Infamous Mandalorian Character: Baby Yoda

Who is Baby Yoda?

Baby Yoda is an infamous character in the well-known Star Wars show; The Mandalorian. The real name for him has been The Child, but everyone likes and wants to call him Baby Yoda. Baby Yoda, according to Dr. Pershing (Omid Abtahi), is male. Baby Yoda is also 50 years old. Their species has an extraordinarily long lifespan, so 50 years is just an infant. We do not know what the actual character name is, but Robert Iger says that the name will be revealed somewhat soon, probably in one of the middle future episodes of the Mandalorian season 2. Baby Yoda has proven to be very force sensitive and can use a lot of different force abilities. In season one, he saved Mando by using the force on a Mudhorn creature. In one of the later season one episodes, he reveals that he can use the force choke as well. He uses it on Cara Dune because he thought that Cara was trying to hurt Mando in an arm-wrestling competition. He is the same species as Yoda, who we see in the first few movies. Unfortunately, the movies never provided a large background for Yoda, and all we know is that they are little green aliens, and as far as we know, massively force sensitive. The Mandalorian was sent on a mission to find Baby Yoda on a planet called Arvala-7. He succeeded and got the child, and traded him in for the metal he needed to get his whistling birds. He then grew feelings for Baby Yoda and broke the code to get him back. 

Where does Baby Yoda live?

Baby Yoda was found on Arvala-7, but there aren’t any other Baby Yoda’s jumping around. We see the normal Yoda on a swamp planet, but we don’t see anybody else there either, so we can assume that the swamp planet is not the home of the Yoda species. So far, we’ve seen Yoda, part of the Jedi council and one of the strongest Jedi in the force; Baby Yoda, who is the famous partner of the Mandalorian character, known as Mando; Yaddle, who was part of the council in The Phantom Menace and is a female of the Yoda species; and Minch, who was in the comics. As far as we know, there aren’t many lifeforms of this species, but there could be more on another planet. 

Why is Baby Yoda being hunted?

The Mandalorian was sent out to get him for extraction because some of the other season one character wanted him for some sort of extraction. It might have to do with the midichlorians that we learn about in some of the previous Star Wars Movies. The Mandalorian decided that he wanted to keep and protect the Child. Hopefully, we’ll see a lot more of Baby Yoda in the second season of the Mandalorian, because he’s a really interesting character.


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