ESSENTIAL things you should have on your Thanksgiving table

ESSENTIAL things you should have on your Thanksgiving table

This Thanksgiving, make dinner right. This Thanksgiving you should have certain things on your table that most people love. So put these on your table. (This is my opinion about some of these foods so if you like or don’t like them then don’t be offended.) and if every time you set your table and there’s not enough room on your table for people and food.No problem I might be able to help.


Things to have

Many things are just essential to a succesful Thanksgiving, and one of them is a turkey, of course. Along with turkey have mashed potatoes and gravy. mashed potatoes and turkey just belong together if you have one you should have the other. Another thing to have on the table is green bean casserole because why not. More foods you should have on the table are stuffing, cornbread, a salad, and a raspberry dessert with cool whip, and frozen raspberries. A very simple side or dessert. One more thing to have on your table is roles with butter and jam. You don’t even need to put jam on the roll, you can make a turkey sandwich. Or eat it however you want.


Things you can keep off the table 

Some things you can leave off your table at thanksgiving can be beets. Almost everyone I know doesn’t like beets. So why waste money on them when nobody eats them. Another thing you can leave off the table is peas. Not many people like peas. One way to find out what to keep off the table is to see how many people like not-so-popular foods. Another thing to keep off the table is canned cranberry sauce. Honestly, I did not know what cranberry sauce was until I watched a show on T.V. That’s how unpopular it is. You also don’t need sweet potato casserole. Who puts marshmallows on a potato?


Desserts to have on the table

A very basic dessert that is essential to have is a pie. There are many types of pie to buy; Pumpkin pie, Banana cream pie, chocolate pie, and pecan pie. Another dessert to have on the table is what I call raspberry fluff (recipe at the bottom). Another dessert to have is homemade pudding with homemade whipped cream. Put the putting in a small cup with a blob of homemade whipped cream and it’s ready to serve.

You could even make small pies. The store has a tiny pie crust and you can take your leftover pie fillings and make them small. Another easy dessert to make is “easy homemade apple hand pies” 

(recipe posted at the bottom).


Ways to set your Thanksgiving table.

If you always have trouble trying to get all of your Thanksgiving food on your table and still have room to eat. then I might be able to help. If you have a long table then place the turkey in the middle then put some sides around the turkey. Then on the kitchen counter put the desserts. then you should have room for your plates as well. If you have a round table then place the turkey in the middle. Then on your counter put the sides and some deserts.


Dessert recipes

  • homemade apple hand pies

  •  raspberry fluff

Raspberry fluff is a delicious dessert. you take a big bag of frozen raspberries and dump half of it into a bowl. Then use half of a half and smash them then put them all together and mix them then add a tub of cool whip and mix. It should look like a pink cool whip with some chunks of raspberries.

-The reason this recipe is not a link is that this is a dessert my family makes and I could not find a recipe.

Jingle All the Way

Jingle All the Way

Everybody loves wintertime because it’s a time of fun playing in the snow building snowman, building igloos, drinking warm hot chocolate, the fun music, decorating, and looking at the lights well the best holiday ever is in this season and that holiday is Christmas or Hanukkah depending on your family’s culture. Christmas is a very joyful holiday filled with spending time with family and friends, drinking cocoa or cider, watching romantic Christmas movies and funny Christmas movies. Christmas is also a time for music, lights, snow, gifts, miracles, and much more. There are so many reasons why Christmas is my favorite holiday.

One of my many favorite Christmas traditions is Christmas caroling. Christmas caroling is going in a big group door to door singing Christmas songs and they can join in the group and go door to door with them too. Another great Christmas tradition is ice skating. My family goes ice skating every year. It is very fun and I’ve done it for so many years that I’ve learned how to do some cool tricks while skating. My family also goes snowboarding and skiing in the mountains. It can be very cold and scary to go down a steep mountain but I’ve gotten good at it which makes it a great experience. All of these are fun traditions we do but my ultimate favorite is going to a cabin every few years my extended family goes to a cabin that we rent and it is so fun we watch movies play outdoors play games open gifts it’s a very fun time when we get to go but I also love staying at my home for Christmas hoping for a white Christmas. Because there’s no place like home for the holidays.

Nobody gets into the Christmas spirit until they see the lights and they hear the music and it gets cold outside. When someone lights the fire and you’re wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanket in your pajamas drinking your hot cocoa and watching a romantic Hallmark movie. That’s when everybody gets in the spirit of Christmas. If you have ever gone in a car at night and went around your neighborhood looking at people’s cool lights and decorations and you see the most colorful full-on beautiful festive lights and you stay parked at that house forever and you can’t take your eyes off that’s when you feel warm inside and you feel like nothing can ruin your night because it makes you happy and it gives people joy and excitement and the eager to make it Christmas already. From then on every day, you look at your Christmas chocolate calendar and look at how many days are left until the best holiday of the year. So if you have never gone and seen people’s Christmas lights and sat by your cozy fire watching your favorite Christmas movie then it’s almost time for you to do those things.

Shopping, most everyone loves going shopping, buying yourself the most amazing new lotion or something you enjoy but something even better than shopping for yourself is shopping for someone else. Finding that perfect gift for your friend will feel a lot better than buying yourself something. Finding the perfect gift takes a lot of hunting through many many stores until finally, you find that perfect gift and you go home right away and wrap your present for that very special person. And they open it Christmas morning surprised and full of joy that their friend has put in so much effort to find you that very special gift and it’s the best feeling ever. So next time you go to the store, think of those special people you want to give that gift to and make their day.

Your best friend is one of the most important people in your life and it is so fun when you get to hang out with them. One of the things I love to do with my best friend is we love going to places together like the mall and Starbucks and other places like those. Especially during Christmas time because you get to hang out with your friend and get your holiday shopping done. We get to find each other the gift we both want and it makes it easier to find the gift they want. My best friend and I like to get matching pajamas for Christmas and watch our favorite Christmas movie together while drinking cocoa and I wouldn’t do it with anyone else.

Christmas parties are so fun but the best part about any party is the food. There are always so many choices and varieties to choose from. There is not always food but there is most likely dessert there, especially Christmas desserts. A woman named Elizabeth Warrentin said that ”The Christmas season is inextricably associated with many beloved desserts all around the world.” One great Christmas dessert is gingerbread. Gingerbread can be used in many different things like cookies, gingerbread houses, gingerbread bread and so many more. There are many different Christmas treats but that’s one very loved dessert during this time of year.

These are some reasons why Christmas is my favorite holiday. Christmas is not just about the presents and the desserts and decorations it’s also about spending time with the ones you care about most like your friends and your family. Spending time with those people and bonding with them will make you closer to them and help you to grow a closer connection with those people. So this is why Christmas is my favorite holiday.
Merry Christmas!

How to decorate for Thanksgiving

How to decorate for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a holiday that people like to celebrate things they are thankful for. People like to decorate. Today I am going to tell you the places that are the best to decorate and how to do that, so you are ready for when close family and friends come over to gather around the dinner table.

One of the best places to decorate is when people first walk in the first thing they are going to see. This might be above the fireplace in the mudroom or even your kitchen. When you figure out where you want to start decorating, you want to measure out how big the space you are decorating is. This will let you know how big of decorations you need to buy and how much you need to decorate. Once you think you have the right place to start, you want to pick a color scheme for the deco you are going to put up. Most people go with the colors that go with the holiday that they are decorating for. For thanksgiving, the colors you will need to do are orange and black.

Now let’s start working on what to buy for the space. Now that you have the measurements for the space, you know where you want to do your doctorate, and you have the color scheme to go with the holiday that you are going to be decorating for. Now you don’t want to fill the interspace with stuff. If you do it will look unorganized and messy. You want to make sure that you have some space without anything in it. One of the best places to get decor for Thanksgiving decorating is Hobby Lobby. You can find some good stuff at Target as well

Finally, let’s put it all together, you can put all the stuff that you got and put it up where you want to decorate. Mess around with it to get it to your liking. Make sure that you don’t put colors that look about the same together. Putting things with colors that have a different look and different textures will help as well. To make the space look nice and welcoming into your house. The different textures with the different colors can make it look nice. I hope that this will help you make your house more welcoming for your family and friends when they come over and eat a family dinner, this thanksgiving.

What is so special about Christmas?

What is so special about Christmas?

Christmas is a special time of the year where most people spend it with family and/or friends. Some families go all out and make a huge Christmas breakfast, open all their presents and then go and see their loved ones. Some families might go out to eat and get very few presents, it’s different for every family. What makes this holiday so special you might ask. Well, some say it’s because you get to spend it with loved ones, some might say because of the gifts, it’s different to everyone. Everyone has their own opinions and experiences, but why is it that Christmas is such a special holiday?


What is Christmas?

Even though Christmas started as a European holiday, mostly celebrated by Christians, people from many different beliefs or cultures also celebrate Christmas. Christians celebrate this holiday to remember the death and resurrection of the son of God, Jesus Christ. Other cultures might celebrate this holiday for different reasons, but I think that the number one reason is that so many things go on sale. You can see that even though it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, and even before Halloween, stores now have Christmas-themed everything. Christmas is the Number one most celebrated Holiday in the world. Christmas means many different things, but the fact that it’s the Number One Most Celebrated holiday in The World is crazy. We normally think of Christmas like red, green, silver, and gold colors, a Christmas tree, hot chocolate, cookies, and snuggling while watching Christmas movies.


Why is it special?

Every holiday is special, but this holiday is all about families. Sure Thanksgiving is spent with family too, but Christmas is more than that to some people. Christmas can be to remember the good times with dead loved ones or to create more memories with the people you love most. Many people associate the color red with passionate love, extreme, and adventure, especially during Christmas. Of course, the color red means many different things, but these feelings remind us a lot about Christmas. Children might think of Christmas as extreme because they are all racing to see who has the most and/or better presents. On the other hand, the color green around Christmas time can mean calmness, money, good luck, and health. For adults, Green can be associated with money or good luck. Other colors like silver and gold around Christmas time can mean things like luxury, elegance, glamorous, and love. Colors can be a reason as to why people love this holiday, Even Mcdonald’s and other companies use colors to grab people’s attention or make a place feel more at home.


Colors can impact the way we feel and think of things. Christmas has a lot of happy colors (besides red) that make this holiday special. For kids, Christmas is the time of year that they really get a break from school and spend more time with their family too. Even adults get to take time off and see their relatives, go party or chill, and take advantage of this time of the year. Christmas is one of those holidays that you can gain a lot of weight and nobody will shame you for it (besides Halloween of course!). Now, go spend time with the people you love and have a great New Year too!


Christmas traditions around the world

Christmas traditions around the world

December Holidays Around the World. 

Christmas is celebrated differently around the world, so many people believe in different holidays. In the United States alone people celebrate all of their cultureś holidays. In the United States most people celebrate Christmas; Santa and the nativity scene. And we put out our Christmas stockings and our Christmas trees and a star on top, while people in Germany have two days to celebrate the 25th and the 26th and on the 24th they wrap presents, have a good dinner and put up the Christmas tree and other decorations. Germany decorates their trees with strings/tinsel and candles as light. That was an old tradition but now they just use normal lights like most people in the United States do. Germany also visits family on the 26th and has a big meal that day. Christmas in France, France the streets, shops, houses, and any other public place is decorated many weeks in advance. And they use an Advent calendar which you get to open 24 little windows on it is a fun way for people to get in the spirit of Christmas in France. Traditions like putting up a Christmas tree were used back to the 14th century in France. One Christmas eve children put out their polished shoes for Père Noël (Father Christmas) and he filled the kids’ shoes with candy. Christmas in Italy, Italians love their nativity scene and they like it big a lot of them are life-size actually and they have them everywhere around their home and in public churches. Gifts are only exanched on the 6th of january. But Babbo Natale (Father Christmas) hands out gifts on Christmas day, December 25th. In Italy Merry Christmas is, Babbo Natale. CHristmas in England is people decorating the outside of the house usually early as early as the middle of November. A lot of people decorate with bright lights and sparkly things. People in England go around and if they like the decorations that that house has put up they will knock on the door and give a donation, then the owners usually give it to aid of local charities. The 25th of December is when Father Christms comes and gives gifts to the children, and the 26th known as Boxing day is a day for families to come together and give gifts to one another. Christmas in South Africa. South Africa is a warm place down south so they don’t really ever get snow so sometimes they have to improvise when it comes to feeling like it’s Christmas. Down there they celebrate Christmas on the 25th as well and it is called braai, Which when translated means BBQ. a lot of artificial Christmas trees in homes and outside for decor. There are different traditions around the world where people celebrate different things but there is always joy around the holidays.      

Goth Subculture

Goth Subculture

Goth culture, some may not believe it’s not an actual thing or may only believe it’s used in the fashion or as an insult in some other cases. However, I’m here to inform you that’s not the case and give you a quick summary of the gothic subculture and how it formed to what it is in today’s society.


The goth subculture was formed in England during the early 1980s due to its audience of gothic-rock music, similar to the post-punk genre. Artists that helped form and shape this subculture are groups such as The Cure, Joy Division, Banshees, and the list can go on. Goth music is considered a dimmer form of punk rock music that carries tones of desolation, misanthropy and much more.

The Cure's Simon Gallup replaced last minute at Fuji rock - by his son


There isn’t a direct religion set on goths. They carry many different types of religions, the same ones that maybe you carry, such as Christianity, Judaism, paganism, atheism, agnosticism, and much more since it is a very open-minded subculture.


Not only was the goth subculture influenced by music but it was also influenced by history and the arts. It was inspired by many sources, old and new, modern or ancient. Such as gothic literature, which was a genre to do with fictional horror, romance, and death. Gothic literature originated in England around the 18th century when it was influenced by writers such as Clara Reeve, Matthew Lewis, William Beckford and many more. The term “Gothic” came specifically from a novel titled The Castle of Otranto, a Gothic Story by English author Horace Walpole when it was first published in 1764

The Batcave Club, London: Kickstarting a 1980s goth movement


Next, fashion. What goths are known for is their dark, antique, eery fashion sense that stands out. The typical gothic fashion you’ll find will include black-period styled clothing and dark-colored hair, tagged along with dark makeup and nails. Some goths borrow different styles such as from punk-fashion and especially from Victorian and Elizabethan ages.

Goths can go from black spiked hair and leather jackets to tight-laced corsets and stilettos since it has such a wide fashion range. Some influences or icons for gothic fashion and characteristics are people such as Peter Murphy from The Bauhaus, Robert Smith from The Cure, and Rozz Williams from Christian Death. Some other people as well such as David Bowie and Siouxsie Sioux

That’s a basic summary of Goth Subculture, nothing too deep or special. We’ve gone over its history and influences, literature and music, down its fashion. Not only does it exist in history, but it’s still present to this day.

10 Most Popular Foods In The World

Imagine you are traveling around the world and want a bite to eat. Where should you stop to get some food? These are the top 10 most popular foods in the world. 

Number 10

The 10th most popular food is called Chicken muamba. It can be found in Gabon. This dish is known for how much peanut butter its smothered in. Oh, the insanity. The recipe includes chicken, garlic, hot chili, tomato, pepper, salt, okra and palm butter, an artery-clogging African butter that is so good you will have to get seconds and make you want to start using your gym membership. 

Number 9

Ice cream is ranked 9th most popular food in the world, it can be found anywhere. Even though you may be full from supper there is always room for a cold, delicious bowl of ice cream with nuts, marshmallows and chocolate sauce. You’ll be thankful for long spoons when you finish your bowl and want to scrape all the delicious left overs off the bottom. With so many different flavors, and toppings ice cream is loved around the world. 

Number 8

Tom yum goong, even though it sounds funny it is one of the most tastiest dishes in the world. Tom yum goong can be found in Thailand. This master piece is made with shrimp, mushrooms, tomatoes, lemongrass, galangal and kaffir lime leaves. Most of the time loaded with cream and coconut milk, Just like most Thai dishes the soup has many different tastes all mixed together such as sour, salty, spicy and sweet. To make this meal even better it is sold at a really cheap price! 

Number 7

Penang assam laksa is found in Malaysia. One of  Malaysia’s most popular dishes is an addictive spicy-sour fish broth with noodles also great fused with ginger. With ingredients such as Poached, flaked mackerel, tamarind, chili, mint, lemongrass, onion, and pineapple. This tasty dish will have your nose running before the spoon even hits your lips.

Number 6

Hamburgers are the 6th most popular food item in the world. They can be found basically anywhere in the world. When something tastes so good that people spend $20 billion each year in a single restaurant that sells this item, you know it has to be ranked pretty high on this list. Some restaurants don’t sell the best burgers, but that’s the point. It doesn’t have to be the best people believe that any burger is a good burger. The buns, meat, sauce, and veggies combination is so good that people will spend millions just to produce more cows. Hamburgers are definitely poplar around the world, and are very loved.

Number 5

Believe it or not Peking duck is listed 5th on the list of best foods. You can find this delicious food item in China. Some ingredients in this delightful dish is cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, honey, soy sauce, and so much more. You will never forget this dish, it is incredible. The taste is so amazing you will die for another trip to China just to taste this dish one more time. 

Number 4

The 4th best dish in the world is sushi. It was founded in Japan but you can fund it many more places. When Japan wants to make something delicious, they make it even more then delicious. They try to make it the best thing you’ve ever tasted. Japan has created tons of amazing things such as Toyota, Nintendo, Sony, Nikon and Yamaha Sushi is just one more thing they added to their list. Many people are very happy with their decision to go grab some takeout at the Chinese restaurant. Whether you are on a date, or just chilling at home by yourself sushi is a great way to go.  

Number 3

Chocolate lands its place on the 3rd most popular food in the world. Founded in mexico. Some people drank it, some make films about it, and most of us just get guilty by eating more and more of it. While you won’t regret eating some of this delicious Mexican treat, it will make you want to get in better shape. Without this creamy, sweet treat Valentine’s Day would be all cards and flowers, and Easter would turn back into another dull religious event.

Number 2

Of course pizza is the 2nd on the list of favorite foods, but not just any kind of pizza, Neapolitan pizza found in Italy is so tasty some people would eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. While this pizza certainly does not have a lot of toppings that is what makes this dish a favorite in Italy. The best pizza was and still is the simple Neapolitan, a pizza now protected by its own trade association that insists on sea salt, wheat flour, the use of only three types of tomatoes, hand rolled dough and a wood fire oven. With just these few ingredients dough, tomatoes, olive oil, salt and basil. Yes it doesn’t even have cheese. The Neapolitans created a food that everyone enjoys, and that only few can make right. 

Number 1

Last but certainly not least the number 1 most popular food item in the world is massaman curry, made in Thailand. The best curry, and the best food, you could call it the king of foods. Spicy, coconutty, sweet and savory. This dish has so many delicious tastes. Thank goodness someone invented rice, with which diners can mop up the last drizzles of curry sauce. This dish is certainly a must if you are in Thailand. The delicious taste and spices will knock your socks off.

These were the 10 most popular foods in the world. Some may agree, others might not. What’s your favorite food?

Some Of The Most Deadliest Animals In The World

Looking for a friendly new pet? Be careful that you are not choosing one of the deadliest animals in the world. Out of all the animals in the world here are 3 of the deadliest.


These furry, lovable creatures are known as a mans best friend, but many species of this animal are very dangerous. With rapid dogs every where around the world 25,000 humans are killed by this animal every year. Although, dogs can be very sweet, and loving be careful that you are not getting into any trouble with this life threatening creature.

Many countries have a large number of stray dogs, including India are the most affected. In India many people, mostly children die from stray dogs with rabies, or other deadly diseases.

Dogs bite humans about 4.5 million times a year but only about 30% of the people actually die from the bite. Of course not all dogs are mean, killers a lot of dogs are super friendly, adorable, and lovable. 


 Just in Africa there are hundreds of crocodile attacks on human per year, about half the attacks are fatal, depending on the species. Most of the attacks take place in a small town, or community. 

Crocodiles definitely kill more humans that sharks, killing about 1,000 humans a year crocodiles are ranked way more dangerous than sharks. 

Crocodiles are way more dangerous and aggressive than alligators but alligators are still very dangerous. In Florida only 22 people have died from alligators since 1948. 


Believe it or not hippopotamus is the most deadly animal in the world. killing an estimated 500 people per year, Hippos are very aggressive creatures, and they have very sharp teeth.

Hippos weigh normally about 2750kg and can crush a human to death within seconds. You definitely don’t want to get stuck under one of these large land mammals. 

These were some of the deadliest animals in the world. If you come near one that looks ready to strike I would suggest getting to a safe place as soon as possible.

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