Three Great Dishes Or Food To Eat In The U.S

  Alaska: Smoked Salmon

There are five different species of salmon throughout/year-round the year which are: Chum, Sockeye, King, Silver, Pink. Around 90%  (wild) salmon that is harvested in the United States comes from Alaska. One of the best ways to serve salmon is to smoke it in a smoker.  They usually use the basic salt, pepper, and/or homemade seasoning to season it. They then wrap it in foil, cook it, then dig in!

Florida: Key Lime Pie

Food historians say that key lime pie’s origin began in the Key West area in the early 20th century. Restaurants around the state all serve at least one version of this dessert. Many people disagree that the Key Lime Pie should or shouldn’t have a topping. But topping or not, it’s a classic Florida dessert.

Utah: Green River Melons

Some states grow fruit/vegetables that are so good they have to be recognized. About 180 miles (southeast) from Salt Lake is a quiet ¨Paradise¨ known as Green River. The area ́s 4,000-foot elevation makes an ideal location for the melons to grow and they have been doing this for a long time. Many people (Roadside vendors) sell cantaloupes, honeydew, Winter Pink Watermelon, and a vast variety more.





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