Why Joker Is The Best Movie Of All Time

Spoiler Alert: Watch the movie before you read this


Joker is the comic book movie we all need.


2019 felt like it was going to be a bit of a slower year entertainment wise until something released in the theaters. It was a comic book film called Joker and I kind of knew the premise of the character from previous installments into the D.C universe, especially the second installment to the Dark Knight trilogy: The Dark Knight with Heth Ledger playing the main villain and actually winning an academy award for his role. So, obviously the public was going to have mixed opinions now because Ledger died so they needed someone new to come into the universe. Well, in my opinion Joaquin Phoenix is a lot better.


It’s kind of funny because when this movie was first released to the theaters I wasn’t very interested in it because at the time I was in the 6th grade and the movie had an R rating, so the only chance I had to see the movie would be if my parents saw t first and they would have to think that it wouldn’t have anything too bad in it. Luckily, a few weeks later we got ahold of it on a streaming service and I was so hyped to watch it because I thought it was going to be so cool to kind of see a more emotional take on this character. I think this movie has a really good message that is somewhere along the lines of: Just be nice to people because you don’t know what might be going on in the rest of their life.


The Movie

Just a warning to everybody who might red this article that this movie is definitely not for everyone. If you do not feel comfortable about topics such as Mental Health Disorders or Bullying then you might find this movie to be very disturbing, with a few violent moments that include shooting and fighting with riots. To me, this movie was the perfect kind of disturbing to the point where I feel like what happens to Arthur could actually happen to someone in real life, and that’s really something we didn’t get in the previous film starring Heath Ledger. Arthur’s breaking point in the movie was when he approaches Thomas Wayne in a bathroom and tells him that he thinks that he might be his son, but then things start to get crazy when Wayne says that Arthur’s mom adopted him and he actually doesn’t know who his real parents are. Arthur, then proceeds to go to Arkham Asylum where he finds his mothers old psychiatric profile that included that she et her boyfriend abuse Arthur when he was a little boy. This is very important at the time because this means he suffered brain damage which explains his laughing disorder. In a mask of rage in which we see the last of Arthur Fleck for the rest of the movie we see him go confront his mother in her hospital bed and he proceeds to murder her via suffocation with a pillow.

After that he basically becomes Joker and starts to take over Gotham City. I’ll leave it at that so you guys can see it for yourself.


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