Global Warming

Is it really going away? Are we still safe? Can we change this disaster? Global warming, Everyone has felt scared about it at one point. It’s getting to the point now, the point where it can’t go back to the way it was. “This year has been the hottest year on earth” news and weather reporters say. So what can we do about it? The short answer is not much. Usually these types of things the governments have to do most of the work. Although this might be upsetting because most governments aren’t doing anything, there are things we can do?


Raising awareness to other people. A good amount of people don’t realise what is actually going on. If we spread awareness and educate people on global warming more people will want to help and we can start fixing what we have started. There is also a chance the government can hear what we need. People now can have their own opinions on social media and in the world now posting about these things does spread awareness but we still need to do something that people won’t see and scroll past it. So what is that thing? 


Using recyclable materials including, metal or glass things that you can reuse and not throw away and use less paper. Did you know that just in America 2 billion toothbrushes end up in the landfill every year . 146.1 million tons of just plastic and paper end up in the landfills every year! Imagine what the earth would look like if we stopped using those things. It would be spectacular. It’s estimated that if everyone did this we would have the best air quality that we have had in the past 400 years.


Cars as we know it are pretty much a problem on their own. Now I’m not saying don’t use your car because that is nearly impossible. It might sound strange but just keeping the car you have is actually very healthy for the planet. Car part manufacturers use chemicals that are very bad for air quality. So in some cases keeping the car you have now for a very long time is better than getting an electric car. Riding bikes and using your car less also is a huge milestone. We can also help by carpooling if you can. This little thing may not seem like alot but now imagine everyone did this. We could possibly heal the ozone layer.


  So why do you want to do these things? Think about all the memories of playing the grass watching rain fall on streets late at night. What about the air quality, the air quality being perfect and the temperatures being the best feeling degrees ever. Imagine having no fires and Antarctica isn’t melting from meat and oil companies. So now what if we can change all that because we can it is getting so close to the breaking point. Earth itself is burning. We got a chance and why not take it. I hope that in this article you have found this as inspiration to help.   






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