A man has fallen into the river in Lego City

A man has fallen into the river in Lego city

A man has fallen into a river in Lego city, is a meme that most people have heard by now (as long as your not a normie), and is in my opinion, the best meme in 2020 so far, especially considering that it is an early year meme, which usually suck. But this meme is changing the game, and today, we are going to dive into this meme head first, and see what we find.


The origin of this meme comes from an old Lego city commercial from 2009 where they promptly say ¨a man has fallen into the river in Lego city! Start the new rescue helicopter! Hey! Build the helicopter and off to the rescue. Prepare the lifeline, etc…¨, it is a truly beautiful commercial and definitely a work of art, but it has taken 11 years for people to discover it and turn it into what it is today, and it definitely paid off. Not only is it a hilarious meme but it is nostalgia for many people that grew up watching LEGO CITY commercials, so it is even better.

 The Memes

Well this was just waiting to be memed with its glorious exclamation of a man falling into a river in Lego city, there is a lot of material to work with here. There have been greats such as ¨a man has fallen into a river in Lego city but they just leave him there¨ and deep philosophical ones such as ¨a man has fallen into a river in Lego city, but why?¨ in which the creator of the meme goes into a deep dive of why this man fell into a river in Lego city, and what they can do to get him out. There are many great memes and I have only scratched the surface of these memes, and there are many more great ones out there.

Big Man Tyrone

Big man Tyrone is the supreme dictator of Kekistan, and a contributor to the ¨man has fallen into a river in Lego city” memes, in his glorious creation called ¨a man has fallen into the river in Minecraft city” in which big man Tyrone explains the fatal story of a man falling into a river, but instead of Lego city, its Minecraft city. In this tale that big man Tyrone tells, it does not end nice and happy like it does in the Lego city commercials, it ends with another man dropping some TNT onto the man in the river, to end his suffering. A truly tragic tale. 


¨A man has fallen into a river in Lego city¨ is a great meme, and marks the start of this new decade on a high note. It is truly an amazing meme.

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