Why you should vote, and the benefits of doing so.

Voting is a tough topic. But it’s important. A lot of people have the chance to vote, but they don’t. This is a chance to say your opinion. We are very lucky people and we should take advantage of the privileges we have. Because one, have your voice be heard. Two, it makes us more social and gives us something to be passionate about. And third, when you vote for someone you are voting for their policy, wants, and goals. These are reasons why voting is important.

Have your voice be heard

A lot of people want this to happen to them. Have their voice be heard. This is a special thing in the U.S. because in other countries it’s whoever is in the royal family actually has a chance to rule. There is no voting. Many people have different opinions on who they want to win this election. But that’s the thing, you don’t have to vote for Biden or Trump. You can vote for Tom Brady or whoever. This is a privilege that only few other countries get to do besides the U.S., so we should take advantage of that. Some people want Trump to win. Some people want Biden to win. And some people don’t care. But no matter what you think, you get to put in a vote, and tell America what you want.

Be social and have something to talk about

Voting gives us something to talk about. Sometimes it turns into an argument, like most things do. But that’s because people are passionate about what they think. This allows people to express themselves and their opinions. They can say what is good about their candidate, and why they think they are better. This can change people’s opinions about who they are voting for, or if they are voting at all. Being social is an important part of voting. And if you watch debates, it can also change your opinion. Debates can also make you a part of the conversation. Some people are like “Trump is the worst” or “Biden is the worst.” But they both have good and bad things about them. And some people can’t decide who to vote for. That’s when your voice comes in.

Voting for a person means agreeing

When you vote for someone, that means that you want what they want. Maybe not all of it but some. Because you agree with what they are planning to do and what they say, whether it is about global warming, gun control, or any other political subjects. They are the people running for the job and you vote for them and their policies. It doesn’t mean everything that comes out of their mouth you want, but they are your favorite candidate. You trust them, and you want them to run your country if you vote for them.

Voting is a big responsibility that Americans have. They should vote and it’s important. Because one, this is a chance for people to hear your voice. Second, it makes us talk to people and gives us something to be passionate about. And third, when you vote for someone you are agreeing to their policies, wants, and goals. Voting is a lucky privilege we have and we should take advantage of that.


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