Why Deer is my Favorite Animal to Hunt

Why Deer is my Favorite Animal to Hunt

Deer are my favorite animal to hunt for many reasons. It’s a really fun unique animal to hunt, that gives you a challenge, and forces you to do things you usually would not. Also they aren’t two thousand pounds, so moving them, or skinning them, etc, isn’t too hard. But I will go into more depth about those reasons, and why deer are my favorite animal to hunt.

The challenge

Deer aren’t an easy animal to hunt, or anything like that. They are smart, and won’t let you just shoot them. They will go into trees, or split up, and do other crazy things to stay safe. How you actually hunt deer is to literally walk around, and find a nice buck. You can try calling them in, but usually I don’t use that way. Also deer don’t just sit like an elk. They are always moving, so you gotta move too. You can find deer anywhere that there’s water, food, and shelter. But the challenge of the hunt isn’t the only great thing about hunting deer. Trophies and meat matter too.

Taste, and looks

You hunt for mostly two reasons. Obviously the meat, and food from the animal. But also the trophy you get is great. Bucks have beautiful antlers, and heads. Some people taxidermy (recreate, or kind bring back to life with the skin from the animal) whole animal, or usually just the head. Then they can hang it in their garage, or living room, basically wherever. Now the meat of a deer is called venison. Personally, it’s very good, and I like it a lot. You can make steak, or really any kind of meat with it. So knowing you are gonna have some fresh, yummy, steak, or meat after a long hunt, really boosts the fun.

Where you can hunt them

Another reason I love hunting deer is because it’s all outdoors in the Mountains. You can hunt deer pretty much anywhere that there is food, water, and shelter for them. I usually hunt them in Utah, because it’s my home state. But they can be found basically in every state. Now you won’t find them in the middle of a big city or something. But out in the country you will come by them. The beauty of mountains and these animals is amazing. So that just adds on to the fun, and experience you get by hunting these things.

How you can hunt them 

Deer are not huge animals, or small animals. That allows you to kinda pick how you wanna kill them. Most people just use a rifle. A rifle gives you a much higher chance at killing a buck, and usually it’s easier compared to a bow hunt. You can shoot a rifle at something accurately from 300+ yards. But bows for a good shot you need to be about 40 yards away or under. So bow hunting does add difficulty, but also fun to it. I like bow hunting deer because you can get right up close to them, and it’s not super loud or anything when you shoot. Now rifle hunting deer is still a blast, but you probably will shoot it from 100+ yards away, and it will be a little easier. So if you want to secure a buck when you shoot, then go with the rifle. But if you want a challenge, go with the bow if you can.

So all those reasons add up for me, why deer are my favorite animal to hunt. The challenge, the taste and looks, where you hunt them, and how, etc. It’s just a really amazing experience that I recommend to any hunter.

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