Here is how to live a longer and healthier life

Here is how to live a longer and healthier life

Do you want to live a longer life? Be a healthier and happier person? Well here are 5 keys to do so. 

 Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health held a massive study on the impact of health habits on life expectancy.

 These are some of the answers they got from the study. Using data they found from Well-known nurses and health professionals’ follow-up studies. Harvard Health states that “this shows that they had data over a lot of people for a long period.” It is also stated that they had found data on over 78,000 women from 1986 to 2014. “This is over 120,000 participants, 34 years worth of data for Women and 28 years for men.” It is stated that researchers look at “diets, physical activity, body weight, smoking, and alcohol consumption.”  


What is counted as a “Healthy Lifestyle exactly?”  

 People say that these 5 areas were chosen because they have had a big impact on the risk of premature death. These are the things you can do to have a healthy lifestyle. 


 1. Start a healthy diet, When I think of diets I think of salads, let’s see what they say about diets. Harvard Health reported that” The intake of healthy foods such as Fruits, Nuts, Vegetables, Whole Grains, and omega-3 fatty acids, and unhealthy foods like red onions, processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, trans fat, and sodium.”  

2. You may be asking yourself how long do I need to be working out for it to start doing something? Harvard Health states that “at least 30 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous activity.” 

  1.  What is the weight that is considered “healthy?” “normal body weight is 18.5kg to 24.9kg.” 
  2.  Does smoking change how healthy or unhealthy you are? Harvard Health says that “There is no healthy amount of smoking.” Which is also saying don’t smoke to be healthy. 


  1.  If you do decide to have alcohol here is the intake to maintain being healthy. 5 and 15 grams per day for women and 5 to 30 grams per day for men. Harvard Health says that “generally alcohol has 14 grams of pure alcohol. Which is the same as 12 ounces of regular beer, 5 ounces of regular wine, or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits. 


Harvard Health also says that when they research they also look at medication intake, age, ethnicity. 

Does having a healthy lifestyle change anything? 

It has been researched that having a healthy lifestyle makes a big difference. It is also recorded that people who fulfilled all 5 habits enjoyed significantly longer lives than those who did none of the habits. 14 years for women and 12 for men. If they started the habits at 50 years old. People who did none of these habits were far more likely to die prematurely of cancer or cardiovascular disease. I hope you enjoyed reading about “5 keys to living a longer life” and maybe learned something you didn’t know before reading this. I also got this article and information

How does meditation help you live a healthy lifestyle?

How does meditation help you live a healthy lifestyle?

You can live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life by including meditation in your everyday life. Meditation can improve the quality of your life and can even be beneficial for your health. 


What is meditation?

The definition of meditation is the action or practice of meditating. There are many different methods of meditation. But it’s all preference. The first method of meditation is mindfulness meditation. In mindfulness meditation, you pay close attention to the thoughts that are passing through your mind. You observe patterns in your thoughts and concentrate on your feelings and thoughts. The next method is focused meditation. Focused meditation is where you focus on all 5 senses. This adds additional focus to your life. The third method is a movement meditation. Movement meditation can be so many different things. So for example walking through the woods, yoga, or any other form of gentle motions. This is good to help your mind wander freely. The fourth method is progressive relaxation. This method is best for relieving tension throughout your body and mind. It’s good to practice before bed and to relieve stress. There are so many more methods!


How can you involve meditation in your life?

The good thing about meditation is you can decide how long you want to practice each method and what works for you. So, the best method for needing to calm down and relieve stress quickly is progressive relaxation. The reason why is because you can just relax and do the breathing techniques that go with the method. You can do this everywhere and quickly such as at work or even school. Instead of scrolling on social media and wasting your time, take that extra time and do movement meditation. It’s very productive and relaxing. You can google some yoga on Youtube or some calming music to listen to on a calming walk. Another good way to involve meditation in your life can be either waking up a little bit earlier (even 10 minutes!) or staying up a little bit later before bed. Any technique will work for this. But if you wanted a shorter method I would recommend focused meditation because it calms the entire body and mind. 

How does meditation improve your life?

sunset meditation

Meditation does so many things for your life. The article ‘27 meditation statistics for your well being in 2021’ by states “Furthermore, mindfulness meditation statistics show that other reasons for meditating include boosting energy levels (60%), improving memory and focus (50%), and relieving anxiety, stress, and depression.” This shows that meditation does so much more than just calm the mind and body. If you start meditating and your energy levels become a lot higher you will be so much more productive giving you more time to do things. Meditation also helps mental health which overall improves your life because when you have depression, stress, or anxiety, your mood becomes very low, you can’t concentrate and it can cause strains on relationships with family and friends. 

How does meditation improve your physical health?

Once again meditation does SO many things for your life. One way meditation improves your physical health is, it can help you fight addictions. Over time practicing meditation you develop mental discipline. So if you have mental discipline, you gain self-awareness and can redirect your attention to your emotions and find the triggers that are causing the addiction. Another way is it can decrease blood pressure. Meditation controls blood pressure by relaxing the nerve signals that coordinate heart function, and blood vessel tension. 

In conclusion, everybody should involve meditation in their life to live a healthy lifestyle.


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Why is it Important to Shower?

Why is it Important to Shower?

Why is Showering important?

It is always important to have good hygiene. Taking a shower is a huge part of hygiene and taking care of yourself. You should choose to shower because your skin cells start to function when doing so. You should also shower so you don’t receive bacteria that can cause you to grow a scent that isn’t very pleasant. If you don’t do these things people might not want to be around you. You should shower because it helps your blood circulation enhance as well. When you shower it helps you feel better as well as fresh.

What happens when you don’t shower?

When you don’t shower many things can occur from it. For example, you will contain skin problems. If you don’t shower you can also receive infections such as a common cold. You could also receive hepatitis A, which is also an infection. Another thing you can get from not showering is funguses. Funguses can be found on your skin and even in your mouth. When you don’t shower you can take possession of excess dead skin. When you shower you wash away the excess dead skin, but when you don’t shower that dead skin continues to grow without a different layer of fresh skin. Some things can happen if you choose not to take a shower. When is it a Good Time to Shower?

When is it a Good Time to Shower?

Taking a shower is always a good thing, but some people might not know how many showers in a week are necessary. Many doctors suggest that you should take a shower at least 2-3 times a week. This is because you need to stay clean after you go out and do your various things. It is especially important to shower if you do things like sports, yoga, and working out in general. You can use different products such as Medline Ready Bath Skin wipes and Baby wipes as well. If you are not comfortable with a shower or are in different situations, another option is to bathe. A bath can help you relax if needed. A bath is similar to a shower. That is when you should shower and what you can do instead to still stay clean.

Where can you Find the Supplies to take a Good Shower?

You should always use shampoo and conditioner for your hair. You should also have a body wash and scrub to wash your body. You can find these things at your local convenience stores such as Walmart or Smiths and many more. There are also many things you can use to clean yourself as well. For example, you can use sugar scrubs and soap bars to wash your body. You can also find these at our local convenience store. These things will help you have better hygiene and have a nice scent. Those are where you can find the supplies to take a good shower.

How will taking Showers affect you and the way you Feel?

You always want your body to be clean, healthy, and fresh. When you shower your body receives those same things, being clean, healthy, and fresh. When I take showers it helps me feel more motivated to be active throughout the day and not so lazy. When you aren’t feeling so joyful, taking a shower can help you gather yourself and encourage you to focus on important things. Taking a shower can also help you feel better if you are sick or have a cold. The cool thing about showering is that you can shower at different temperatures. Showers will positively help you. This is how showers can affect you and the way you feel.


Showers are important and always necessary. Always consider taking 2-3 showers a week. If you do so it will have a great effect on you. If you are struggling with remembering to take a shower, set reminders on electric devices or ask someone to remind you. It is okay to forget, but it is not okay to not want to take a shower. You need to consider showering as a normal thing just like it is. That is why you should shower and why it is important.






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