Why you should start running

Benefits on your body

To start, running has many benefits for your body. A few examples are, it can improve your cardiovascular system, help keep your bones strong, and help you maintain a healthy weight. Because running helps your cardiovascular system, your heart becomes stronger which helps the blood flow throughout your entire body. Running helps your entire body. 


Running helps with your goals

Everybody has goals. Running can help you achieve a lot of your goals. For example, running helps you sleep better. So if you have a goal to sleep more or fix your sleeping schedule or whatever it is running can help. Another common example is running helps you lose weight. If you would like even more examples make sure to check out https://www.businessinsider.com/health-benefits-of-running-2018-4 


Running can improve your mental health

Mental health… Everybody can use some sort of therapeutic exercise to help their mental health. I know not everybody likes to run or they find running an inconvenience; but here’s the thing. Running can be included in your daily routine. Even running in place for a couple of minutes has benefits. The article https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/what-to-know-about-running-and-depression#1 by WebMD says, “As you run, your heart beats faster to pump blood through the body. The breathing system responds by working harder, and the brain prepares for the hard work. As a result, it releases endorphins, which are hormones that cause what many people call a “natural high” or a feel-good sensation. This state creates a mental effect that helps you deal with depression and improves your mental health.” So, if you’re suffering from depression running is a pretty good simple solution. 


Running can help you feel calmer

When you run you actually boost a lot of chemicals in your brain. Endorphins don’t just help with depression but as well as making you feel calmer. They enforce a positive feeling in your body causing anxiety and stress levels to decline to make your brain and body feel calmer… Better! 


Need motivation? 

The fastest runner in the world is named Eliud Kipchoge. Over time he has stated motivational quotes that can encourage anyone to start running or doing what you want to accomplish in the world. (Got my quotes from https://www.sweatelite.co/eliud-kipchoge-motivational-quotes-about-training-and-life/) 2 of my favourite quotes by him is: 

“Self-discipline starts with you. It’s no other person. It starts with you. Start to examine yourself…Self-discipline is doing what’s right instead of doing what you feel like doing. That’s the meaning of self-discipline.

Don’t make excuses. When you have decided to do something, do it. No excuses. Then you are self-disciplined.”

If you would like to hear more of his quotes check out this link!: https://www.sweatelite.co/eliud-kipchoge-motivational-quotes-about-training-and-life/



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