The Bad Guys Need To Make a Stand

We all love popping popcorn then sitting down with our family to watch a good movie. But have you ever considered that maybe we wouldn’t have movies if there were no bad guys? There’s a bad guy in almost every movie. But do we appreciate them enough?

They Need More Appreciation

One of my favorite movies is Despicable Me. And do you wanna know who my favorite character is? Take a guess. Did you guess Vector or the bad guy? If not then you clearly don’t know why I’m writing this. I love Vector. He’s one of my favorite characters. He’s hilarious. Here are some pictures if you don’t know what he looks like.

He looks and sounds hilarious. Go right now and search him up on youtube and listen to his laugh and the little tiny toilet part, it cracks me up every time. Another bad guy that I love and have always loved even when I was a kid is the Joker. He is more commonly known than other super villains but he is a crucial part of the DC franchise they’d have to take out like half of the franchise if he wasn’t in there. He also got his own movie which is exactly what I want to happen. (It’s too bad though that it’s rated R.) If you don’t know what the movie is called it’s called the Joker. This is someone well known but probably not as much as the joker it’s Voldemort. Why did he have to lose? Same with Vector, and the Joker all of these bad guys have lost at least once. (I say this because the Joker has died and lost more than probably around fifty times, including all of the comics.)

It’s Their Time For The Glory

The bad guys need their time for glory. Batman usually beats the Joker but there’d be no Batman without a Joker, it’s kind of like a ying-yang. So we need to make more movies where the Joker wins. Also, we have to have a movie all about Vector, he is amazing (I and my brother can quote almost the entire Despicable Me movie we love it.) Or a movie about Voldemort and why he became the way he is. Why he became so evil and killed many many people. I’ve only mentioned three bad guys this whole time. I also like Disney bad guys like the voodoo dr. on the princess and the frog he’s so cool. Or Jafar he’s a classic. But one thing they have in common, they both got defeated in their movies! So stand with me and we shall make filmmakers make movies about bad guys, where they also win.


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