
Are you bored in your house, nothing to do? Are you sick of everything in your house? Are you mentally ill in many different ways, and don’t know how to calm yourself? I have the solution for you to solve those problems of yours. Go out, buy a skateboard from Walmart, or just grab one from your house. Run outside with that skateboard flopping around in your arms. Put it down on the street and jump right on it. Go down hills, or up hills, just you and your skateboard. Skateboards are amazing when you’re bored or need help mentally because skateboards can actually relieve pain, give you freedom, and it’s safer than you can believe.

Pain Relief 

Do you feel stressed and have a lot on your mind and plate? Do you need help to get your mind off of those stressful situations? Like I’ve said, just skateboarding can actually relieve those things. Let’s jump into the reading, in the article it specifically says, “Skateboarding health benefits are slightly different than those of common youth sports like football, soccer, and basketball. Skateboarding offers an array of advantages including coordination, pain tolerance, stress relief, precision, reflexes and patience.” Like it says in the article, it helps and benefits differently than lots of the other sports you might play. Back to feeling stressed, it again helps to forget about those stressful things. If you are getting stressed because of school work, your jobs, money, or whatever it is, one thing to do is take a skateboard and have some fun outside. Having fun is a perfect thing to get your mind off of hard life situations. On to patience, we all need patience but it doesn’t mean we all have it. If you are getting really impatient or very irritated by people, like I’ve said before, grab that skateboard and go outside. That’s what you can do to relieve any type of pain.

Be Free

Do you feel locked up, and aren’t able to do anything? Do you want to feel free like you can do anything? The answer is simple, like the many times I’ve said it, skateboarding will help. While you start to skateboard with that breeze on your face, better going downhill, you will feel absolutely free. You’ll feel so free to the point where you feel like nothing can stop you from having a great time. The best time to go skateboarding is at night. It’s for sure just you and the skateboard, you can’t see anything other than what’s right by you. If you want to feel even freer then go in the dark, when it’s pouring rain. With a skateboard, in the dark or nighttime, and with pouring rain, it’s the definition of a perfect free night. There is no way you won’t feel free and absolutely alive. So go out, be free, live your life to the fullest.

Safer Than Expected?

Are you not going out to skateboard because you’re afraid to get hurt? Do your parents fear for you skateboarding, and want you to do any other sport? Let me tell you something, skateboarding is actually, in fact, less dangerous than many sports you or your parents want you to play. In the article, it specifically says, “Many studies have disproved the danger of skateboarding compared to other sports, citing that many injuries are minor and easily treatable. There is certainly risk in skateboarding but you can be safer by avoiding large ramps, downhills, and wearing proper safety gear–especially young and inexperienced skateboarders.” Just as the article says, there are some risks and injuries when skateboarding, but it’s easier to take care of. With skateboarding, you can get away from or avoid things that can cause injuries. Unlike many other sports, where things can happen unexpectedly.

 In the same article it says, “Shown in the charts well above, we can see that skateboarding has an estimated lower rate of injury than many of the most popular sports in the United States: football, baseball/softball, basketball, and soccer. It even has a lower rate of injury than playground equipment.” Playground equipment isn’t very dangerous, right? Well, skateboarding is even less dangerous than that. If you care about your safety, I assure you that skateboarding is one of the best things to do to be safe and have fun.

Everything I have talked about is the exact reasons you, friends, and family should go out and skateboard. Again, it can help you feel happier and better, you can just have fun, and it’s one of the safest sports.


4 thoughts on “Skateboarding

  • October 6, 2021 at 3:11 pm

    lot and lot of questions

  • October 6, 2021 at 3:13 pm

    You ask a lot of questions

  • November 29, 2021 at 5:40 pm

    i agree, lots of questions get asked at the beginning of each paragraph.

  • October 5, 2023 at 11:34 pm

    this was very nice to read and I like how you asked qustions at the begging


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