How to Write a Good Story

Main Character(s)


The main character is one of the most important parts of a story. To draw the reader into your story completely, you need to create a good character. One of the ways you can do this is by connection. If the reader can connect with the character then the reader can understand the character and grow feelings for the character. One of the ways to connect the reader to the character is by having the character go through real-life problems in your story, like cancer, sickness, depression, or other mental pains. Another thing that can strengthen the reality of the character is by having he or she go through trials. The trials can then strengthen the character and help the character overgo her physical or mental limitations. Once you have a good main character, you can focus a lot more on some other aspects of the story.


Main Conflict


The main conflict of the story is very important and contributes to the growth of the main character. The main conflict can be anywhere from a great depression in a single character to a global zombie pandemic. To create a good conflict, it has to attack the main character’s weakest point. Another thing you could do is have the conflict crush the main character’s strongest point, either way, the character would be hurt. The next thing the conflict has to have is the confrontation, or the climax, where the main character defeats the main conflict. That way, the reader understands that the main conflict was powerful, and then after the main character grows he or she could overcome the conflict. This all contributes to the growth of the main character and is one of the most important parts of a story



The Last essential part of a good story is the Setting. The setting gives the reader a feel for what the story is about. If the setting was Unicorns and Rainbows, the reader would probably assume that the main character is in paradise currently. However, if the setting were explained as “dark and damp, with the sound of rain in the background,” then the reader might infer that the story is taking place in a rusty, abandoned town or a jail or some sort of another depressing area. The setting can change depending on the circumstances. For instance, if the character overcomes the main conflict then a certain storm can subside and the character “sees a glimmer of light in the sky” after there had been the storm for thousands of years. The setting can change all of the time, and sometimes it should change all of the time. The setting sets the feel of the story and is one of the most important parts of the story.


Other Tips

These are not the only parts of a good story. A good story can have many other things depending on what genre it is. If it was a mystery genre then the author would probably want to apply to foreshadow. A good foreshadow would be something subtle but of great importance that the main character sees but doesn’t understand. If you were writing a horror story, you’d probably want to give more dialogue that includes “aaaaah” or “oooooh” or moans or some sort of another horror sound. Other things can make a good story, but if you can get a good setting, the main character, and main conflict, you can make a pretty good story


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