Why you should start running

Why you should start running

Benefits on your body

To start, running has many benefits for your body. A few examples are, it can improve your cardiovascular system, help keep your bones strong, and help you maintain a healthy weight. Because running helps your cardiovascular system, your heart becomes stronger which helps the blood flow throughout your entire body. Running helps your entire body. 


Running helps with your goals

Everybody has goals. Running can help you achieve a lot of your goals. For example, running helps you sleep better. So if you have a goal to sleep more or fix your sleeping schedule or whatever it is running can help. Another common example is running helps you lose weight. If you would like even more examples make sure to check out https://www.businessinsider.com/health-benefits-of-running-2018-4 


Running can improve your mental health

Mental health… Everybody can use some sort of therapeutic exercise to help their mental health. I know not everybody likes to run or they find running an inconvenience; but here’s the thing. Running can be included in your daily routine. Even running in place for a couple of minutes has benefits. The article https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/what-to-know-about-running-and-depression#1 by WebMD says, “As you run, your heart beats faster to pump blood through the body. The breathing system responds by working harder, and the brain prepares for the hard work. As a result, it releases endorphins, which are hormones that cause what many people call a “natural high” or a feel-good sensation. This state creates a mental effect that helps you deal with depression and improves your mental health.” So, if you’re suffering from depression running is a pretty good simple solution. 


Running can help you feel calmer

When you run you actually boost a lot of chemicals in your brain. Endorphins don’t just help with depression but as well as making you feel calmer. They enforce a positive feeling in your body causing anxiety and stress levels to decline to make your brain and body feel calmer… Better! 


Need motivation? 

The fastest runner in the world is named Eliud Kipchoge. Over time he has stated motivational quotes that can encourage anyone to start running or doing what you want to accomplish in the world. (Got my quotes from https://www.sweatelite.co/eliud-kipchoge-motivational-quotes-about-training-and-life/) 2 of my favourite quotes by him is: 

“Self-discipline starts with you. It’s no other person. It starts with you. Start to examine yourself…Self-discipline is doing what’s right instead of doing what you feel like doing. That’s the meaning of self-discipline.

Don’t make excuses. When you have decided to do something, do it. No excuses. Then you are self-disciplined.”

If you would like to hear more of his quotes check out this link!: https://www.sweatelite.co/eliud-kipchoge-motivational-quotes-about-training-and-life/


Best yummy pies for Thanksgiving

Best yummy pies for Thanksgiving


The best pies for Thanksgiving all depend on the flavor. The flavor needs to have a taste that makes you think of fall when you taste it. It also needs to be balanced. Many different types of pies are really good for Thanksgiving such as fruit, savory, and cream. 



Do you have trouble baking? You can always search videos on youtube on how to make specific pies. Or even baking tips. Or if you want to go into a little more depth you can always do a local class. Harmons hosts good classes as well as Lk cooking. 


Pumpkin Pie 

The first pie is pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie is iconic for thanksgiving because you get that spice that instantly reminds you of fall. THE RECIPE:

  • 1 (15 ounces) can of pumpkin
  • 1 (14 ounces) can EAGLE BRAND® Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 2 large eggs large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 (9 inches) unbaked pie crust

The recipe is from https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/23439/perfect-pumpkin-pie/


The first step you need to do is preheat the oven to 425 degrees. This recipe is very simple yet very delicious. While the oven is heating you can start by mixing the can of pumpkin with the sweetened condensed milk, eggs, spices, and salt with a whisk. This will create a pumpkiny texture. Once mixed, pour the pumpkin mixture into the unbaked pie crust. Bake for 15 minutes. As soon as the 15 minutes are up, turn the oven down to 350 degrees and bake for an additional 35 to 40 minutes. To keep the tasty, smooth, pumpkin pie fresh, store it in the refrigerator. Serve as desired. Enjoy!  


The second pie is Hazelnut pecan pie. The combination of Hazelnut and pecan makes a delicious tasty balanced flavor. For some people, pecan pie is too sweet. But, I think if you balance the hazelnut and pecan it will come out delicious! THE RECIPE:

  • 1 sheet refrigerated pie crust
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup hazelnut flavoring syrup
  • 1/2 cup dark corn syrup
  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons butter, softened
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1-1/2 cups coarsely chopped pecans
  • 1/2 cup chopped hazelnuts
  • 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips

  The recipe is from: https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/hazelnut-pecan-pie/


The first step is preheating the oven to 350 degrees. Once completed you can start mixing the syrups, sugar, butter, vanilla, and flour as best as you can. Then you’re going to want to mix in your pecans, tasty hazelnuts, and finally your yummy chocolate chips. Once mixed completely put the fillings in the refrigerated pie crust. Bake for 50-55 minutes. When your sweet delicious pie is completed feel free to serve with whipped cream. Make sure to refrigerate leftovers. Enjoy your mouth-watering pie.


The last pie is Salted Caramel Apple pie. If you love apple pie you’re going to love this yummy pie. It’s a good change from the original apple pie. It has such a salty yet sweet taste. Take my word for it… It’s delicious. THE RECIPE: 

  • 1/2 cup apple butter
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 cups whole milk*
  • Pastry for 1 to 9 pie crust


The recipe is from https://www.tastesoflizzyt.com/apple-butter-pie-recipe/



To start you’re going to want to beat eggs in a bowl and preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Then you will mix the sugar, cornstarch, yummy cinnamon, and tasty apple butter. Once fully incorporated, whisk the milk and set it aside. Press the pastry into the pie pan and pour the mixture we set aside into the pie crust. Finally bake for 60-65 minutes. Once baked completely let it chill for a while and refrigerate leftovers.


Good luck with your baking adventure!

How does meditation help you live a healthy lifestyle?

How does meditation help you live a healthy lifestyle?

You can live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life by including meditation in your everyday life. Meditation can improve the quality of your life and can even be beneficial for your health. 


What is meditation?

The definition of meditation is the action or practice of meditating. There are many different methods of meditation. But it’s all preference. The first method of meditation is mindfulness meditation. In mindfulness meditation, you pay close attention to the thoughts that are passing through your mind. You observe patterns in your thoughts and concentrate on your feelings and thoughts. The next method is focused meditation. Focused meditation is where you focus on all 5 senses. This adds additional focus to your life. The third method is a movement meditation. Movement meditation can be so many different things. So for example walking through the woods, yoga, or any other form of gentle motions. This is good to help your mind wander freely. The fourth method is progressive relaxation. This method is best for relieving tension throughout your body and mind. It’s good to practice before bed and to relieve stress. There are so many more methods!


How can you involve meditation in your life?

The good thing about meditation is you can decide how long you want to practice each method and what works for you. So, the best method for needing to calm down and relieve stress quickly is progressive relaxation. The reason why is because you can just relax and do the breathing techniques that go with the method. You can do this everywhere and quickly such as at work or even school. Instead of scrolling on social media and wasting your time, take that extra time and do movement meditation. It’s very productive and relaxing. You can google some yoga on Youtube or some calming music to listen to on a calming walk. Another good way to involve meditation in your life can be either waking up a little bit earlier (even 10 minutes!) or staying up a little bit later before bed. Any technique will work for this. But if you wanted a shorter method I would recommend focused meditation because it calms the entire body and mind. 

How does meditation improve your life?

sunset meditation

Meditation does so many things for your life. The article ‘27 meditation statistics for your well being in 2021’ by disturbmentnot.co states “Furthermore, mindfulness meditation statistics show that other reasons for meditating include boosting energy levels (60%), improving memory and focus (50%), and relieving anxiety, stress, and depression.” This shows that meditation does so much more than just calm the mind and body. If you start meditating and your energy levels become a lot higher you will be so much more productive giving you more time to do things. Meditation also helps mental health which overall improves your life because when you have depression, stress, or anxiety, your mood becomes very low, you can’t concentrate and it can cause strains on relationships with family and friends. 

How does meditation improve your physical health?

Once again meditation does SO many things for your life. One way meditation improves your physical health is, it can help you fight addictions. Over time practicing meditation you develop mental discipline. So if you have mental discipline, you gain self-awareness and can redirect your attention to your emotions and find the triggers that are causing the addiction. Another way is it can decrease blood pressure. Meditation controls blood pressure by relaxing the nerve signals that coordinate heart function, and blood vessel tension. 

In conclusion, everybody should involve meditation in their life to live a healthy lifestyle.





https://disturbmenot.co/meditation-statistics/#:~:text=The%20Top%20 Mind-Blowing%20 Meditation%20Statistics%20for%202021&text=Over%2014%25%20of%20Americans%20have,for%20coronary%20d 


https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-benefits-of-meditation#:~:text=Meditation%20can%20 also%20improve%20 physical,lead%20to%20 poor%20heart%20 function.


How to get into Mountain Biking

How to get into Mountain Biking

By: Harmonie Farnsworth


If you want to get into mountain biking, you have to have passion; equally like everything else. You might not want to go out and spend thousands of dollars on everything you need to go riding for a week and never go again. So before you decide on getting into it, think if this is something YOU want to do, not just what someone else wants you to do, or whatever the reason might be.

Be prepared Physically and cognitively

Mountain biking can be intense in all aspects. It can be hard on your body and mind. At first, it might feel hard so try going on an effortless trail for a while till you feel ready. You can also try going on a run once in a while to help strengthen your cardiovascular endurance. You could also ride your bike up and down a hill for half an hour every day. To help you mentally you cannot be scared. If you freak out because you are still scared, it’s going to cause you to crash. So if you’re scared of rocks or going downhill or whatever it is then try taking some clinics to get more practice. 

What will you need?

Mountain biking can be very expensive but if you have a passion for it then go for it! To pick out your bike you need to decide why you want to mountain bike. So if you’re going to be doing enduro, make sure to get a bike made for enduro. The way you can tell is mostly by the shocks. They will be a lot stronger and longer than say an e-bike. A good brand that makes enduro bikes is Pivot. They’re amazing!! If you want to do races, then a hardtail is the way to go. Hardtails don’t have the suspension in the middle, just the front so it makes your bike a lot lighter helping you go faster which is good for racing. But if you want the extra suspension then go for a full suspension with a carbon frame. They’re extremely light but also expensive. So I would recommend starting with a hardtail until you feel more confident on the bike. I love fezzari which is locally made in Utah which is very convenient. The fezzari cascade peak is full suspension and has amazing components like a dropper post and amazing hydraulic brakes. Lastly, if you’re just wanting to ride for fun then I would recommend a full suspension. Full suspension bikes make the ride a little more enjoyable. So Pivot, Specialized, Fezzari, and Trek are my top 4 favorite brands. Finally the gear. You need a good helmet. Mountain biking is very dangerous. Please invest in a good helmet and I encourage you to wear it. Some good brands are giro and LEM. But there are lots of good helmets in really any bike shop. But don’t just buy a helmet from Walmart and call it good because your head won’t be good when you crash. Another good gear is shoes. To start, Vans are good because they’re relatively inexpensive and have a good flat base. Once you become more advanced, talk to a worker at a bike shop about clip in’s. You need bibs or padded shorts and also just a good lightweight shirt which you can find both reasonably on amazon to start. 

You Can Do It!

I promise you everything about mountain biking is amazing. You’re absolutely going to crash. Make sure to take some clinics about crashing right (yes you can crash right). Crashing is inevitable so make sure you have a positive attitude about it and appreciate the little things, such as being out on the trail. Some days you might wake up at 6 in the morning and just not want to go. So make some biking friends. They’ll hold you accountable for not going. Push yourself harder and harder each time you go. Don’t get discouraged. Everybody has their good and bad days. If you keep trying and pushing yourself, then eventually you’ll feel a lot more confident with your biking ability.

Remember this

Everybody starts somewhere. At least you’re pushing yourself to be the best you can be!


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