Cats v.s. Dogs–What’s so great about each?

Cats v.s. Dogs–What’s so great about each?

Everyone’s fought over which pet is the best. Obviously there’s more than two animals you can have as a pet, but no one’s fought over them quite like cats and dogs.

74% of people like dogs, and 26% like cats, but this article might change your opinion, or if possible, make you like both.


Dogs have existed for 23,000 years, evolving from a species of wolf, changing their skulls, teeth, nose, and senses to be more kind and obedient. They were named “Man’s best friend,” and are currently the most popular animal on the planet. Dogs are known to be very intelligent and can learn over 100 words and gestures. Dogs’ senses are ten times stronger than humans. They have very strong and sensitive noses, and can hear as far as a quarter of a mile. Their ears are also built so they can understand humans better. If you pay attention to the way a dog acts, you realize that they are a lot like humans, from the way they play around like children, to the way they can be right or left pawed. Dogs are very naturally clever. They learn how to walk and talk from such a young age, even when no one’s there to teach them. They have lots of unique characteristics as well, such as the fact that they can only sweat through their paws, they pant like they do instead of sweating. Dogs, much like humans, can dream. Sometimes if they’re having a bad dream, you can see them whining in their sleep. Did you also know that dogs can only see blue and yellow? They aren’t color blind it’s only how their eyes are designed.


Cats have existed for millions of years, much longer than dogs. They evolved from a now extinct wildcat, along with lots of other species in the cat family. They share lots of behaviors with their ancestors, and siblings of the cat family, including the way they hunt, jump, stalk their prey, and an irresistible need to scratch everything. Cats have many unique characteristics and skills, such as their strong ability of night vision. They can see six times better in the dark than people. They can also jump six times higher than their original height. That’s why you often see skittish cats jumping straight up when they get scared. Cats also have many characteristics that help them hunt prey, unlike dogs, who have more friendly characteristics. Cats have soft, thick paws to help them sneak up on prey, and they use their tails to help them balance when they want to walk narrowly, or sneak up easier. Some interesting fun facts about cats is that they walk like camels and giraffes. They walk with both right feet first then left feet. Cats are the only one of their family to walk that way and it’s a very unique feature. They also pur to create a way to soothe their nerves. That’s why they pur when they are uncomfortable or distressed. They also pur when they are happy, like when they get pets.

So the argument still stands. Which one is better? Each has a different, unique lifestyle, and different ways of living. Dog’s are more of a loving animal, and like to play around, while cats are more like their ancestors. While they still like to play and cuddle, they also love to hunt for prey. Some dogs and cats can be different. They can be lazy, or jumpy, and other times they don’t like to cuddle or have some trust issues and don’t love people as easily. You don’t even have to pick out these two. There is a whole world of other animals and pets to choose from.

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