Reasons why homework sucks

Reasons why homework sucks

Nobody likes homework and believe it or not homework has many cons. Homework is harmful to health, takes away important time, causes lots of frustration, and takes away the desire to learn. 


Harmful to health

To begin, homework is very harmful to health. Too much homework causes lots of stress, sometimes stress can be good but in this case, it’s harmful to us and our health. If you’re under stress a lot you will start to experience physical and emotional problems. Physical problems include headaches, upset stomach, high blood pressure, and chest pain. Emotional problems include anxiety, depression, and even panic attacks.

Homework is the main cause of stress. Getting homework done on time and not understanding it can cause lots of stress and affect students’ health in negative ways.

Another way homework affects health is it causes students to stay up late and not get enough sleep. Students will stay up late trying to get all their homework done and because of this, they don’t get the amount of sleep they need. Sleep is crucial to our health, sleep lets us recharge, keeps us healthy, and helps us stave off diseases. Without sleep your brain can’t function properly, you can’t concentrate, think clearly, or process information and memories. All the homework is hurting us mentally and physically.  


Takes away time

Next, homework takes away very important time with family, friends, and time for yourself. Many students take lots of time trying to get homework done, if students had no homework or even less homework they would have lots more time to spend with family and friends. Family and friends are a big part of our lives and homework is taking lots of that time away.

In the article Homework or Personal Lives, it says, “They’re pressured by their parents to do their homework while simultaneously being encouraged to spend time with family, eat, spend time with friends, go outside, participate in sports or other extracurricular activities, and sleep for 7+ hours. Rather than motivating students to master the material and learn efficiently, homework negatively impacts students by taking away from personal time that is necessary for them to lead balanced lives.” This article shows the negative effects of homework and what it takes away from kids. If we didn’t have homework students would have a lot more time for themselves and that would benefit them a lot. 



In addition, homework causes lots of frustration. Students come home from a long day at school and then have to get all their homework done. Lots of the time students don’t understand their homework and this also causes lots of frustration. Frustration can also lead to other problems like loss of confidence, more stress, anger, aggressive behavior, irritability, and even depression. The more homework students have the more frustration and the more likely they are to have these problems. 


Takes away the desire to learn

Last, homework takes away the desire to learn. Normally students don’t like homework and hate doing it and these feelings of hate are associated with learning so students want to avoid learning. For example, the article Fighting a Losing Battle: Too Much Homework Can Interfere with Learning by GoodTherapy states, “The overwhelming majority of homework assignments force children to sit down and memorize facts rather than experience their world.

Not only does this make information more difficult to learn; it can also decrease your child’s motivation to learn. When learning is made miserable, children associate the thing they’re learning with misery and want to avoid it. This is why tactics such as forced silent reading time or flashcards rarely help children learn math and vocabulary.” This shows how homework is doing the opposite of what it’s supposed to do, taking away the desire to learn.


In conclusion, homework has many consequences and shouldn’t exist. Homework is harmful to health and causes lots of stress, takes away valuable time with friends and family, causes lots of frustration, and above all takes away the desire to learn. 

Great job Ideas to make money while your still in school!

Great job Ideas to make money while your still in school!

Have you ever thought about starting a business? Whether it’s babysitting or mowing your neighbor’s lawn, it is always a great idea to get used to making money through hard work. Use your creativity to create amazing products, and your intelligence to help others. Do what you are good at. 

Use your talents.

When you are looking to make money while you are old enough to get an actual job it is important to look at your talents and hobbies. An example of a student that started her own business as a hobby is Jelani Jones. She started her business Lani Boo Bath by doing what she likes. YOU CAN TOO!!! Use your abilities as a student and create your own business, and if you don’t want to have a business then consider just having a part-time job.


Creative minds 

If you’re creative and are not afraid of showing it, then use your imagination to create earrings or t-shirt designs. There are many websites and apps where you can create art and designs.

  1. Graphic designer: put your ideas into designs that you can print onto t-shirts and other things including water bottle stickers and almost anything that you can think of. This is great for all ages, whether you’re in middle school or college.
  2. Party planner: love planning events for different occasions. Use your creative brain to find themes and the appropriate decorations to go with it. Not to mention most likely you will have to do it under the pressure of having a budget. ( so maybe you want a friend who is good at math to help with that) This job is great to help out a friend but it might work better if you are in high school or college, because people will listen to your Ideas more.
  3. Photography: pictures are said to be worth a thousand words. Tell stories with the pictures you take and show the world those thousand words. Photography is great at almost any age, but I would suggest you start in middle school and build up your client list and your skills with it.

Active body

If you don’t mind running around, working your muscles, and being under some form of stress, consider the following.

  1. Lawn mowing: when you don’t mind spending an hour or two of your time cutting grass to help your neighbor and make some quick cash while you’re at it, then this is probably for you.
  2. Babysitting: kids are great to make money off of. Parents will be grateful for the break from their little angels. Not to mention if you like playing and keeping kids entertained then this is the job for you.
  3. Dog walker: love dogs? Big, small and in between, then I think you’ll enjoy this. Dog owners won’t always have time to take care of their pets so, having them pay you to keep them busy and walk them for a little while is a pretty good deal. Especially since most pets are low maintenance.


Do you like helping others and doing harder things? Try some of these jobs, they might be just right for you. 

  1. Tutor: there is always a subject in school that you will be good at, not to mention the fact that there are always students that need help to get their grades up. Being a tutor is a great way to earn some extra cash. Being a tutor is something you can do at almost any age, although again it would be best to do it in middle school when students and parents are willing to pay for your services.
  2. Blogger: when you are good with words and love sharing news and other things, being a blogger is a great way to get started in your journalism career. unfortunately with this, you might not make money immediately after you start, like the other job options you have. Blogs mostly make their money through advertisements and prescriptions. 
  3. Coder: Believe it or not but some middle school students that are tech geniuses, companies will often do internships and pay for prodigies to help them. This is mostly for high school students but you must start at a young age to develop your skills.

Of course, these are not the only jobs you can do to make money. There are so many more ideas and business opportunities that can work for you. And if they don’t, that’s okay too because you can always change it up a bit to suit your clients’ needs and your own.

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