Why hockey is harder than football

When i used to play hockey i remember when it was our very first practice with the team and our coaches decided to do a scrimmage to see what positions that would work the best for each person on the team, and i remember the coach selected me to play left wing for a couple play and right off the check off the puck got passed right to me, so i started trying to skate towards the goal so that i could take a shot and since it was my first practice i really couldn’t move the puck and i couldn’t even really skate away fast enough so one of my more experienced teammates slammed me against the boards and i was diagnosed with a concussion. Keep in mind i ended up getting better so don’t think that i wasn’t good.

This just shows how difficult it is to start plating hockey especially when you start late in your life because usually all of the other hockey players start when they were six at the latest so when your just a little noobie you get absolutely demolished by everyone else.

I have also played football and football was also really hard and i pushes past your limits way more than hockey did in my opinion, though hockey takes a lot more hand eye coordination and you need more chemistry with your teammates in order to have a successful team that will win games, and this is not me saying that football doesnt take any chemistry because it is very important in football to have a connection between the quarterbacks and the receivers because the quarterback needs to know exactly how fast that the person receiving the ball is able to move so that they can throw them the most diabolical dimer of a throw that human eyes have ever witnessed.


Even though football takes a lot of skill to play hockey takes more hand eye coordination and overall takes much more time and effort in order to be able to play the sport and be good at it. The hits in hockey also make a much harder impact than in football and endup causing more concussions than football hits can. This is just saying that it takes more durability and ability to play hockey then it takes to be a player in football.



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