Why hooks are so important for books-Aubrey Dean

Hooks are important in books for many reasons. They are the start of a story, the part that hooks the reader in. Which is exactly why it’s called, well, a hook. They are important because if you get a really good hook, it can help with the rest of the story. 

The hooks provide engaging information that ties in the rest of the story, or writing. It engages excitement for the reader, and it gets the reader reeled in so they are engaged for the rest of the book. It makes the article fun from the beginning. 


  In an article called “The benefits of hooks” by VOKI blog, it says “How many of you have found yourself in this situation: it is Saturday night and you are watching TV.  All of a sudden, this intriguing movie trailer comes scrolling across your screen.  It is a teaser about this amazing movie coming out this summer.  You are captivated and memorized.  You have to find out as much as you can about this movie that has captured your attention.  You are hooked, line and sinker”. 


  It makes the entire article enjoyable. It also helps so you aren’t so stressed to make all the information eye-catching the entire time. It helps calm that stress by causing so much excitement right off the bat. Then you can give little exciting details here or there but, you can just give information about it without worrying about losing the attention of your audience. 


  Also another reason hooks are so important is because it helps students in school. Another quote from the same article states “Students can focus on creating more productive work and hooks make the learning environment fun right from the start”. 

That quote is saying that in school even writing hooks can help. Not just in books but in articles as well. It helps create a fun activity by trying to make the hook as engaging as possible. 


  That is why hooks are so important for books. 








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