involve talent or any hard work but they’re wrong because cheerleading is a very deadly sport. You can get dropped on your head and crack it open. You’re able to get paralyzed, you can have people get dropped on you and you’re able to die. On the other hand, if they’re considering soccer a sport then cheer should. The worst thing you can do in soccer is to break your arm or leg. Cheer is probably one of the most difficult sports. In football, you throw a two or less pound ball and you sometimes don’t catch it but in cheer, you throw actual people and you have to catch them. If you drop a person they could get injured. It’s also a combination of two sports, dance and gymnastics. And gymnastics is the most difficult sport in the world, according to Cheerleaders train the same amount that other athletes train. 

Cheerleading brings a whole other meaning to teamwork. Teamwork for cheerleaders means trust, success and you’re able to achieve a goal. In 2019, three years after being given existence, Olympic status by the IOC, cheerleading will be able to apply to become part of the full Olympic Games sports program. 

The History Of Cheerleading

Cheerleading dates to the 1860s, in Great Britain, and entered the US in the 1880s. Although women currently dominate the field, cheerleading was begun by men. Princeton University, in 1884, got the idea that crowd chanting at football games would boost school spirit so they came up with a catchy cheer.

In the 1870s a gentleman by the name of Thomas Peebler brought together six guys to lead a yell on the sidelines in front of the student body at a Princeton University football game. So you could say that Thomas Peebler invented it!

Cheerleading is becoming more popular

Cheerleading is a sport growing in popularity. According to › AssetFactory, there are about 3.3 million cheerleaders in the United States. With about 5 – 35 cheerleaders on squad. Most competitive cheer teams have 20-35 members on it. There’s cheer squads at school, cheer gyms and you can try out and see if you make it.

That is why cheer is a sport. It meets all qualifications of being a sport. Those are my reasons that cheer is a sport.


Is Cheerleading A Sport?

Is cheerleading a sport? Yes it is infact a sport. The definition of sport is a physical activity that is usually competitive. All sports, cheerleading included, require the athletes to have skill, be in shape, be committed, and to practice. Cheerleading requires a lot of skill and physical exertion, so it qualifies as a sport.

1. Cheerleading is a sport.

I know this because the athletes have to have skill. Cheerleaders have to have certain skills to be on the team. In order to be a cheerleader you have to have the skills for your level. Some skills you have to have are tumbling skills, this means you should be able to flip, and turn easily. Another skill is you have to be able to lift up girls, so you have to have muscle, a big part of cheer is throwing and catching the girls known as the “Flyers”. Cheerleading is also all about the sass, and the way you perform, you have to be able to get up on the stage and make exciting faces that keep the audience intrigued. This all proves that cheer is qualified to be a sport.

2. Just like in most sports a cheerleader has to be in shape.

Cheerleaders move around a lot, and if they are not treating their bodies correctly, and getting out of shape it is very difficult to be able to move around as much. Some cheerleaders start cheer out of shape, and cheer helps them to stay fit and stay healthy. Cheerleaders have to be very strong, because they have to lift up girls a lot. Good successful cheerleaders are healthy, have lots of muscle, and are in good shape. Being a cheerleader is not an easy thing, you have to be able to take care of your body. 

3. Cheer is a very competitive sport.

Many people think that cheer is not a sport because cheerleaders don’t compete, but that’s not true. Cheerleading is one of the most competitive sports in America. Some cheerleaders have competitions every weekend.

Cheerleaders from around the world come together to compete against each other. Winning a competition can be one of the best feelings a cheerleader has had. Imagine hearing your team’s name being called for 1st place, it is so exciting, fun, and a moment you will never forget. Just like most sports cheer is very competitive.

4. Cheerleading is very dangerous.

Not only is cheerleading considered to be one of the hardest sports, but a recent study in the “Journal of Pediatrics” found that cheerleading is the most dangerous sport for females due to the high risk of severe injuries including concussions, broken bones, permanent disabilities and paralyzation, and injuries causing a shorter lifespan. Cheer is very dangerous just like other sports. No matter what position you are in whether you’re the base, backspot, or flyer cheerleaders risk their lives everyday. Bases, and backspots do everything they can to make sure the flyer doesn’t get hurt, but sometimes a little mistake happens and the flyer, bases, or backspots are extremely hurt.

5. To be on a team you have to be committed.

 The time cheerleaders spend in cheer is no joke, cheerleaders spend about 2 hours, 5 days a week cheering. Cheerleaders have to spend a lot of their week cheering, this means they miss out on a lot of things, and activities outside of cheer. Many times high school cheerleaders spend a class period at cheer practice, so they have to make sure that their grades are good, and that they have all the school credits they need. If you have bad grades you can be kicked off the cheer team. Some cheerleaders even say “Cheer is my boyfriend i’m committed!” Cheerleading is not easy when it comes to being committed, but most of these athletes go into the sport ready, and committed!

6. Cheerleading is a sport because of the sportsmanship, friendship, and the team.

All sports teams have a good bond mostly because they all play, and love the same sport. Cheerleaders learn to love each other like family. Just like any other sports teams cheerleaders have to learn how to trust one another. The bases have to trust that the flyer will be tight so that the bases don’t get smashed, and the flyers have to trust that the bases will catch them at the end of a stunt. Cheerleaders have to be supportive of one another, they have to believe in each other, and cheer the whole team on. They learn how to be a good teammate, they understand one another. Cheerleaders not only learn how to love each other, but they also learn how to love themselves.

In conclusion, Cheerleading is a sport because you have to have certain skills, you have to be in shape, it is very competitive, it can be very dangerous, you have to be committed, you have to have good sportsmanship. These are the reasons why I believe cheer is a sport.

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