How To Clean Your Room

How To Clean Your Room

Have you ever walked into your room, but then you find it messy? You become so frustrated that your mom has to make you clean your room before you can go to your friend’s house, so you start cleaning. Only to know that this will take you the whole day, but you don’t know a better way to clean a room, so then you go and look up articles to clean a room. You find this! This will teach you how to clean up your room in the best way possible, so don’t demise yourself just yet!

1. Throw away trash

Trash can be all over the place, and it can get lost in unclean rooms. Even if you have extra papers laying around, throw them away! Trash is the easy way to start cleaning up your room, but make sure when you’re throwing away trash, that it’s nothing important!

2. Clean up clothes

Cleaning your clothes can be an exhausting process, and when you put it off it can add up to the mess in your room. Luckily, clothes are an easy thing to clean, all you have to do is sort the clothes into dirty and clean. Put the dirty clothes in your laundry basket and fold the clean clothes then put them where they belong. 

3. School/Work Stuff

School and work stuff can be very important, and you definitely need to keep it in a safe place, so you don’t accidentally damage important papers. All you need to do is put them in a pile, then put them neatly in a folder, backpack, briefcase, wherever you keep your work/school items. One important thing to remember is NEVER stuff it in your transportation for it, keep it in a nice place to prevent it from crumbling in there.

4. Toys/Collections

Toys can be all over a room, and it can be hard to clean them all up, but don’t lose hope just yet. You don’t even have to really clean them up, just organize them. You could do this in a small spot in your room, and make a neat pile of these. Now, some toys that could be in your room are useless. You like them, but don’t play with them. If this is happening, throw them away! Trust me you won’t miss them, but if that is too much for you, give them to a sibling or a friend.

5. Anything else

If there is too much stuff, break it into categories, like the ones above. This might seem like a lot, but it isn’t, all you have to do is pick up an item, then find where it belongs. Some of these items could be missing items that you were supposed to clean, and those are easy, because you already know where those items belong.

Now you have a clean, spacious room! With every step you take in your room, is pride and confidence!

Cleaning Tips to Stay Safe


Fun Fact: The average person spends 87% of their lives inside so cleaning is a great priority to have.

I am going over some of the best tips for cleaning so you can stay safe.


Bleach is very effective in killing germs. Sodium Hypochlorite is the main active ingredient in bleach that makes it effective. Bleach can have different smells that you can choose from. It also does not cost a ton of money. That is why bleach will be effective in killing germs in your home.

Wipe down surfaces

Wipe down all the surfaces in your home daily. You can use Clorox wipes, glass cleaner, Mr clean, etc. Just make sure that if your surface needs a specific cleaner then to use that instead of a cleaner that is not meant for the surface.


You should dust your home at least once a month. Some cleaners you can use to dust are Swiffers Dust and Shine Spray, Endust No-Wax Dust Spray, or you can simply just use a dust cloth. There are clothes you can buy that are meant for dusting, or you can just use a microfiber cloth.

Some More

You will want to wipe down the things that are touched most. Here is a list of some of the best things that you should wipe down.

  • Phone
  • Toilet
  • Bathroom
  • Door Handles
  • Steering Wheel
  • Credit Cards

Take off your shoes before you step into your home.


Use Hand Sanitizer.

Fun Fact: If you mix hydrogen peroxide and baking soda together it cleans your silver and it also removes stains from your laundry.

When your home is clean, it sets a better environment for you and those who come to your home.

Cleaning Facts:

  • If you clean for at least two hours, you will burn 200 calories
  • 70% of dust is made up of dead skin flakes
  • The other 30% is mostly made up of outside particles such as soil
  • If you use incorrect cleaning supplies, the air quality can be 500% worse than the outside air quality
  • Usually, sinks have more bacteria and germs than toilets so make sure to clean them both often
  • Iceland is the cleanest country in the world (I just thought that was very interesting)
  • Lemons are very good at disinfecting
  • The average woman cleans for about 12,896 hours in her lifetime
  • The average man cleans for about 6,448 hours in his lifetime

Some more facts…

I hope this article was helpful for cleaning your home. Stay safe!

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