Why mountain biking is becoming so popular

Why mountain biking is becoming so popular

Did you know that mountain biking is becoming more popular? It is a sport that gets your adrenaline pumping no matter what. It is a very thrilling sport and a whole lot of fun. Also with a good bike, you can almost do anything you want.

It is becoming more popular because bikes are becoming safer to ride on the trails than they used to be. They are safer because they have better shocks and stronger frames and stronger tires. Also wider tires for more grip. They are also becoming a lot lighter. Before the nice bikes used to get up to the forties in pounds. because they were made of aluminum but now all of the nice bikes are either all carbon fiber or have some carbon fiber parts on them so that it is much lighter. Some of the pros are riding hardtails just to get rid of the weight from the rear suspension. And they are making the bikes lighter so that it is easier to ride. And so now there are more people buying bikes at the beginning of the race season making it so that there are hardly any nice bikes in the shops. So all of the people that are wanting to buy a nice bike aren’t able to because all of the bikes are out of stock.

They are also able to go off bigger jumps than before because the shocks can absorb the impact better so that the impact is soft so that it doesn’t hurt when you land.it is also becoming more popular because the trails are becoming more fun, and easier for people to ride because the trails are more smooth because we have the technology to be able to make the trails more patted down so that you are not sliding out on them. It also is a sport that gets your adrenaline pumping and gets you hyped for a good time. Also, it helps you to get stronger legs. You can also go riding almost anywhere when you are on a mountain bike because they can ride on road, dirt, snow, ETC. Also, the people in the mountain biking community are almost all nice people that will never try to hurt you during your races.

Here are some bike brands that make very nice bikes to ride on trails and race with. First is Fezzari. They make e-bikes, hardtails, downhill bikes, cross country bikes, road bikes, and dirt jumpers. They have very nice bikes that will be able to let you go anywhere. Next is Scott, they make e-bikes hardtails, full suspension downhill bikes, full suspension cross country bikes, and road bikes. Then we have specialized, they make full suspension cross country bikes, hardtails, road bikes, dirt jumpers, downhill bikes, and BMX bikes. They make top-quality bikes that you will be able to ride for a long time and that shouldn’t break. Then we have Cannondale, they make very nice bikes and they work well. They even have a bike that has a shock that is only on one side and on the other side of the tire there is no shock. They also make hardtails, full suspensions, and BMX bikes. Next, there is Orbea they make full suspensions and hardtails. Their bikes are top quality and will be able to ride almost all terrain. Then we have Yeti, they have full suspensions, hardtails, and dirt jumpers. They make very nice bikes. Then there is Santa Cruz. They make hardtails, full suspensions, and dirt jumpers. Their bike are of great quality and work awesome.

So now you have it, the sport of mountain biking is getting bigger than ever. Could we see it as a professional sport in the near future? I guess only time will tell.

How to get into Mountain Biking

How to get into Mountain Biking

By: Harmonie Farnsworth


If you want to get into mountain biking, you have to have passion; equally like everything else. You might not want to go out and spend thousands of dollars on everything you need to go riding for a week and never go again. So before you decide on getting into it, think if this is something YOU want to do, not just what someone else wants you to do, or whatever the reason might be.

Be prepared Physically and cognitively

Mountain biking can be intense in all aspects. It can be hard on your body and mind. At first, it might feel hard so try going on an effortless trail for a while till you feel ready. You can also try going on a run once in a while to help strengthen your cardiovascular endurance. You could also ride your bike up and down a hill for half an hour every day. To help you mentally you cannot be scared. If you freak out because you are still scared, it’s going to cause you to crash. So if you’re scared of rocks or going downhill or whatever it is then try taking some clinics to get more practice. 

What will you need?

Mountain biking can be very expensive but if you have a passion for it then go for it! To pick out your bike you need to decide why you want to mountain bike. So if you’re going to be doing enduro, make sure to get a bike made for enduro. The way you can tell is mostly by the shocks. They will be a lot stronger and longer than say an e-bike. A good brand that makes enduro bikes is Pivot. They’re amazing!! If you want to do races, then a hardtail is the way to go. Hardtails don’t have the suspension in the middle, just the front so it makes your bike a lot lighter helping you go faster which is good for racing. But if you want the extra suspension then go for a full suspension with a carbon frame. They’re extremely light but also expensive. So I would recommend starting with a hardtail until you feel more confident on the bike. I love fezzari which is locally made in Utah which is very convenient. The fezzari cascade peak is full suspension and has amazing components like a dropper post and amazing hydraulic brakes. Lastly, if you’re just wanting to ride for fun then I would recommend a full suspension. Full suspension bikes make the ride a little more enjoyable. So Pivot, Specialized, Fezzari, and Trek are my top 4 favorite brands. Finally the gear. You need a good helmet. Mountain biking is very dangerous. Please invest in a good helmet and I encourage you to wear it. Some good brands are giro and LEM. But there are lots of good helmets in really any bike shop. But don’t just buy a helmet from Walmart and call it good because your head won’t be good when you crash. Another good gear is shoes. To start, Vans are good because they’re relatively inexpensive and have a good flat base. Once you become more advanced, talk to a worker at a bike shop about clip in’s. You need bibs or padded shorts and also just a good lightweight shirt which you can find both reasonably on amazon to start. 

You Can Do It!

I promise you everything about mountain biking is amazing. You’re absolutely going to crash. Make sure to take some clinics about crashing right (yes you can crash right). Crashing is inevitable so make sure you have a positive attitude about it and appreciate the little things, such as being out on the trail. Some days you might wake up at 6 in the morning and just not want to go. So make some biking friends. They’ll hold you accountable for not going. Push yourself harder and harder each time you go. Don’t get discouraged. Everybody has their good and bad days. If you keep trying and pushing yourself, then eventually you’ll feel a lot more confident with your biking ability.

Remember this

Everybody starts somewhere. At least you’re pushing yourself to be the best you can be!


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